
The Timid Gangster With Time Power

Hello authur here. As of 02/12/2020, I am going on hiatus. It might be a short while, maybe long, maybe this message here does not even matter as no one really cares yet but I just wanna tell yall bout it. Reason being that I have some offline priorities. I do no thave much time and I have started getting busy in life. So yeah... I'll still try to write here and there. Peace out Whatchu you looking at?! Look at me again and I'll beat your ass up! Ahh!! Whatever, I'll let you go for now cause you're a hottie. My name is, Papi Bugsy. I know right?! It's soo Gangster. Well since you're hot, ill let you in a little secret. To be honest, I'm was a damn pussy... But that was before and now I'm the damn boss of this school. Sitting on top of this one of a kind throne, made from all the bullies that had bullied me before. Kneeling before me, everyone I look down upon, are worshiping me like I'm the king. How did I came to sit on this throne when I was only a pussy two years ago? That's because at that time, I realise I had a power. The power to control time. What? Speak louder if you wanna ask something!! Ohh... You wanna know how I got this power when I was 15? Fine, I'll tell you the secret... The secret............ Can be found if you continue reading this novel... K fine. I accidentally found out whenever I made someone fear of me to its peak, I can go back in time. If you want to know more, just read.

Living_Otter · Realistic
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

The Warehouse


Marco slammed the washroom door behind him as he furiously stomped his way to the basin and again slammed his hand onto the basin table. He was going wild thinking about what had actually happened.

"Hey hey. What the hell is this about?"

Someone with a very solemn voice spoke up. He who had been leaning onto the wall right beside Marco the whole time had sleek and wavy blonde hair that pair perfectly with his pale skin.

"So tell me...what is this about. You better make sure that it is worth my time."

He had an expression saying that he was really annoyed but there were also a slight curiosity that could be seen on his face and heard from his voice as he look at Harry.

"...Today, me and Amy had an argument...and half way through it, a guy came up and interrupted us as we were speaking-"

"Hey what the fuck is this about?! Did you just fucking called me out here just because you were jealous that someone had talked to Amy?!"

The guy was clearly pissed off when he heard what Marco was saying. He was so pissed that he pulled onto Marco's collar. He wanted to give him a beating or two, but when Marco had his face turned towards him, he could see that he was genuinely in distress.

Seeing that he did not beg for forgiveness like how he usually would, the guy found it very surprising. With that, he was convinced that there were actually more to it than what it seems and let go of Marco's collar.

"Sigh, continue on."

"...The problem was not that she was talking to another guy... It was just that when Amy had saw him, her expression changed to that of fear....Didn't you tell me that Amy was someone who liked a dominant guy?"

Yes indeed, the guy did told Marco that... But who was him to say that he knows Amy that much. Well he was Andy, Amy's brother after all.

"That's the only reason I started doing what you told me to...but the fear on her face...it was as if she had seen a reaper...she had never looked at me like that before-"

Right when Andy heard what Marco was talking about, his expression instantly changed to that of a smirking devil. He quickly cut Marco off in the middle and went closer to his right ear and whispered to him.

"Yes yes...She definitely thinks that you are much weaker...much inferior than that guy...She probably had already started having feelings for him, and sooner or later...she'll probably leave you..."

Meanwhile, when Marco heard what Andy had said, he was greatly harrowed by it. His eyes widen and became bloodshot as he started grabbing and pulling onto his hair a little. He was in such a great distress that he started pulling them harder and harder. It started to hurt him a little but he just couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop the irresistible urge to pull his hair to soothe himself.

As Marco continued to do so, the smirk on the devil's face became even wider as he whispered breathily to him again..

"I would do something about it if I could, but as a senior in the school, rules are as important as ever so I really can't help you out...So...What are you going to do?"

Marco began to breath rapidly. It started to sound like he was panting rather than breathing.

"Maybe you should show her that you're more dominant...? Show her that you're stronger...Show that she will fear you more than whoever that guy is..."

Marco was breathing as hard as he ever could and he started pulling on his hair even harder that strands could be seen plucked off his scalp. With a wild and crazy voice, he exclaimed...

"I'll show her...I'll make sure the only person she looks at is me!! Not someone like that piece of shit!!

By now, Andy's smile was as wide as it could be. It was as if the end of his lips were being pulled to the side by a string. One could only imagine why an older brother would give out wrong information to Marco when clearly, Amy was more into gentle and kind guys. But I'm sure that you all could already guess why he did what he did.

The day then ended just like that with Papi and Amy went back in class after Mr. Pain's period had ended. Marco and Andy were the same, with Andy leaving early while Marco stayed behind until he calmed down.

During his time alone in the washroom, he had been pondering really hard on what he should do. How could he make Amy see that he was more dominant than Papi..? How can he show that he was the Alpha male and that she should never see anybody else except for him.

In the end of the long pondering session, Marco finally had the answer. He knew just how to make himself known as the biggest fuck boy Amy would ever know, and the operation fuck boy was also just tomorrow. With a batch of hair in his hand, and an empty patch in the middle of his head, he finally stopped.

