
The Tired Maid

You died and woke up as the personal maid from the recent novel you were reading before your death, ' Beautiful Star'. Having no choice but to adapt, you decided to fix some issues that are still here that were solved in your old world. For instance, sexism. But is the older brother of the main lead following you like a puppy? Scratch that, why are you unintentionally creating a harem? "I just wanted a peaceful, a bit unpredictable, yet stable life. I don't need problems right now."

MyNameIsMica_D · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

It's been a few days since you have awoken as the Yuu in this world. Not much has happened as Stella follows you whenever she can, doing chores that you were assigned, avoiding Helios and Jacob whenever you can - because you don't want any problems with them - and honing your self-defense again.

To be specific, karate and judo.

It would help you protect Stella from her soon-to-be kidnappers during her debut, and would also help the other women in this world. So every night, when the guards are battling against sleep, you would sneak onto the training grounds with various weapons you could find. It was a hassle when combined with your schedule as a maid and the few breaks you have, but you endured.

You also practiced your mana when you're sure no one's around. It was the typical world where the greatest mana conquers all types of world, where the amount of mana and the quality of it matters and decides your position in this hierarchy. Being a holder of one of the dragons deems you as having great amounts of mana and quite the celebrity, depending on the dragon of course.

Your mana was currently mediocre with it being water-affiliated, so you can't do high-level spells. But you can be creative. By combining your skills in martial arts and mana, you can make powerful moves. The night before, you tested it out by guiding your mana to your leg before you kicked one of the forest trees, making the tree go timber. You were lucky that there was a forest around the castle.

If you continued to practice and use it more creatively, you would be able to defend yourself and the castle. It made you satisfied.

Currently, you were done checking the maids and the other servants when an alone maid came rushing toward you. "Ms. Yuu!" she cried as you turn to her rushing form before you caught her in your arms. She frantically straightens herself and fixes her dress. 'She's quite flustered.' you concluded, noticing the flushed cheeks of the girl. She must be around sixteen years old, eight years younger than you. You only smiled at her, to show her no harm. "It's quite alright," you assured. "So what appears to be the problem?"

She pants as she points in the direction where she came from. "Her highness hasn't eaten any of the food prepared for her," she explains. "She keeps grumbling about how she wants your cooking and that the chefs' cooking wasn't as good as yours."

You furrowed your brows as you sped-walked to the dining room. 'That will not be good.' you thought. If Stella continues to complain, the chefs will get blamed and might either lose their jobs or worse, get punished. You didn't want anything to happen to them, you didn't want any trouble in the castle. You found the dining room, knocking first before entering. The dining room was clear with glass panes on the numerous windows, white with golden yellow embellishments being the theme of the painted room and a royal purple carpet under the dining table. The table itself was polished quartz cut in a rectangular form with wooden chairs painted yellow with royal-colored cushions for the bottoms.

At the very end of the table and seated on a grand chair was the current king himself, Vikesh, who was looking at his daughter in concern. He was quite different from his children with slick platinum hair and olive skin, the only thing he has with his children are his eyes, which are obsidian black. He was quite handsome, you had to admit.

On his right was Helios, who was trying to convince his sister to eat, utensils and food forgotten. On his left was the princess herself, who was pouting while crossing her arms, grumbling all the while.

You raised a brow at the peculiar scene before letting out a vocal sigh. "What is going on?" You watch as the royal family turns their attention to you, all having various reactions. Stella was beaming at you with literal stars in her eyes, hurriedly standing up from her chair to you. Helios had this look of puzzlement and interest as if you were a curious specimen that he couldn't figure out. Vikesh, the most surprising reaction of all, was gaping at you.

"Your majesty, please close your mouth. You might invite flies in," you stated, catching Stella as she snuggles on your torso. You watched as the king closes his mouth, coughing in his fist out of embarrassment. You sigh as you turned your attention to the princess in your arms. "Why aren't you eating the food that was made for you? The chefs worked hard to make it." you chastised. Stella pouted. "But I want your food!" she buried her face in your torso again. "Yuu's food is the best! So I want to eat your food!"

