
The Torn Throne

Fate, by its very definition, suggests that our lives are not under our control, but under the control of those recognised as Divine. It is our faith, our belief in something intangible, that takes away our freedom and the control of our own fate. If there was anything Tehran took to heart from the Order of Crows' teachings, it was that fate is man-made. Each choice you make, each action you take, changes the shape of the world around you. Behind every action is a purpose, it matters not if that purpose is selfless or self-centered. Men steal to feed their families. Soldiers dress up in armor to protect their home. Nobles claim taxes and gorge themselves on the luxuries of life. Kings and queens sit on their thrones like gods, killing thousands with but simple words as a means to extend and solidify their power. Though no matter how high or low a person sits, how ornate or chast a person's clothing, they all succumb to death. Change had once arrived on the continent of Angrath in the form of magic, but was that the end of it? Something is stirring beneath shadows of its people, strings are being pulled and plucked, driving and changing the so-called fate of all that live here. The balance of power on Torenth has been disrupted and many are fighting to gain their own piece of it. Now, how will our little Tehran play his part?

Guardial · Fantasy
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10 Chs

About My Story

There's no spoilers in this, it's just explaining a small bit of (kinda?) important information on how the story will progress.

The story will start off a bit slow, as some of you may have noticed. I'm going this to avoid dumping information onto you all at once. You should be able to learn naturally, just as my character will, about the world of Angrath. Characters will have personalities, locales will have their own cultures and/or traditions, and the world, as well as its characters, will change around the events that occur within it.

Please bear with me through the first few chapters, I'm attempting to make them as intriguing and entertaining as possible while giving you important information relative to the story. Conflict will pick up later on, not too far into the future, and i promise it'll be exhilarating.