
The Timeless Seven

"In a world that measures time in seconds and minutes, there exist moments that transcend the ticking clock. Such was the case for Ray Onuha and the six companions fate brought together, as they found themselves stranded in a primitive era with no hope of returning to their own time. But as they faced the perils of this unfamiliar world, they discovered that time was not their only measure of worth, and that their bond as the timeless seven was stronger than any temporal force."

Rachit_ · Urban
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11 Chs

New Home and A Leader

As they walked through the forest, Dev noticed a cave entrance. "Look over there," he said, pointing to the cave. "This can be a good place to rest for a while."

All agreed, and they approached the cave entrance, they found that the cave is large enough for them and there is only one entrance. Inside, they found some dry grass on the ground, which they can use to make a soft bed.

"This looks like a good place to stay," said Sobaki as she started to graze on the nearby vegetation.

Emi nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we can make it our new shelter," she said.

Akashi sat down next to the nearby stream and dipped her hand in the cool water. "I wonder what kind of creatures might live in here," she said.

"I hope they're not as dangerous as the ones we encountered last night," replied Dev.

Kai snorted and shook his head as if he understood their conversation.

"Alright guys, we need to find some food and water today. I think we should split up into two groups to cover more ground," Ray said.

"I'll go with Yaku," Kai said, nodding toward his friend.

"I guess that leaves me with you guys, be careful guys," Ray said.

"Sounds good to me," Dev said, shouldering his stick.

"Let's make sure we have some kind of signal if we find something," Yaku suggested.

"Good idea," Kai agreed. "How about three whistle blasts?"

"Perfect," Akashi said. "And let's agree to meet back here as early as possible."

The group split up, each team heading in a different direction. Ray and his group decided to explore the cave a bit more before heading out.

"This cave is amazing," Subaki said, looking around in awe.

"Yeah, I wonder what other secrets it holds," Emi added.

"I just hope it doesn't hold any more surprises," Ray said with a chuckle, remembering their unexpected teleportation the night before.

Kai and Yaku are exploring the area near the cave, their eyes adjusted to the dim light and they noticed something glinting in the distance. They hurried towards it, and as they got closer, they realized it was a pool of water reflecting the light.

Yaku bent down to touch the water, and as he did, he noticed something moving in the pool. "Kai, look!" he exclaimed, pointing at the water. "There's something in there."

Kai leaned in closer and squinted, trying to make out what it was. Suddenly, a fish darted out from under the surface and Kai jumped back in surprise. "Wow, there are fish in here!" he said, amazed.

Yaku looked around the pool and noticed some rocks nearby. "We could use those rocks to make a fire," he said. "Then we can cook the fish."

Kai nodded in agreement. "Good idea. Let's collect some wood also." Yaku agreed.

In the meantime, Ray and Dev set out to gather some edible fruits and nuts that they could find in the nearby area. Akashi and Emi decided to search for some medicinal plants that could help them heal their wounds.

As they searched for resources, Subaki stood to watch outside the cave. She kept a keen eye on their surroundings and listened intently for any sounds that might suggest danger.

After a while, Ray and Dev returned to the cave with a handful of berries and some nuts. Akashi and Emi came back with a few herbs and leaves that they could use for medicinal purposes.

As they sat down to rest, Kai and Yaku returned to the cave with a pile of wood that they had collected. "We found some dry wood and branches that will burn well," Kai announced as he dropped the wood on the ground.

Yaku nodded in agreement. "We also came across a stream that is not too far from here. We can use it for drinking water and maybe even catch some fish," he added.

"Great job, you two. We're making good progress," Dev said with a smile. He noticed a tense atmosphere between them. He decided to ask them about it.

"Hey, guys. What happened out there? You two seem a bit tense," Dev said.

Kai and Yaku exchanged looks, unsure of how to respond.

"Nothing, we just had a disagreement," Kai replied, trying to brush it off.

"It didn't seem like just a disagreement," Dev pressed.

