
The Titan's Heir: Chronicles of Ezekiel's Quest

In a world of divine tyranny, Ezekiel rises to challenge the gods, igniting a rebellion for justice.

osas_airen · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: The First Journey

As Ezekiel wandered through the winding streets, memories flooded his mind of the very first time he was sent to the mortal realm. He was just thirteen years old, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within him as he embarked on this new adventure. Hypnos, the god who accompanied him, ensured their journey was smooth from afar though, making a god accompany a demigod to a camp was a bit too much even for Hades, keeping any dangerous monsters at bay with his powers of sleep.

Despite Ezekiel's unmistakable demigod scent, the more fearsome creatures of the mortal realm seemed to overlook him, allowing him to pass through their territories unnoticed. It was as if the magic of Hypnos shielded him from their notice, guiding him safely towards his destination.

That destination was Camp Half-Blood, a haven for demigods nestled amidst the trees and hills of the mortal world. As Ezekiel approached the camp's borders, a mix of relief and apprehension washed over him, but the unknown still held a degree of uncertainty.

Upon reaching the camp, Ezekiel was greeted by the sight of Chiron, the wise and gentle centaur who served as the head of Camp Half-Blood. Chiron's presence was reassuring, his warm smile and calm demeanor instantly putting Ezekiel at ease. With a mixture of curiosity and respect, Ezekiel approached the centaur, ready to begin his new life at the camp.

As Chiron welcomed Ezekiel into Camp Half-Blood, the demigod couldn't help but take in the sights around him. Tall trees stretched towards the sky, their branches reaching out like protective arms over the campgrounds. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor below. The air was filled with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves, creating a serene backdrop to the bustling activity of the camp.

Despite the natural beauty that surrounded him, Ezekiel's attention was drawn to the tension that hung in the air. As Chiron led him towards the Great Hall, Ezekiel felt the weight of resentful stares boring into him from all directions. The envy and jealousy of the other demigods were palpable, their bitter glances casting a shadow over the otherwise idyllic scene.

They passed by groups of demigods engaged in training exercises, their movements fluid and purposeful as they honed their skills. Yet, even amidst the camaraderie of their shared endeavors, Ezekiel couldn't ignore the undercurrent of hostility that lingered beneath the surface.

The hateful stares intensified as they approached the Great Hall, where Chiron's office awaited. Ezekiel could feel the eyes of his fellow demigods boring into him like fiery daggers, their envy fueled by the favoritism they seemed to believe he had received from the gods, Of course, every demigod had heard of the son of Hades who had been allowed to stay with his father and this did not sit right with them at all. Some heard from their friends who were still in contact with their divine parent and spread it to the rest of the camp.

More importantly, Chiron had announced his arrival the night before making their envy, hate, and jealousy much worse, most of them shared the same thought why did he have a special announcement ceremony while they all struggled and barely survived to reach the camp hanging on by threads to their life as they journeyed here all because he go to stay with Hades who was also one of the disliked gods due to his bad reputation

As Ezekiel traversed the grounds of Camp Half-Blood with Chiron, the air buzzed with the audible discontent of his fellow demigods. Amidst the murmurs and resentful glances, the demigods couldn't help but vocalize their bitterness towards Ezekiel's privileged upbringing. 

"Look at him, living the high life with his daddy dearest while we're stuck here, scraping by on our own."

"Why does he get to know his father while the rest of us are left in the dark?"

"Must be nice to have Daddy Hades watching your back. Bet you've never had to face real danger like the rest of us."

"Think you're better than us just because you get to live with your dad? News flash, kid, you're just another demigod like the rest of us."

These remarks, tinged with jealousy and resentment, came from a source of contention among his peers. However, Ezekiel couldn't care less about their jealousy or resentment; stooping low enough to engage with their petty grievances was beneath him.

As they passed by he found himself idly wandering along with Chiron, both hands at the back of his neck as he casually strolled through the camp acting like the whispers and remarks of his fellow demigods were not even flies worth swatting away, his thoughts drifting away from the negativity that surrounded him. In his mind, the hateful remarks of his peers were nothing more than background noise, easily ignored as he focused on more important matters – like satisfying his appetite and wondering if they had any decent options for dinner.

 At last He had made it to the Great Hall.