
The Timekeepers

This is a dream future, where time travel can be done, even going back to the past is not difficult. The Time Keeper Division is created all over the world. When a major case cannot be resolved by the local police, the case will be handed over to them. With a note that whoever Timekeeper who goes to the future or the past, can't change anything, can't say anything, can't desire anything, and they have been sworn in with 7 oaths of allegiance. In the Superpower County that stands on reclaimed land, Karsa, there is a team in the Time Keeper Division that is very well known. They had never failed in any class mission. One day, the elite team got a leave after working for a long time. Going back and forth from the past to the future exhausted them. Who would have thought that they would get a surprising mission in the middle of the vacation? Not to mention, it was an F class mission! They get a sudden mission to investigate who has saved an orphaned girl from an assassination attempt a few days ago. Who would have thought that in order to carry out this F-class mission, they would have to be trapped in a parallel world with the exact same reality as in the world they know, but on the other hand, they don't know at all. All the humans in that world... are after them?! A trivial mission that initially only asked them to transcribe and record history, instead turned into a mission full of mystery and required them to be able to survive in a world that was falling apart. UPDATE DAILY

Vaniasajati · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

F-Class Mission

Their team finally gets a day off, and that first day of freedom is spent in an upscale bar downtown.

The 5 single dogs rented a private place and ordered many meals without additional services, such as warm-hearted beautiful girls. Because tonight they want to discuss about their work, which was marked as a top level secret.

They were Yohan Elsher, the Captain. Anson Levisay, who is in charge of being the second person on the team, Shen Yu, the mechanic in charge of taking care and ensuring that their equipment is in good condition while on duty, then Ishida Segu, their genius Hacker, and lastly Seo In-Su, the sniper. It just so happened that these 5 handsome guys were on the same team.

Under Aishraya, a world organization and the first originator of time travel, the Time Guardians Bureau oversees several divisions, one of which is the Timekeepers Division. Although the Time Guardians Bureau is an organizational branch of Aishraya, in each country this bureau will be under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Manpower and People's Welfare.

There are a total of 6 Divisions under the auspices of the Time Guardians Bureau, namely the first is the Timekeepers Division, a division containing trained people who have graduated from military schools, and have undergone at least 4 years of training. They serve as the vanguard in charge of field tasks using extreme combat methods while carrying out their duties. The Timekeepers Division oversees several units, namely Unit One containing 9 Alpha teams, and Unit Two containing 15 Beta teams, whose duties are slightly different. They usually go to both the past and the future, with different tasks, namely, as reinforcements and suppliers of weapons and additional equipment. And finally the Omega team, which is in charge of archiving.

The Time Guardians Bureau also oversees several Divisions and all of them are closely connected. The division other than the Timekeepers is the Investigation Division, which oversees several sections such as the Investigation Lab and Recorders, namely officers who travel time only to do two things, namely to investigate major events, and ensure that everything is recorded correctly in written history.

And the last one is the Mechanical Division. From the name alone, everyone knew what their job was. All equipment, both combat and investigation equipment, is made and distributed from here.

And the entirety of this Bureau, is unknown to the public. So, civilians around the world will not know that time travel is possible. They only knew that technology was advancing at such a rapid pace, but they would never have guessed that 10 out of 100,000 people they met on the street, were survivors from a different point in time.

Their Aplha-007 Team is in Unit One, and has received repeated field assignments that force them to strain and grit their teeth. The youngest of them is Ishida Segu, 26 years old, while the oldest is Anson Levisay, 32 years. The rest are single dogs aged 29 years. Due to the demands of the job, it is very difficult for them to find a single beauty to date.

Today when the dream vacation finally arrives, they will enjoy it to their heart's content.

Yohan was smoking his cigarette when Anson spoke rather seriously to him. "Captain, I haven't said a word about that Bomber who said 'The Recorders'. Do we need to put that in the report?" Anson knew very well that the civilians wouldn't know the slightest bit about time travel, let alone something as deep as the Recorders. It was very strange that a bomber with his simple identity as a construction officer could figure out the word "Recorders" while pointing at the crowd. It was not written in the details of their mission that the bomber knew about their Bureau. Afraid that he would say something wrong, Anson chose to keep his mouth shut once he regained consciousness.