Yaku sighed, "Okay, fine. We had an argument about how to gather branches and other supplies. Kai wanted to go one way, and I wanted to go the other. We ended up wasting a lot of time arguing instead of collecting what we needed."

Dev nodded, "I see. Well, we need to work together if we're going to survive here. Let's try to communicate better in the future and come to a consensus before we waste any more time."

Kai and Yaku both agreed, and the tension dissipated. They knew that they needed to work together and put their differences aside if they were going to survive in this prehistoric world.

As they talked, they could hear the sound of raindrops hitting the cave entrance. They all looked at each other, realizing that they were going to have to endure a storm. But, they were better prepared and had each other to rely on.

They all headed inside as the rain started heavily. As the rain poured down outside and the fire crackled in the cave, Akashi decided to break the tense silence with a joke.

"Hey guys, do you know why the caveman always gets the girl?" she asked, grinning mischievously.

The rest of the group looked at her curiously.

"Why?" asked Emi.

"Because he always knows how to make a good fire!" Akashi replied, laughing at her own joke.

Everyone chuckled, glad for the lighthearted moment. Even Kai, who is stoic and serious, cracked a smile. "That's a good one, Akashi," said Dev, clapping her on the back. "Thanks, Dev. I figured we could all use a laugh," Akashi replied, still chuckling.

The group settled in, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the company of each other. It was a small moment of happiness in a world that was uncertain and dangerous, but it was enough to bring them a little bit of peace in the midst of their struggles.

As they are settling down for the night, Emi noticed that Subaki seemed a bit down.

Emi: "Hey Subaki, what's up? You seem a bit quiet."

Subaki: "Oh, it's nothing really. I'm just a bit homesick, I guess."

Dev: "Homesick? We're in the prehistoric age, there's no such thing as home!"

Subaki: "I know, I know. It's just that I miss my bed, my family, and my friends. It's all so different here."

Ray: "Well, we'll just have to make this place feel like home, won't we? Maybe we can find some nice rocks to decorate the cave."

Kai: "Yeah, and we can start our own prehistoric version of Netflix. We'll call it Stoneflix!"

Everyone laughed at Kai's joke and for a moment, they forgot about their worries and felt a sense of camaraderie. It was moments like these that made them feel like they could survive anything as long as they had each other.

As the laughter died down, there was a moment of silence as everyone looked around the cave, lost in their own thoughts. It was Dev who spoke up first.

"I miss my family," he said softly. "I wonder if they're looking for me."

"I miss my mom," Emi added. "I hope she's okay."

Yaku looked down at the ground. "I don't have anyone waiting for me," he said quietly. "But I still miss my old life."

Kai put a hand on Yaku's shoulder. "We'll get through this together," he said firmly.

Akashi spoke up next. "I miss my best friend," she said, her voice cracking slightly. "We did everything together."

There was a moment of silence as everyone let the weight of their words sink in. It was clear that despite their differences and conflicts, they had formed a bond that would help them through this difficult time.

Dev looked around at the group, taking in their expressions. He knew that they all are feeling scared and uncertain about their situation. The rain had been coming down hard for hours now, and it showed no signs of letting up. They needed someone to take charge and make decisions for the group.

"Listen up, everyone," Dev said firmly, trying to project confidence. "I know we're all scared and unsure of what's going to happen to us, but we need to stay strong and stay together. We need to start thinking about our survival, and that means we need a plan."

Emi looked up at Dev, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "What do you suggest we do?" she asked.

Dev took a deep breath, thinking hard. "First, we need to ensure we have enough food and water to sustain us. We should explore our surroundings and see if we can find any sources of food or water."

Kai nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we need to start hunting and gathering. But we also need to make sure we make this a more secure shelter to protect us from the rain and other elements."

Kai spoke up, his voice is timid. "But how are we going to do that? We don't have any tools or equipment."

