

DADDY ...please I want to listen to that story again and also about THE ASTRAS, " a young five-year-old boy said as he look at the shiny sword hanging around his dad's waist. the dad laughed and then picked him up in his arms and says "You never get bored of that right ." the little boy nodded and then the dad started reciting the famous story. once upon a time when everything is going well on the planet Earth people were busy with their hectic life and plans then suddenly out of nowhere ...a mysterious tower emerged in the country....it's just like the magic novels that people used to read ...then some brave soldiers risk there lives to go and find out more about this tower and our mighty LEGENDARY GOD is also part of this group. then suddenly the gate of the tower opened up and the god emerged from inside with a hovering legendary dagger astra around him. ... and then he said 'Let the world get power ' . after that mysterious light emerged out of the tower and then everyone started getting the power like they had never imagined or which they had only thought of as dreams and fantasy. the people of this world started getting the blessings of the elements and to use the power of those elements one needs to have a suitable astra because ... " WITHOUT ASTRA YOU ARE NOTHING AND WITHOUT YOU THE ASTRA IS NOTHING SO WHAT YOU ARE WAITING FOR CONCUR THE MIGHTY TOWER OF ASTRA AND GET YOUR ASTRAS AND BECOME INVINCIBLE ".

Mr_universe · Fantasy
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16 Chs

13: the selection

elements awakening is distributed in four classes the first one is of the general class which had limited power and is more dependent on the astras to utilize their full power. The next is the high class a person of this caliber need not be required to be dependent on lower-class astras they can perform basic skills without evening using the astras to utilize the full power they required the high-class astras.

The third category is the rare class which is a superclass awakening as this class awakeners can perform complicated skills without the use of any astras and if they had mastered their element they had the power to create their astras but they too required the powerful astras if they want to use their full power. This class of awakening is so rare that only one out of a billion had a chance of even awakening it let alone awakening it fully.

Last but not least is the Royal class awakening this class of awakening is so so rare that people considered it to be a myth a tale. To this date, no one had awakened this class therefore this we're considered to be some tale told by the people to just entertain themselves.

Suddenly the representative of the four great universities said " the offer is the same we all here will respect your decision of choosing any of us, so mister Surya what will be your choice ".

The entire hall became silent as this is a historic moment for the world and for the university as a person of his caliber will be going to make the chosen university a great powerhouse everyone waited even the representatives were nervous except for the man with a golden lion symbol.

Suddenly that man with long black hair and a dark red coat with a golden lion symbol said " A time elements holder as you need a strong time astras which can handle your power and can also help you ...you are a smart kid so make your decision wisely ".

As soon as he said that the other representative frowned as they knew what he is trying to imply here but they too don't want to leave this chance so Rohan said "a simple low-class astra can be dangerous when it is in a hand of a right expert and a high-class astra is useless if it's in a hand of a dumb astardhar ...what I am trying to tell you is astras doesn't matter what matter is the users and the entire world knows who can make those specialists ".

"quite a bold talk from somebody whose universities had never beaten the great srijan university till to this date ...kid, no matter what astras you got or what kind of experts you become all is useless if you don't have enough resources the entire world knows who has the rarest of the rarest resources so ...be a wise man and make a wise decision, " the lady with a white coat with a lotus symbol says.

" Haha, my colleagues here had forgotten that it was their universities who had produced great heroes like Mr.Vishwas the first dual astradhar, miss Shivani the first tower clearer, and also the first person to ever wield a god class astra so you should see the realities and not just some talks," amrita said.

Everyone in the hall can feel the great tension between the representatives as they can only look at the person responsible for such a scene. Surya then closes his eyes and then after a few minutes of a long silence he opens his eyes and says "with all due respect I would like to choose .....".

As this is going inside the hall a completely different scenario was going on outside of the hall As soon as uncle jones sees look Kevin he came running toward him and asks what had happened inside. Vikram then says

"Can we get to the house please ill explain to you there ".

Seeing the condition jones agreed as he feel something off with these two so he decided to play according to their wish for now With that, they bid farewell to the mohit family and walk away from there as soon as they reach home jones lock the key and asked " what is the matter Vikram and don't try to hide anything ".

Vikram then says " huh, it's just that I and Kevin had awakened low-class elements and Kevin had expected to awaken a high class so it's just a shock for him that he can't be able to digest".

Jones then facepalms as he then kneels and ruffles Kevin's hair " boy, didn't I tell you to accept any elements of any class because we don't have the power to change this stuff We had to deal with it.

" Don't worry uncle, you know his personality he just needs a little rest and then he will be perfectly fine" vikram says as he then started to take shocked Kevin to his room but then jones asked " ohh, how forgetful I am so vikram which element you both had awakened there "

As soon as Vikram heard it he became tense but somehow he handle himself and says " I had awakened a low-class fire element and Kevin ..uh low-class wind element".

"oh, wow such a nice combination for you both haha Okay go and rest the process must have tired you after that we will have a feast so rest until then.

And also I had a gift for both of you so come down on time " saying this jones goes out of the house to buy certain things.

He looks at the disappearing back of jones and sighs " forgive me uncle for lying but I have to do it for now " with that he then with Kevin enters the room then again he then makes him sit on his bed.

Vikram then rub his palm and then give a slap on Kevin's cheek bringing him out of his shocked world. " what the heck ...you again dare to hit me ...why? " Kevin shouts as he rubs his cheek.

" because of your dumb mind before you keep rambling and crying for not being able to awaken elements let me tell you the theory " with that vikram explain all the theory which he thinks is possible.

After listening in rapt attention Kevin then woke the little ash and asked it to transform into the sword which it did. The white sword looks the same but it had a little green gem embedded in the center of the hilt. " hmm, well if, from the looks of it, your theory is correct...so how did you think of this theory ".

Vikram then lay down on his bed and then start caressing the little head of a Mayan who is playing on his stomach and said " well, think about it from that day everyone on this earth start getting the power of the astras and we're able to awaken the elements to use the astras of there particular elements.

everyone had awakened these elements it may be of low class but nevertheless, they do so ".

" then come the astraless the unlucky ones or the exiles ones. The person can only became a astraless is when he had not awaken a element and cannot use any astra forget about using it that person can not even touch any astra but here we are. we can use the mythical a class living astra without any side-effect so it may be because we pay to pay some price of having this little guys "

Kevin to then think about this and sighs " yes, it may be we don't have any other information to but why did they take our ability to use any elements and also now that I think about it this guys have no elements power abilities to it right " .

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