You pursed your lips as your hands hover over the princess's form, uncertain about where to place them. 'That's why she's not eating?' you deadpanned. Heaving a sigh, you gently pushed the princess off you. "I will make her highness something you might like," you relented. "But you better make sure you eat it, okay?"


'Just like a child.' you internally huffed as you hurried into the kitchen, assuring the sweaty and anxious chefs of their positions. 'Now, what to make for the princess?' The princess was given saffron and caviar for her lunch, but she didn't like it. You held your chin with your fist as you think. From your memories of the old Yuu, she doesn't like oily food and hated cold food. She has eaten every fancy food that was given to her since she was a child, so maybe you should introduce her to something new. Something that wasn't big but heavy enough.

'Gnocchi sounds like a good idea.' you decided as you quickly began preparing to make the potato dough. Making gnocchi was fairly easy as you just needed to boil the potatoes, mash them, add salt and pepper, add egg, and mix it before covering it in flour before you knead it like actual dough. You then divided the dough into four pieces before dousing one part of the dough in flour and rolling it into a rope. You cut the dough rope in the middle before rolling it into a long rope, then you cut the rope into smaller pieces. You did the same to the others. You then made them into different shapes using different methods; you rolled some on a fork while you pressed your finger on the others.

Once that was done, you boiled them and waited till all of them floated to the top. While you were waiting, you made the sauce. The sauce was a basic cheese, butter, and sage mixture in a pan. You dumped the boiled potato dough into the pan before mixing it with the sauce. Once you were satisfied with it, you pour a portion of the gnocchi onto a decorated plate for the princess before handing it to the maid that fetched you. "Please serve this to the princess."

"Of course!" she squeaked before speed-walking to the dining room. You wiped your hands on your dress before clapping them off the dough. The kitchen staff could have the rest of the gnocchi. You were about to open the kitchen door when you heard a squeal of delight in the dining room. With furrowed brows, you opened the door and were met with Stella bursting with stars as she devoured the gnocchi, her brother gently reprimanding her of her manners while Vikesh looked highly amused.

"I see that her highness enjoyed the food," you noted, gaining the attention of the royal family. "It's so good!" Stella cried. "Where did you learn to cook this!?" You gave an elusive shrug of shoulders while you politely smiled. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Helios scoffed. "Probably that injury did something to your head," he muttered, making you raise a brow. "Your highness, did your lessons teach you when to say things and when to not say them?" you inquired. You watched in mild amusement as Helios gawked at you while Stella gasped, Vikesh widened his eyes with a smile. "You!" Helios glared at you. "You dare correct me when you're a maid! On top of that, a woman! You should know your place!"

"I may be a woman, but that does not stop me from correcting you when you made a mistake." You leveled your gaze with the crowned prince. "Your coronation is next month, you wouldn't want to give a bad impression to your future subjects." Laughter reverberated around the room, and much to the people inside, and to your surprise, the king was the one who was laughing. "My, what an interesting woman." he finally says as he calmed down, his eyes scanning your form. "Come here." You walked towards the king, nerves jittering out of uncertainty. Once you were in front of him, he hummed in thought as he brushed a strand of hair from your face. "You look like Mirana. . ." he whispered, voice soft.


"You must be Yuu, my daughter seems to be fond of you." he glances at his Stella, who was now staring at you two in worry, plate empty with leftover sauce. You tilted your head as Vikesh turned his eyes back to you. "Your majesty, is there something you would like me to do?" you asked, fiddling with the ends of your sleeves. Vikesh shook his head. "No, there is none." He smiled at you with something soft. "I'm hoping to see more of your abilities though."


"Then if you may excuse me." you bowed to the family before exiting the room. Vikesh has taken an interest in you, that could either be a good or bad thing. Good if you could get him to make a uniform that is practical for you but bad if he took a romantic interest in you. Which is completely unnecessary to your goal of living with no worry. 'I mean, he's handsome, but he's around forty and a father.' you rationalized. Dragon holders can live for a long time, immortal if you will unless they commit suicide or are killed in battle or poison. They're not gods, but something close to that. But you don't need a sugar daddy, plus it's considered disgusting in your old world.