Dev smiled reassuringly at her. "We'll figure it out. We can use the resources around us, like trees and rocks, to build shelter. We'll work together and make it happen."

Yaku looked at Dev skeptically. "And what makes you think you're the one to lead us?"

Dev met his gaze calmly. "I don't want to be the leader, but someone needs to take charge and make decisions for the group. And I think I'm the best person for the job."

There was a moment of silence as the group absorbed his words. Then, Akashi spoke up, her voice firm. "I trust Dev. He's right, we need someone to take charge. And I think he's the best person for the job."

Kai immediately disagreed, "I don't think you should be the leader, Dev. You're too indecisive and we need someone who can take charge."

Akashi jumped in, "I think Dev would make a great leader. He's always level-headed and thinks about everyone's opinions before making a decision."

Kai rolled his eyes, "No offense, Akashi, but I don't think you're thinking clearly. Ray would be a much better leader. He's mature, engaging, and he knows how to make tough decisions."

Akashi shot back, "But Dev has experience leading teams before. He knows how to manage people and keep everyone working together."

The conversation continued to heat up as each member of the group gave their opinion.

Finally, Ray spoke up, "Guys, I appreciate your confidence in me, but I don't think I'm the best fit for a leader. I think we should give Dev a chance to lead and see how he does."

There was a moment of silence as the group considered Ray's words. Finally, Kai nodded, "Alright, I'll give it a shot. But if things start to go south, we're going to need to reconsider our options."

Dev thanked the group for their trust in him and promised to do his best to lead them through this difficult situation.

"I think, you all shall sleep now, I am watching if something comes up. Anybody wanna join? said Dev in a confident tone.

"I'm in" Ray replied.

All the others started to sleep. The fire is still burning and the conversation between Ray and Dev started.

Dev: yawning) "So, what do you would be doing if not ended here, Ray?"

Ray: "Well, I just finished high school so I would be just continuing my studies."

Dev: "That's interesting. I myself just became a freelancer at a nearby software company."

Ray: "That's admirable. We need more people like you in the world."

They suddenly hear a growling sound and notice the dire wolf approaching.

Ray: "Dev, look out!"

Dev: "What? Oh my God, everyone wakes up! We've got a dire wolf approaching!"

As the dire wolf came closer, Dev quickly turned to Yaku and shouted, "Give me the burning stick from the fire!" Yaku hesitated for a moment, but quickly grabbed a burning stick from the fire and handed it to Dev.

The dire wolf charged toward Dev, who held the burning stick in front of him like a makeshift weapon. As the wolf lunged towards him, Dev swung the stick and hit the wolf's snout. The wolf recoiled, but quickly regained its balance and circled back towards Dev.

The fight continued for what felt like an eternity. Dev swung the burning stick at the wolf, striking it several times, but the wolf was relentless. It lunged and snapped at him, almost catching him several times.

Finally, Dev landed a solid hit on the wolf's face, causing it to yelp and retreat momentarily. But as Dev turned to look back at the others, the wolf seized its chance and lunged at Dev's back, biting down hard on his shoulder.

Dev screamed in pain and fell to the ground. The wolf snarled and snapped at him, trying to finish him off. But as it lunged in for the kill, the fire from the burning stick caught its fur, causing it to back off.

Dev, bleeding and injured, took advantage of the wolf's hesitation and scrambled away from the fire. The wolf howled in frustration but didn't pursue him any further. The others rushed to Dev's side and tended to his wounds.

Akashi: "Is he going to be okay?" Kai: "I don't know, we need to stop the bleeding and treat his wounds as soon as possible."

Ray: "We can use some of the herbs we collected earlier to make a poultice to stop the bleeding." Yaku: "I'll go get some more wood for the fire to keep us warm and boil water for sterilizing the herbs."

Akashi: "And I'll start preparing the poultice."

Kai: "Good idea. We need to work together to make sure Dev makes it through the night."

Ray: "I'll keep watch in case the wolf comes back."

"Yaku: "And I'll help Kai with the fire."

