
The Top Player Is A Commoner: A Gamer's POV

[You have received a new class] [Commoners class attained] "What!?" During the launch of an ultimate virtual reality game, an unexpected tradegy occurred. An explosion of highly concentrated energy intertwined with the Synaptic Interface of Rytec industries, the company responsible for the creation of the ultimate VRMMORPG. The burst of highly densed energy completely changed the fate of humanity transporting 70% of mankind into another world after shattering through the dimensional barrier. However they were those amongst them who died in the process. Reincarnated into that world with several of his classmates by a goddess for the purpose of saving humanity, Zedric acquired the lowest class of them all and as a result was granted a system which gave him the ability to control the shadows of all things dead or alive. Thus he became the Shadow Necromancer, he who is one with the shadows.

Nikage · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs



"What's happening!?" Tenjiro exclaimed with concern, the alarm system was part of the security features he installed when he built this industry and this particular alarm was used in prior to life threatening situations.

He rushed towards the engineering room in haste. "What's wrong!?" Tenjiro questioned his engineers.

"It's the Plantinum X sir." One of the engineers who rushed to put the whole situation under control answered, It's gone unstable, the neutralizing agent we used to regulate the sub-element is missing!."

"Missing!?" Bundled with worry and disbelief, a dumbfounded Tenjiro blurted out.

"What do you mean it's missing!?" He added.

While creating the game, Tenjiro and his team came across a major problem. They wanted this game to be made worldwide and available to every single country and continent across the globe, for that they needed a way to stabilize the Synaptic Interface and prevent it from overloading when several millions or possibly even billions are connected to it.

Thanks to the exploitation of several technological advancements of their country they arrived at a plausible solution; atomic number 78, Platinum. However this was not enough, Plantinum was too crude to utilize in the creation of the Synaptic Interface, therefore Rytec industries bio-chemistry department researched, experimented and derived a sub-element of Platinum, Platinum X for the production of a clean and renewable energy that wouldn't be a contributor to global warming.

Rytec industries also used Platinum X to stabilize the flow of the multiple neural link of playerd through the Synaptic Interface in order to prevent it from overloading, however while attempting this they came across another issue.

Platinum X was an unstable element which had catastrophic results if used wrongly, countries such as Russia and the united states had utilized this element and created something even more powerful than that of a nuclear bomb.

To solve this problem, a neutralizing agent called C-9 was used to stabilize platinum X and now that same agent had somehow gone missing.

"Sir! The Synaptic Interface is overloading! If we don't do something very soon....." An engineer who monitored the status of the celebrum link of the players on the Synaptic Interface through a large blue holographic board proclaimed.

Tenjiro could only watch in awe as his ultimate creation had backfired heavily at him. Clearly someone had stolen the neutralizing agent but he didn't have time to do ponder on that, they had only minutes till what they had feared most was to happen.

Back in the game, the quartet had no idea of what fate befell them and the rest of their fellow players.

"Clearly we can't do this on our own, we'll need to form an alliance if we are to stand a chance of completing this game. So me, you and Anthony." Siji said, attempting to take charge.

"We are very much aware, that's why we already created a team before the game server was even released and fortunately you are not included." Zach replied plainly, not interested in having someone like Siji on their team as he considers her a burden.

"Huh!? Oh come on Zach! That's not fair!" She complained loudly. "How does someone like him gets to be in your team and I don't?" She said referring to Zedric.

"Now now you two, settle down." Anthony chipped in.

"Siji, 1 Zedric is our friend, our OG, don't ever expect we'd pick you over him. Secondly, I never assumed you were a gamer. I mean the only reason you're even playing this game is because the world is." He added.

"Yeah sure, you'd pick him over me. Hilarious, I'm a gamer and probably a better one than him too, does he even have a standard gaming set?" Siji asked.

"He's over here you know." Zedric said plainly. The difference between the Zedric and the three of them was that unlike the brothers or Siji, Zedric wasn't really born into a rich family.

All that he had, he hustled to obtain them. When Rytec industries first announced the coming of Nexus Origins six months before it's release Zedric had already begun gathering the money he'd use to obtain the game and it's components.

"Whatever, let's just get this over with. Given my intellect and strategic capabilities I say I become the team leader, any objections?" Zach inquired, having a blunt expression written on his face.

The three shook their head, Zach was now the team leader of the group. "Now our main goal is of course to finish the whole storyline and complete the game, I'm sure you all must have seen your player profile by now and you'd know that's impossible given the level we are at. So our first step is to level up and to do that we need...." Zach disclosing his strategy was cut short by an uproar.

Citizens [NPCs] of Starling village were screaming as they ran away from something.

"I guess this is where the story begins. Zach smiled, the true fun and purpose of the game was about to begin. An unidentified creature possessing red skin with two horns on it's head, four eyes and a hunch back roared out, it's prescence alone sent a skin piercing feeling into Siji as they watched it kill and devour the civilians that were unfortunate enough to be caught in it's grasp.

Siji squealed and clutched to the arm of Zach seeking protection under him, she was completely horrified by what she had witnessed even if physically it didn't exist. It was her first time playing a RPG kind of VR game so she lacked in experience, the death of her character meant the complete termination or her character completely. The only way she could continue in the game was to create a new character but by then it'd be too late.

Everyone she knew would have progressed far in the game and she'd be far behind, with little to no experience in this kind of game it would result to a continuous cycle of trial and error till she actually progressed.

Zedric smirked, not relating to the behavior and reaction of Siji to the creature but to the fact that this was his chance to display his hard work in all these months and possibly prove himself to Siji.

[A Red Fury has appeared]

A blue holographic panel materialized out of thin air and displayed a notification to the four scholars individually.

"A Red..Fury?" Anthony stammered. A Red fury was a level 10 humanoid beast that no one knew how they came to be, but they were rare to see but whenever a player comes across it an opportunity to level up is given.

"How are we going to beat a level 10 beast!?" Anthony exclaimed.

"That aside, if a Red Fury is here...that means." Zach chipped in as the atmosphere got even more intense than it was.

"Yeah...." Zedric uttered.

"There's an S- Rank dungeon here." He added.

"Right off the bat eh Tenjiro? You never intended to make it easy from the beginning did you?" Zedric chuckled.

"It's going to be a gamble but with proper planning we can pull it off." Zach announced.

Siji's eyes widened. "Don't tell me..." She never expected to fight something powerful in the course of the whole game, that was the lie she told herself.

Zedric smirked, it was an opportunity to prove himself to Siji. With his SSS-Ranked weaponry he was sure that he stood a chance at defeating this creature. Or so he thought, a blinding light illuminated the virtual sky which prompted all the player's to gaze upon it. After a few seconds of admiring it's excellence, they all froze.