
The Tower Of Eternity

It is said that those who reach the top of the Tower, may have any wish granted. Enough wealth to drown the world, any man or woman they desire, and perhaps, even the chance to become a God. Would you risk your life for such a rumor, for all the hardships you must suffer, the painful betrayals, watching those you love perish, all for the chance, the possibility to become something better? Someone better? Even if it costs you everything? Not good at writing, so go in with low expectations.

KalamityAllTaken · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

As soon as I was 'born', a gentle stream of information traveled through me. A magnitude of knowledge now existed within me, from who I was, what my purpose was, to where I was going, and far more.

Technically, I was born a very long time ago, only now gaining sentience. Currently, I was traveling in some sort of white tunnel. Occasionally seeing a star here, or a planet there. Suddenly, the unbelievably quick speed I was going at began to slow. I knew why. I was getting closer to my new home, this, 'Earth'.

The Great One who gifted me such knowledge, had a certain love for this planet and it's inhabitants. Though I could not see why, the planet was hardly remarkable.

Below average in size, sparse resources, and the 'civilized' species there had practically ruined their home world. Not to mention the backwater technology and lack of any sort of power system, like magic or qi.

However, despite their MANY flaws, I can see why the Great One favors them. They themselves can be highly entertaining, and though exceeding rare, have moments of pure brilliance. For some reason, there was a certain nudging towards making my Tower into a wild west theme. Of course I threw that thought away to the void. What a ludicrous notion.

There it was, Earth. Seeing it from a distance away, it truly could have been beautiful once, in an age long gone, before it was ruined. When I was near the Moon my body became my own, allowing me the freedom the move. My first goal was to find a place to settle down. However, I didn't enjoy the idea of selecting one place and sitting there, it didn't feel right.

Thus I decided to set up 5 different towers, though they would all lead to the same place. One would be placed in the country America, in New York City.

Another placed right in the heart of Egypt, Cairo.

The third was to be put in South Korea, simply because the Great One recommended it so heavily.

The fourth was in England, London.

The final Tower being placed in China for having the highest population in the world. The Towers themselves were simply entrance points with the real Tower being in it's own separate Dimension.

Creating my own separate Dimension was simple enough. What was difficult was the creation of my Floors

I wanted my Floors to be separate worlds, with a flourishing ecosystem that could run itself. I wasn't certain why I had such a thought. Perhaps because of the Great One, subtly influecing me when he was gifting me knowledge?

Nonetheless, I had to plan each Floor and be careful not to make too many repeats. Truthfully I could make nearly anything I desired. Tower Cores had both near infinite power, and the occasional odd restrictions.

It was time to start construction of the Tutorial Floors. The Tutorial would last for 5 floors in total and one either finished the Tutorial, or died trying.

I started with the first Floor which would be just a simple forest. For the first Summoning, I was going to be teleporting 1,000,000 humans from across the Earth at random, so the forest must be large enough for them both to meet but not meet. Their ages would range from a young child of 12, to an old man or woman of 70. 

First I added a mountainous amount of fertile soil to the ground, before adding grass on top. Next came the trees. Oak trees, ash trees, maple trees, and all kinds of different tree species ranging from a simple 4ft to a staggering 500ft.

There were also the magical sort of trees like The Crystal Stump and the Demonic Life Tree, which would attack and consume it's victim's lifespan when caught.

Then came flowers, fungi, moss, all sorts of fauna, and of course they had poisonous variations placed here and there. I knew that humans and other lifeforms needed water to survive so I put all sizes of lakes across the forest. Some being 15 acres in size, to 15,000 acres, and some of the largest reaching 200,000 acres. Caves were not left out as well. Splashed here and there with various sizes and forms.

Believing that to be enough, I began to populate this forest of mine.

The first creatures I added were herbivores. I created the Horned-Rabbit, Illusion Deer, Spiked War Elephants, Tree-Ents, and all kinds of other green eaters. Some were magical, while some were normal, some large, and some small.

Carnivores were next, starting with the Ripper Wolves. I am making these one of the biggest problems for the Players. Ripper Wolves are lone beasts with a sadistic tendency for making others suffer.

When they spot their prey they don't act at first, simply watching, and waiting. They make sure to stay hidden as they create noise all around the unfortunate victim, putting their nerves on edge. Such a thing might last for hours, never knowing when they would strike.

When they had their fun is when they would strike. At an angle you wouldn't expect, you suddenly find a massive 4 inch curved claw deep into your body or maybe their serrated teeth digging into you. The both of them were specifically designed to cause as much pain as possible.

Even if you somehow manage to escape, the claws and teeth of the wolves have a paralyzing toxin, so you wouldn't get too far. When they reach you, they let the moment build before slowly biting into and ripping flesh off. Starting with the legs, then thighs, stomach, before taking out your beating heart, making you watch as they eat it.

They weren't the only carnivores to be added. Such as the Phoenix Mountain Bear which is a giant bear whose whole body is lit aflame and has fire-based attacks.