Akashi: "We can't afford to lose anyone else. We have to be strong and keep fighting."

Kai: "Agreed. We'll take turns watching over Dev and making sure he's comfortable."

Ray: "We'll have to come up with a plan to defend ourselves against any future attacks."

Yaku: "And we need to ensure we have enough food and water to survive." Akashi: "It won't be easy."

After some time. Dev let out a deep breath and leaned back against the cave wall. "I'm feeling a little better now," he said to the group, trying to hide the pain in his voice.

Subaki stepped forward, "Don't worry, Dev. Ray and I will take the next watch tonight. You need to rest."

Dev nodded, grateful for their concern. "Thank you, Subaki. I'll try to get some sleep."

Akashi spoke up, "We'll all take turns watching. We need to be careful now that we know there are dangerous animals out here."

Yaku added, "And we'll make sure to keep the fire burning all night. It'll help keep us safe."

Kai chimed in, "And we should make some weapons tomorrow. Just in case."

Dev nodded his agreement, "Good idea, Kai. We need to be prepared for anything."

As the group settled in for the night, Subaki and Ray took the first watch. Dev closed his eyes and tried to rest, grateful for the warmth of the fire and the watchful eyes of his friends.

As Subaki and Ray took their positions for the night watch, they sat near the cave entrance. Ray stared off into the darkness, while Subaki wrapped her arms around herself, shivering slightly in the cool night air.

After a few moments of silence, Subaki turned to Ray and said, "I hope Dev will be okay. He's been through a lot tonight."

Ray nodded, his expression pensive. "Yeah, he has. But I have faith in his resilience. He's a strong person."

Subaki smiled softly. "I know. He's proven that tonight. But it's just... it's hard seeing someone you care about in pain."

Ray placed a comforting hand on Subaki's shoulder. "I know. It's never easy. But we have to stay strong for each other, especially in a situation like this."

Subaki nodded in agreement. "You're right. We have to take care of each other."

They both lapsed into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they kept watch. The only sounds were the crackling of the fire and the occasional rustling of leaves outside the cave.

Ray nods, a look of understanding passing between them. He takes a deep breath and turns his attention back toward the darkness outside of the cave. The night is quiet and calm, but they both know that danger could be lurking just beyond their sight. They remain silent, watching and listening for any sign of trouble.

Ray can't help but think about the bond he shares with Subaki and the rest of the group as they continue to stand guard. They've been through so much together already, and he knows that they'll need each other even more in the days to come.

As the first light of dawn began to filter into the cave, the characters began to stir from their slumber one by one. Ray, who had been awake all night with Subaki keeping watch, was the first to sit up and stretch his tired limbs. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the cave, taking stock of their situation.

Dev groans in pain as he slowly gets up and stretches his aching muscles. He looks around and sees his companions are also waking up. He smiles and greets them.

"Good morning, everyone. I hope you all slept well," Dev says with a gentle smile.

Subaki yawns and rubs her eyes. "I didn't get much sleep, but I'm feeling better now," she replies.

Ray nods in agreement, "Same here, Dev. What's the plan for today?"

Dev takes a deep breath and winces as he feels the pain in his ribs. "I'll assign each group to a task. Ray and Subaki, you two will take care of the cave since you didn't get enough rest. Kai and Emi, you will go gather food and water. And Yaku and Akashi, you will collect items we need to make tools."

Kai nods, "Understood. Where should we start looking?"

Dev gestures towards the woods in the distance. "We can start there. Be careful and keep an eye out for any danger."

Yaku interjects, "I can help with tool-making. I have some knowledge about it."

Dev nods gratefully, "Great, that will be helpful. Be sure to gather stones and wood."

Subaki takes a deep breath and places her hand on Dev's shoulder, "Take it easy, Dev. We'll take care of everything. You need to rest and recover."

Dev nods, "Thanks."

As the chapter increases your interest and curiosity will also increase. So keep reading.

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