You still don't regret correcting the prince though, he needs to know that if he doesn't have anything nice to say then he shouldn't say anything at all. You rolled your eyes as you recalled the prejudice he had against women. In the story, Helios didn't marry, resulting in rumors being created of him being gay. Being gay is not a big scandal but when it comes to women, that's a whole other topic.

Maybe you should teach Stella of other subjects besides the ones she's learning. If she were to be married to a crown prince of a kingdom, then she should be a capable queen if her husband is incapable. You should teach her history, a bit of politics, etc. That should be good for her. And it could be the rise of gender equality.

'That sounds like a good idea.' you nodded.

But first, you have to deal with Stella's suitors. You internally groaned at the thought. Hopefully, you won't steal any of the suitors like in the webtoons you read. You don't need those kinds of stuff right now. You just want to live a peaceful, a bit adventurous, and stable life that you like to do.

But you have to get through a lot of stuff first before you could secure that.

Helios frowned as he continues to practice his sword, creating gashes on the poor dummy. His mind is plagued with thoughts of you. You changed, he noticed. After that incident that almost harmed Stella, you became a bit cooler and sharp like ice. But around Stella and the other servants, you became softer and a bit warmer. He knew you since he was sixteen and you were fifteen, you were like spring with the sun shining on you while you held a mother-like warmth. You were soft to the point you didn't retaliate, always replying with a 'Yes your majesty' or 'Yes your highness'.

But now you were like snow, cold and soft yet warm when covered. He first noticed it when Jacob, his trusted friend and neighboring prince of the kingdom, Menos, came to him in a flurry of confusion. He asked if you were an impostor because you breezily brushed past him after a polite greeting. This made Helios pause. You were deeply in love with his friend, greeting Jacob with loving warmth and adoration and small gifts that made him uncomfortable. So to hear you do something that was not you was surprising.

Thus began his observation of you. He noticed you carried yourself with confidence and no-nonsense as if you knew something he didn't. Your treatment of the servants was polite yet with a hint of warm kindness in them, Stella included. While to him, you were with a fixed mask with blank politeness, cautious and guarded. As if you couldn't show your true self.

And didn't stop there.

When he was getting ready to sleep, he felt a surge of mana coming from the back of the castle, where the forest was. He hid in an invisibility spell as he investigated the cause. What he saw dumbfounded him. You wearing a training shirt and pants which he was sure you stole from the changing room for men, holding a sword. Your hair was tied in a low ponytail, different from your usual braid. He raised a brow since women were known to be weaker than men so why were you practicing with a sword?

He was proven wrong when you transferred mana into the blade before swiftly slicing a tree, making the said tree fall with a loud thump. He was sure his mouth dropped to the ground as he watched you scratch your head, most likely wondering how to get rid of this without making anyone suspicious.

At least he knows where the extra supply of logs came from.

He noticed you were quite aware yet oblivious at the same time if that was possible. The event was an example. Another example is when you didn't notice his eyes watching you for the next nights after that. He watched you practice with various weapons with martial arts that he wasn't aware of, your movements were fluid and quick yet strong. You weren't the Yuu he knew.

And it was proven during lunch.

You never corrected him in his years of knowing till today, when he tested you by acting rude. He knew what he said wasn't polite but it was needed for his test. And his guess was correct when you corrected him with a leveled gaze, your silver eyes that were usually warm were lax and indifferent, sending shivers to his spine.

'It might be an act,' Helios rationalized as he cut off the head of the dummy clean before sheathing his sword. 'IT might be an act to move one from Jacob.' After all, Jacob was focused on his sister, much to his dismay. No one is allowed to court Stella, only the best must be for her.

Her debut is in two weeks, her being 18, making it the perfect final test for him to see if what you showed was an act-

Or if you were something completely different.