

It's The ULTIMATE In Gay Breeding!!!!

DaoistpZTAqK · Urban
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13 Chs

CHAPTER: 9 - Another SESSION With The CUTE LiL Black Boy

A couple of days had gone by and Richard was sitting at home on his Computer playing a First Person Shooter game. After his Rough Fuck Session with his lil black friend Prince he figured that the boy's mother would have SURELY found out that her lil boy had been Furiously Sodomized, but it wasn't exactly the case.

It's a Long Story, but to get right to the point, after Richard had Finished Fucking the Hell out of the little boy he made SURE he Covered his tracks. He picked the worn out and hella exhausted lil boy up and quickly carried him into the bathroom and ran some nice warm water for him.

"I dont wanna take a Bath..." Said the little boy. Richard put the boy down on the toilet seat and kneeled down onto his knees right in front of the boy until he was eye-level with him and said, "You have to, unless you want me to get in trouble with your mother... and i don't know about you, but wasn't what we just did pretty Fun?"

"Yeah it was pretty Fun... but it HURT! My Butt Hurts!" said the lil boy. Richard laughed and said "Don't worry, Once you get into this Bathtub the pain will quickly go away, and the longer you stay in there the better you'll feel when you come out OK!" Richard said with a nice warm smile as he gently rubbed the boy's arms and Side and gently massaged his legs.

Needless to say, it WORKED! The lil boy Prince instantly calmned down as the water reached a fairly good height and Richard leaned over to his right side and turned it off as he then said "Ok time to get In!" as he then quickly picked up the Prince and gently laid him into the tub.

"Owwwwww...! It kinda HURTS!" said Prince. Richard wasn't in the LEAST Bit Surprised because he'd just gave the lil boy a butt-fucking of a Lifetime!! (His Dick STILL HURT!)

So to cut to the chase... The lil boy took a bath for over an hour an a half. Then when he came out he felt very very good, just like Richard said he would. Then Richard made damn Sure he wouldn't tell his mother what they had just done. Then Richard walked back down the road to his home and when he got there he called the boy up just like he told him he would. Then after all was said an done, Richard went to lay down in his bed, and he felt very VERY GOOD at had just took place.

Now Fast Forward to today.... it had been 4 or 5 whole weeks since he had raped the lil boy, and Richard was feeling very very horny right now. He was debating on whether or not he should give his little friend a call or not. He'd figured that the boy's mother had been none the wiser about what had taken place in her home with the little boy.

"Oh well... here goes nothin..." Richard said as he picked up the boy to give him a call. The Phone rang three times exactly, an then to Richard's Surprise, a Very loud and happy voice came through the phone with a very excited "Hello!! Who is This?!" It was his little friend Prince!

Note: No One's Coming To Visit my Website.... :(