
The Titan King

"To Kronos, Fumigation from Storax. Eternal father, mighty Titan, hear, great sire of gods and men, whom all revere; endued with various counsel, pure and strong, to whom increase and decrement belong. Hence matter's flowing forms through thee that die, by thee restored, their former place supply [reincarnation]. The world immense in everlasting chains, strong and ineffable thy power contains; father of vast eternity, divine, O mighty Kronos, various speech is thine; blossom of earth and of starry skies, husband of Rhea, and Prometheus wise. Obstetric power and venerable root, from which the various forms of being shoot; no parts peculiar can thy power enclose, diffused through all, from which the world arose. O best of beings, of a subtle mind, propitious hear, to suppliant prayers inclined; the sacred rites benevolent attend, and grant a blameless life, a blessed end [passage after death to Elysion (Elysium)]." - Orphic Hymn to Kronos from Theoi ----------------- The Usurper, King of the Titans is known as the Devourer of the gods, his children in modern times but what if something changed that? What if Kronos became someone different in a very different world, or is it a different timeline? Someone much better than the original. This Kronos will be our protagonist and he'll be changing a few things about history. He doesn't know why he's reincarnated or if he's the only one. He's gonna try to figure it all out but he won't be wasting this opportunity at another life either and he'll do anything and everything to protect his family from the hands that hold him. (This will be my second story and first novel. It'll be a bit slow-paced at first but it should pick up later on.)

Pure_Phoenix · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Kronos and Rhea were walking hand in hand throughout the mortal town, Othródio, known as the footstool of Othrys. It was their anniversary, and Kronos had planned a lovely picnic for them under the shade of a majestic oak tree in a picturesque meadow on the outskirts of Othródio. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape. Kronos had prepared a spread of delectable foods, including fruits, cheeses, freshly baked bread, and a selection of wines. The aroma of the food wafted through the air, tantalising their senses and adding to the enchantment of the moment.

Rhea's eyes sparkled with joy as she surveyed the spread before them. She let out a delighted laugh and turned to Kronos, her partner, and the love of her life. "Kronos, this is absolutely wonderful! You've outdone yourself," she exclaimed, her voice carrying adoration.

Kronos smiled, his eyes reflecting the love he felt for Rhea. "Only the best for you, my dear Rhea," he replied, his voice warm. He reached into a basket and pulled out a delicate bouquet of wildflowers, their vibrant colours matching the beauty of the day. "And these are for you," he added, handing her the bouquet.

They settled down on the blanket and shared a loving gaze, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere around them as their hands intertwined. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves as the birds sang in the trees, a tune full of love. It was a moment frozen in time, a rare chance for the King and Queen of the Titans to escape the pressures of their divine responsibilities.

As they savoured the food and each other's company, their conversation turned to memories of their time together. They reminisced about the early days of their relationship, when they had first met on the slopes of Mount Othrys. Kronos was a brave and fierce young Titan, while Rhea's beauty and grace had captured his heart.

After the meal, as they lay back on the blanket, gazing up at the sky, Rhea spoke softly, "Do you remember when we used to watch the stars from the peak of Mount Othrys? We would dream about our future, about a world where we could be together without any worries."

Kronos nodded, his expression tender. "Those were simpler times, weren't they? We've come a long way since then, my love. We've built a kingdom of our own." He placed his hand on her enlarged belly. "And I want to make the world we dreamed of, a world where our children can grow up safe and happy without fear or worry."

Rhea smiled and placed her head on Kronos's shoulder, feeling his warmth beside her. "You've made me the happiest Titaness in all of creation, Kronos. Our journey together, our family, everything we've experienced – it's all been worth it."

Kronos kissed the top of Rhea's head and whispered, "And you, my dear, have given me a purpose beyond my wildest dreams. You've given me a reason to be better, to strive for something greater than power alone."

As the sun began to set, casting a rich palette of colours across the sky, Kronos and Rhea held each other close, cherishing the love that had grown stronger with each passing year. The meadow, the picnic, and the quiet moments they shared became cherished memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.

Hey there guys I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual, but I'm sick at the time of this chapter and I have a headache. I do hope you guys liked it and that today is great for you.

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