The Flesh-Eating Squirrels, Ghostly Crocodiles, White Tiger, and just like with the herbivores, some magical and some normal. From what I know, humans are very scared of insects, so adding a few man sized centipedes, car sized spiders, and ants the size of cats should be fine.

The goal of the first Floor was simple. Survive for 1 week in this unfamiliar and hostile environment.

I was also going to make a sort of system that could be found in games, one that would show stats, titles, achievements, and so forth. Players would have the ability to choose from 3 classes. Warrior, Ranged, and Mage.

Although at first it seems too simple, I have designed it in such a way where there can be thousands of sub-classes. The path to these classes depend entirely on the players themselves.

How they behaved, what achievements they acquired, what their preferred method of combat, all adding up to different unique classes. The classes would be ranked from lowest to highest, Common, Rare, Legendary, Mythical, and Unique.

The sub-classes would appear at the end, when they finally finished the Tutorial and were about to be released back into the outside world. However, one must be cautious when choosing a class.

Since once they made their choice, they were locked in for the rest of their life. That is, unless they found a special item made specifically for changing classes. I would have to make such an item extremely rare though.

One of the final things I was adding were the Fairy Guides. Fairly obvious names, these were designed to help the Player understand the kind of place they entered, while also answering any questions they had pertaining to the Tutorial.

They have very short lives, being born the instant the Player arrives, and perishing after they finished the Tutorial.

However, I wanted to give them a chance, so should a Fairy want to continue their journey with a Player, they must enter a contract. Both parties can modify the contract any which way they please, and after signing they would be bound together through a melding of souls. Whosoever breaks the contract, will have their soul extinguished, never to exist again.

With that I believed that I had finished the first Floor. According to Earth's time, it took a few days to get everything done.

Now it was time to move to the second Floor. This one would have cities sprawled out all across numbering in the thousands. The cities themselves would vary from medieval cities all the way to futuristic cities. The goal for this Floor would be more complex than it's predecessor. Find the Serial Killer.

Each city would hold a single serial killer, and the Players had to bring this henious criminal to justice! However, the more advanced the city, the more dangerous the killer.

There were two ways to go about this, solo or with teams. Technically, few Players would be actually solo, for they would have the support of the authorities within these cities. If you find yourself with what seems to be a decent team in the first Floor, if you so choose, you may participate together in the second floor. And as long as the serial killer was found, all may pass.

Teaming up with others may seem more strategic, but there is a chance that one of the Players may become the serial killer if their personality fits well with the role. I want this Floor to be teaching a very valuable lesson. You could never truly trust those you call friend.

It was time to start building, starting with the medieval cities. I set up a massive 35ft tall wall surrounded by a 50ft deep and 200ft wide moat. The moat would have viscous and hyper agressive crocodiles ranging from 15ft at the smallest to 50ft at the largest.

The drawbridge would be closed, meaning no one gets in and no one gets out. Heavily armed guards stand both atop the walls, and down by the gate. Ballista, catapults, towers, arrow slits, and crossbowmen line across the entire wall to prevent any Players from leaving.

With the wall finished it was time for the outer-city. The paved cobblestone roads which were slightly worn down snaked throughout the city, and would birth many alleyways when the buildings were designed.

Speaking of buildings, I began laying down various types of buildings across the roads. I built the houses for the peasants, churches, cathedrals and chapels. A variety of shops and marketplaces were also added including but not limited to apothecaries, bakeries, blacksmiths, slave markets, brothels, and innkeeps.

It wasn't too difficult to make the inhabitants, but making them what humans referred to as 'NPCS' was not my goal. It took more effort but I eventually created real living people. Even without Players there, the cities would continue to run on their own.

Only when Players do come would the Serial Killer be added. I also decided to add in gangs to populate the city and they would either impede the Player's progress, or quicken it.

Next came the noblemen. This would be the inner-city. Seperated by another wall, the roads were always well kept and clean of any dirt or grime. Guards could be seen patrolling the streets far more frequently than in the outer-city.

The fancy mansions in which the noblemen and noblewomen call home would be a distance from both the road, and other mansions. Next came the king's keep. Yet another wall separated the keep from the inner-city.

As heavily armed as the outer-cities wall, the only difference being the distinct lack of a moat. In it's place however, a sizeable tower reaching 450 ft tall was placed inside the walls. The Magus Tower.

It's name self explanatory, as this tower housed all the prominent mages and even the illustrious arch-mage within. Each mage themselves being an incredible force to be reckoned with.

Finally, was the castle in the center, where the king and his family stayed. The king would be different each time. Sometimes he might be a benevolent old ruler, or at times, he may be an insane young tyrant bent on ruling with an iron fist.

Or perhaps, it may be a queen instead of a king. I looked upon the city I had built and began copying and pasting them, making minor changes here and there, and spreading them across the Floor numbering in the hundreds

Next, came the modern cities.