
The Touch of a Lustful Witch

[Warning: Mature Content] Lyra was an ordinary college student until an unexpected death thrust her into a new reality. Reborn as Lilliana de Voltaire, a powerful and seductive witch living in a secluded castle deep within an enchanted forest, Lyra must navigate this strange world with her newfound abilities. But be warned: this tale is not for the faint of heart. It delves into the depths of desire and power, filled with intense and explicit encounters. Note: This story contains explicit adult content and is intended for mature audiences only.

Korienne · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


The forest was eerily quiet as I wandered through its depths in the dead of night. I needed the solitude, away from the castle and its tangled web of secrets. Moonlight filtered through the thick trees above, casting shifting shadows on the forest floor.

I needed this so much... I needed to be far away from that castle. It feels like I'm slowly losing myself whenever I'm there. Even while walking out of the castle, I got curious about what Mirriam and Liam were doing and decided to peek using my sight magic. As expected, I saw them having sex like rabbits in Mirriam's room. I smiled because I'm happy to know that Liam had not broken off the charm spell that Lilliana used on him. He still does everything I ask him to do. A while ago, he told me about how Mirriam went to the library to get information about me. He even told me about how they had sex there. As a reward, I made him lick my pussy for five minutes. I haven't touched him for weeks now because I haven't seen anything worthy of him to be touched. I bet he wants my touch so badly that he just pours all his energy into Mirriam. "What am I becoming?" I murmured to the trees, feeling a weird mix of pride and disgust at manipulating their feelings. These manipulations weren't like me at all—they felt more like Lilliana's cunning, creeping into my thoughts.

Now, just walking away from the castle into the deep forest, I noticed trees whispering secrets as I passed. I didn't even understand it, and I wasn't interested, so I just kept on walking deeper. Strange creatures—ethereal wisps with glowing forms—were observing me from the shadows. They didn't seem hostile, just curious, like they recognized something in me. And while I kept on walking, I felt something drop on my head. It was rain. I looked up and felt the rain pouring harder by the minute. I could probably stop it with Lilliana's skills, and yet I just stood there with my head looking up at the skies. The rain poured so hard that I didn't even notice that I was crying with the rain. I'm scared of this place. Why am I even here? What happened to my real body? I keep questioning that but I still don't know the answer.

After a few minutes of standing in place, I decided to walk again. There were a lot of glowing wisps around and I saw a shack because of it. It looked worn out and dusty. It wasn't that far away from the castle either. I wonder who this belongs to? I went inside to shelter myself from the rain. Gosh, I'm so wet. Inside, there wasn't much except a table and a chair, and on that table there was a book—a grimoire. Could I find some answers here? Its pages were yellowed with age, covered in strange symbols and runes that seemed to shimmer with untapped power. I traced them with cautious fingers, absorbing the ancient knowledge they held—soul magic, the art of manipulating and transferring souls between vessels.

"This could be it," I muttered excitedly. Understanding this magic might be my ticket to breaking free from Lilliana's grip and reclaiming my own identity. But dread crept in as I turned the pages. Some sections had been torn out, leaving gaps in the knowledge I needed. Someone had been here before me, someone who knew the secrets hidden within these pages.

"Who took them?" I wondered aloud, frustration and a hint of fear knotting in my stomach. I had no answers, but one thing was clear—I couldn't stay in the castle any longer. The grimoire had shown me there were others dabbling in soul magic, perhaps more skilled than Lilliana herself.

Now, I found a determination for survival. I need to survive this wretched place and claim this body from the original Lilliana. I know this is not my real body, but I have no choice but to take it. I woke up and here I am in this world. I'm not planning on acting weak here. I closed the grimoire and tucked it carefully under my cloak.

The rain was still pouring hard outside. Maybe it's a sign that I should just stay here for tonight. I wonder if the Empire has knowledge that even Lilliana doesn't know? Now, I know I have to act quickly to get Mirriam on my side. I'm done playing games with her. Should I just put a charm spell on her? That would be a good idea. That way, I can manipulate both of them and I can get out of this place without raising suspicion. I'm sure Mirriam would let the Empire know if I ever went out of the forest. I have to find a way to shut her mouth, and that is through Liam. I wonder what they're doing now? Are they still having sex? Out of curiosity, I used my sight skills again to see what they're doing. Hmm. I don't see them in Mirriam's bedroom. Where are they? I checked Liam's bedroom as well and they're not there either. I checked my bedroom to see if they were planning on disrespecting me by having sex there, but it seems like they're not there. Hmm, I wonder where they are. I used an even bigger range of sight skill to see where they are. To my surprise, they're on their way to the dining area of the castle. The place where Liam and I had sex. Both of them were walking naked and all sweaty, but they didn't seem to care. I wonder what they're talking about? I used my hearing skills to hear what they're saying. With both sight and hearing skills, it seemed like I was just watching TV. Most likely porn by the context of it. Looking at their naked bodies, I couldn't help but feel wet as well.

