
Chapter 2. The Questions are answered.

Adam had arrived to the tower.

There was a man in a black robe waiting for him.

The man in the coat walked up to him and told him in a neutral voice:

"I brought you here, Adam."

Adam was just confused at this point and wanted to get out of this place

The man in the black robe once again replied:

"I brought you here for a purpose Adam."

Adam asked:

"But why? Why was I chosen?"

The man in the black robe spoke again:

"You were chosen by me. I chose you for a reason."

The man in the black robe brought Adam into the tower, the towers interior was very spacious and was a library with many books

The man in the black robe sat down on a chair and said:

"Have a cup of tea."

The man in the black robe offered Adam a cup of tea, Adam was hesitant on taking the cup of tea, but he took it anyway, Adam finally spoke up

"So uhh why was I brought here?"

The man in the black robe stood up from his chair and also spoke up

"You are here because I chose you for a mission. The crystals to keep this tower together have been stolen by the forces of evil."

Adam looked confused and asked

"Huh? What are the force of evil"?

The man in the black robe spoke again

"Long ago… An Infinite amount of Universe's were created, the forces who did so were known as the primordial trio, their names are not known as they didn't have a name. However, a prophecy said the tower would collapse due to the crystals being lost. So I had to pick someone to save the tower."

Adam looked confused but then asked

"But… Why did you choose me?"

The man in the black robe responded

"You, are very special, as the prophecy said a certain someone would have to hunt for the crystals. I cannot do it due to me being bound by the tower, if I leave I would perish."

Adam look confident, as he stood up and asked

"Very well. I will help you. But, what happens if we don't save the tower? I mean, I know you will die and all but are there any other affects that would happen?"

The man in the black robe spoke again

"Well, this tower transcends the multiverse which has Infinite possibilities and every new decision makes an infinite amout of other events. And the tower overlooks this so this would mean that the Multiverse will be destroyed."

Adam looked shocked, but none the less he wanted to help out.

"I will save the Multiverse. I will help."

The man in the black robe pulled out a long box from a closet

"Take this."

The man in the black robe said, as he opened the box to reveal a sword made of silver and gold.

Adam looked at it as his eyes widen

"Is this for me?"

Adam asked

The man in the black robe spoke again

"Yes, it is. This will help you on your adventure to restore the crystals, there are in total 3 crystals."

The man in the black robe hands over the sword to Adam and takes him to a room.

Adam and the man in the black robe enter the room, the room is full of mirror's everywhere.