
The Top Alpha's Plaything.

[Omegaverse] Yukio Chen is a twenty-three years old lad, a beautiful young man, a submissive Omega with a gentle soul, loving and kind. Left by his sloppy boyfriend during his heat cycle which brought an unbearable pain, Yukio could no longer tolerate it. However, when he comes across the aloof dominant Alpha, the hottest man in the firm, who doesn't take no as an answer, marks him in exchange to be his, all hell broke loose. What kind of tricky relationship will this turn out to be?

Celine_Marshall · LGBT+
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3 Chs


"I'm not going to stop, Yukio." He got up from the bed furiously and faced me. "Is this the type of Alpha you want to get married to in the future, the Alpha who will be the father of your children, are you blind?'

"This is my life and I know what I'm talking about."

"No, you don't, Yukio, I can promise you that. It's your life but you are ruining it. I never liked him, he marked you for crying out loud and you can't sleep with someone else, you are suffering and he's there abroad not feeling the pain you are feeling. You are taking the whole pain, only his fucking ass, knows what he is doing over there."

"Hayato,' I called him, warning him to stop talking. It was causing me a headache, I held my head in pain.

"He's been gone for more than a year, left you to suffer in misery, his parents don't even care at all."

"Hayato," I whispered.

"I'm so pissed right now, look for someone else to be your Alpha, not him, I'm tired of seeing you like this…" He paused, when I felt something hot dripping down my nose, I touched it and when I looked at it, it baffled me.


"Yukio, YUKIO." He yelled as I felt dizzy and slump down to the floor in pain, hitting my head in the process and fainted.

I opened my blurry eyes, shut them again when I noticed how luminous the light was and covered my face with my hand.

Then, I noticed my other hand was connected to a drip, my surroundings were so white and bright.

This was a hospital, how did I get here?

"Yukio," Hayato shouted.

I looked at him and opened my eyes once more, adjusting them to the light.

"Can you hear me?' He asked with concern.

I nodded and shoved my face away from my face. "You talk too much, I can hear you, Hayato."

He laughed with relief. "You almost gave me a heart attack, I'm glad you are fine."

I smiled.

The door opened and I saw the doctor coming towards me with a smile. "Are you okay, Mr Yukio?"

"Yes, I am a doctor," I replied.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good, never been better," I answered. The doctor nodded and jolted down a few things and turned to me once again. "Your body is rejecting your suppressants, you have to stop taking them and let your partner do his duties."

"Oh, my body!"

"Yes, from what I can see and perceive from you is that you are marked, isn't it, Mr Yukio?"

"Yes, doctor."

"By the finest Alpha or a regular Alpha?' He asked.

"A regular one.' I kind of felt awkward saying those words.

"Is your partner not doing what he's supposed to do, because from what I can see, you've not had it for a long time and you've been using suppressants to quench it down."

"Yes, doctor, and it's because he has been busy, that's why we haven't done it," I explained feeling a bit embarrassed.

"How long has it been, Mr Yukio." He was quite concerned about me, his soft tone was making my heart relax.

"Umm….mhm…it's been a…more than a month and…" I stuttered.

"Don't even think about lying to him." Hayato interrupted with a frown.

"Hayato." I cautioned.

He turned to the doctor, avoiding me. "Don't listen to him, it's been a year and his partner doesn't want to come home, he keeps giving all kind of excuses about work."

"Oh, ok,' he agreed to his words, turning to me. "Is that true, Mr Yukio?"

"Yes, doctor," I replied, dying of shame. How could I have even thought of lying to him.

He's a doctor.

"You have to tell him what is wrong with you, he has to come back from wherever he is and attend to you, your body is breaking down and if care is not taken, it could result to more damage." He elaborated.

"Is there a chance for him to get marked again?" Hayato questioned confidently.

"Hey, why would you ask such a question, he is still my boyfriend." I cut in, the idea of getting marked by someone else again was terrifying, I know he cares about me and all that but, I just don't wish to be someone's mate anymore.

"You think I give a fuck." He scoffed and turned to the doctor who nodded and replied. "Yes, there'd a chance he can get marked again but only if he gives a consent to it."

Hayato sighed. "So, if he doesn't want to, it wouldn't work."

"Yes, Mr Hayato, he has agree to it and I can't help him any longer if he comes here again, his body is breaking down."

"Even blood came out of his nose." I noticed Hayato clenching his fist. "That bastard." He mutters through his gritted teeth.

"Hayato, please calm down." I said.

"You need to leave this guy, if anything happens to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, it will kill me if anything happens to you."

I know he cares about me, but can't he just understand where I'm coming from or do I even know what I'm talking about anymore.

He jolted a few things down and took out some tablets, handing them over to me. "I'm only showing you what these tablets look like, because you need to see it properly and know this is not something you anyhow, Mr Yukio. You have to take it for a month, after that, you wouldn't be taking it anymore and don't try to take any more suppressants again. Your body is rejecting it and if you continue taking it, your body will break down which can resonate. It's very dangerous to take suppressants, those drugs aren't something you take regularly. Those drugs were created because of an emergency, in case neither spouses aren't with the other gender, to prevent their scent from getting to the individuals." He explained.

"Stop taking it, Mr Yukio, for your own good." He advised.