(next day)

Papi came to school much earlier than he usually did. This time, he wanted to be one of the earliest to arrive in class. The night before, he couldn't really get much sleep as he kept thinking that something had happened to Amy.

He wanted to come early to confirm that nothing had happened to Amy and ease his chaotic mind. But what was presented to him was the total opposite. He was only greeted by the 'emergency escape route-'...No...He was only greeted by Bella but didn't see any sign of Amy.

Immediately, Papi asked Bella if she had seen Amy but the answer he got made his mind ran even wilder. Bella had said that she didn't see Amy and that she was usually already in the class at this time.

Even though he was feeling anxious about it, there was nothing he could do except to wait, and wait he did. Minutes went by, but there was still no sign of Amy. Even as more and more students started arriving and entered class, there was still no sign of her.

While waiting, Harry had arrived too and Papi was also approached by Ava and Carly, but he didn't have the mood to entertain them. Not when he didn't even knew if Amy was safe. It sounded stupid, but he was genuinely anxious.

'Is-Is there something wrong?...No it can't be! Ma-Maybe it's just that yesterday, she had slept late and ended up oversleeping. Yes, that must be it!'

Right as Papi had that thought, two familiar figures entered the class. Unfortunately, it was not Amy, but it was still someone good enough. The two figures were of course, Samantha and Kelly. Seeing them, Papi couldn't wait anymore as he stood up and walk towards them.

Papi was not usually like this. He would never initiate a conversation or even speak to someone first. But this time, it seems like he had decided to initiate a conversation and that too had caught Bella's attention. Although she had only been reunited with Papi since maybe a week or two or so, but she still knew Papi to a certain extend.

When Papi arrive in front of the girls, they were a little surprise by the sudden approach of Papi. From what they had remembered, Amy had said that he was the most horrifying person she knew and they knew not to doubt her...and their trust in her did not betrayed them..

"He-Hey Samantha~ Yo-you too Kelly~"



They both let out a small shriek when Papi spoke. Was it because Papi was so ugly that it spooked them? No. Papi actually looked quite handsome to be honest. It was just that... that dark circles below his eyes...those creepy joker smirk on his face as he tried to smile when he was too nervous to even smiled properly. Nightmare...

"Di-Did you guys see Amy?"

"No-No I didn't!! We didn't!"

Ava exclaimed.

"I don't know where she is! Sh-She usually goes to the washroom when she first arrive at school, but when we passed by just now, we-we didn't see her!"

Carly continued on.

Geez, what the hell is wrong with them? But that's quite nice, they were already giving all the information I needed without me even asking. I knew it! Smiling to people would make people like me more... I should do it more often...

"Then could it be that she didn't come school today?"

"Th-There's no way!"

"Ri-Right! She told us that she would come to school today!"

"She also said that she had things that she needed to do!"

Woah, I really should smile more often!

The reason that they bombarded Papi with all the information he needed, was because right as Papi asked them about Amy again, he had an even wider and blood-curdling smile on. But just as Papi was thinking that he really should smile more often, what the two girls had said finally clicked a little in his head.

Wait....she said that she would come to school today, but where is she? She usually would visit the washroom, but where is she...? Could it be her boyfriend? Isn't he quite an abusive guy? Then he would have probably wanted to punish her for not transferring...

The more Papi analyses, the more anxious he had became..Beads of sweat started rolling down his cheek and time seemed to have slowed down for him.

If Marco wanted to meet with her without anyone interrupting like before...then...The Washroom!

With that clue, Papi dash right out of the class and headed to the girls washroom. As he was running, in his head were only worries about where she could be. He didn't know rather he could find Amy at the girls' washroom, but that was the only clue he had.

When Papi had arrived at the girls washroom, he didn't even waste any time and went straight in. He was lucky that there were no girls around or in the washroom when he did that, because ohh boy, what would a gangster do if his precious sweetheart was peeked on.

Looking left and right, Papi still couldn't see any sign of Amy. He knocked open every toilet door but unfortunately, she was nowhere to be seen. Seeing that he still couldn't find Amy, he was a little upset. It would have been nice if she was using one of the toilets.

With that, Papi had finally gave up as he walked out of the washroom. Just when he was ready to head back to class, something had caught his attention. Turning to the left, Papi could see the storage warehouse of the school.

As the washroom was at the ground floor of the block, the storage room was just fifty feet the the left of the washroom. What had caught Papi's attention was actually not the warehouse itself, instead it was the possibility that Amy might be in there.

It might sound stupid, but because of his paranoia that always gave him sleepless night, his head was currently filled with all the what ifs. They were so annoying that he just had to check the warehouse out. He had to satisfy his paranoia to calm his head down.

Papi then walked to the entrance of the warehouse. When he arrived at the entrance, he calm himself down before opening the metal door. All he needed to do was just check it out and calm his wild thoughts.


When the metal door was opened a little, Papi looked through the opening for a few seconds before closing it back up, seemingly done with whatever he needed to do. All while that was happening, at the end of the building, in the pitch-black corner of the warehouse was two dark figure.

Upon closer look, one of them was a male while the other one was a female. The male had his hand covering the female's mouth while the female had her both hands on his hand that was covering her mouth, seemingly trying to pull it away.