"This is the place where you fucked Lilliana. Can you fuck me here too?" Mirriam purred, sitting on the table and spreading her legs wide. She began rubbing her clit slowly, her eyes never leaving Liam's.

Just by seeing that, I couldn't help but rub myself as well. The heat of arousal spread through me as I watched them, my breathing becoming shallow.

"Hmmm... You're so bad, Mirriam," Liam replied, his voice a low growl. He stepped closer to her, capturing her lips in a deep, hungry kiss. His hands roamed her body, caressing her breasts and squeezing her nipples. Mirriam moaned into his mouth, their bodies pressing tightly together.

After the kiss, they started rubbing each other's bodies more urgently, their hands exploring every inch of skin. I was getting incredibly horny just sitting there, rubbing myself while watching them.

"Fuck me here. Let's reenact the moment you had sex with her. Come on, fuck me already," Mirriam demanded, her voice filled with lust.

"Alright," Liam agreed.

He spread Mirriam's legs wider and positioned himself between them. He guided his dick to her pussy, slowly pushing inside her. Mirriam gasped, throwing her head back in pleasure.

"You're so tight," Liam groaned as he began to move.

"Oh yeah, that's because you're the only one I want," Mirriam replied breathlessly.

They kissed again, their tongues intertwining, exchanging saliva passionately. Liam's hips moved steadily, his dick sliding in and out of Mirriam's pussy. I rubbed my clit and fondled my breasts, feeling the heat build inside me as I watched them.

"Harder. Fuck me harder," Mirriam urged, her voice filled with desperation.

Liam responded by ramming his cock inside her faster and harder. I matched their pace with my fingers, imagining it was me being fucked. The sight of them, coupled with my own touch, drove me to the edge.

"Yes... Yesssss! FUCK ME!" Mirriam screamed, her voice echoing through the room. They really had the audacity to fuck everywhere in my castle. I wanted to destroy them, but at the same time, I was too horny to think straight.

"Your pussy feels so good. You're so wet," Liam groaned.

"Only for you. I love your dick. Oh yes... That's it. Faster. Make me cum," Mirriam responded, her voice a mix of pleasure and urgency.

Liam kept ramming his cock faster and deeper into Mirriam's pussy until she couldn't hold it anymore and climaxed.


They came together, and I came as well, my body trembling with the intensity of my orgasm. I looked at my wet hands, full of cum, and thought about the people I'd get to fuck in the Empire. I wanted to fuck them so badly, especially the Emperor. I wondered how he would feel inside me. Liam bored me now; I needed new people to satisfy me. Oh gosh, this Lilliana was so lustful. I never thought like this before, but I'd become so lustful ever since I'd been in this body.

After that, Mirriam and Liam kissed passionately. She looked up at him with a sultry smile and said, "Make me taste your cum."

Mirriam pushed Liam away gently and knelt in front of him, taking his dick into her mouth. She sucked him slowly at first, then with more intensity, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock.

"That's it. Suck my dick. Your mouth feels so good. Yes, suck it hard. Use your tongue," Liam instructed, his voice filled with pleasure. He was so talkative while fucking Mirriam, whereas he barely spoke when we had sex. With her, he seemed dominant, but with me, he was submissive. It was clear that he was just under a charm spell...

Mirriam continued sucking and licking Liam's dick while playing with her pussy, rubbing her clit.

"Ahhhh... Yes. Suck it. That's it. Suck my dick. Use your hands too. Play with my balls," Liam groaned.

Liam was clearly enjoying the pleasure Mirriam was giving him, and minutes later, he came again.


Mirriam swallowed his cum. I wondered how cum tasted. I had never given any blowjobs, and I wasn't really interested in doing that with Liam. Maybe someday I'd be interested in doing it with someone else...

Jeez... I felt so tired. My legs were shaking from playing with my pussy too much. I wished someone would come and lick it. Oh gosh, I needed to get these thoughts out of my head. I couldn't be this horny. I needed to go now and start preparing to leave this forest. I tidied myself up and began walking out of the shack along with the grimoire.

Moonlight guided my steps as I ventured back into the forest, my path uncertain but driven by a need for answers. Now, I have a plan. I would disguise myself in the Empire, find allies who understood soul magic, and pry open the mysteries that could set me free from Lilliana's shadow.

As I walk. The forest creatures watched me silently, their glowing eyes holding a wisdom beyond my understanding. They didn't obstruct my path, but their presence reminded me of the risks ahead—each step forward would bring new challenges and revelations.

"I'll find the answers," I vowed softly, the weight of the grimoire pressing against my chest. "And I'll break free."