Yohan chuckled. His appearance beyond their manly and rugged uniforms, looked wild like a young boy who didn't know the curfew to go home. The 29-year-old knows how to look like a 17-year-old at his age. Yohan stubbed out his cigarette by pressing the burning tip against the bottom of the ashtray, saying, "You did your best. No need to bother with your report, just do it by the end of the deadline."

"Captain, you always teach bad things." The gentle and polite Shen Yu drank his strawberry milk in a corner of the room. His legs were pressed together as he sat down, As a typical young man at a glance, you would think that he was the only child of a conglomerate family, and it turns out your guess was right. He must have had his own reasons why he would prefer this kind of menial work over sitting quietly behind the seat of his family's heir.

On the other hand, In-Su snorted while downing his drink in a brusque manner. His head was tilted up to reveal his pale neck, while his adam's apple was moving up and down constantly. In the process of enjoying the liquor, In-Su accidentally bumped the small body next to him, thus spilling the glass of tequila that the person was drinking.

"There are still many other places, why should it be next to me?!" Ishida Segu shouted releasing his anger while trying to restrain himself from kicking the rude man next to him. Everyone knew that the relationship between these two people never got along like Tom and Jerry, so no one bothered about it.

"Why should I know. " In-Su answered simply. Furthermore, he even leaned slightly towards Segu's small body, making the little man even more furious.

"Slide over there!"

In-Su gave no response except to continue drinking.

"Oi, Ishida."

On the other hand, Segu didn't realize that his Captain had already called his name several times. He only realized it on the 4th call. This youth stuttered and immediately replied, "Yes, Captain?"

"Investigate what I asked yesterday. Make sure to secure our conversation."

"Oh, Roger that."

"And move here. I know your burden." Saying that, Yohan patted the empty side beside him. Segu was certainly happy, but being next to an acute smoker like that was no more pleasant than sitting next to a little rascal like In-Su. Segu who was about to stand up sat quietly, pouting. He knew that his captain was also playing with him, from the sound of his laughter that was then heard.

The single dogs then enjoyed their evening with light conversation and toasts. They slept until dawn, strewn across the floor and sofa, only to be awakened by the deafening sound of ringing calls. It sounded like a fire alarm, even worse than that.

The sound came from Yohan's cell phone, which happened to be lying not far from Shen Yu's ear. The man groaned and was about to slam the phone down, before realizing that it wasn't his. In severe sleepiness and dizziness, Shen Yu narrowed his eyes and found that there was a caller id "Director Ahn" on the call screen. He came to his senses within two seconds before rushing to find the Captain, who happened to be sleeping under the table, huddled in the cold. They had booked several rooms beforehand, but forgot to use them because they were drunk.

Shen Yu shook Yohan's shoulder. "Captain, the Director is calling." still no response, he shook his shoulder harder. "Captain, wake up." The captain had little sleep each day and had a history of severe insomnia so when he could sleep he would sleep with a vengeance. Shen Yu sighed and did his last resort. He took a deep breath and hit Yohan's back until it made a loud thud, both waking and surprising Yohan. People who are used to being gentle and polite can sometimes be crueler than others.

Shen Yu smiled kindly, and handed Yohan's cell phone to him. "Captain, Director Ahn just called."

Yohan was still gathering his life when he heard that. He yawned 3 times before rubbing his head and accepting his phone. He chuckles when he sees a line of caller id "Director Ahn" fill up his incoming calls. This is definitely not a good thing.

"Not calling back?" Shen Yu asked, yawning twice, rubbing his head tiredly.

"No. She'll be calling back in a minute." Yohan confidently said that. And he wasn't wrong at all when a quarter of a minute later, an incoming call came from the same name. Yohan instantly picked it up.

"Hello, Director Ahn. So bumpy you contacted me via private number. " Usually, work calls will be made through the Aishraya Sub channel, but now they are made through their respective private numbers. Inevitably Yohan will ask about it.

["Johan, come with your team to the SkyDome this morning."]

John sighed. "Director Ahn, do you know what time it is?"

["Johan, do you know how much reward I would give if you guys came this morning?"]

"Director Ahn, I am rich enough to turn down your offer."

["And I'm powerful enough to demote you. Come here quickly."]

"Hey, that's an abuse of authority…" Shen Yu who 'accidentally' heard the two's conversation replied from the side.

Yohan laughed exasperatedly, replying, "You knew my dad wouldn't allow that right?"

Director Ahn laughed back at the other end. ["I can raise your rank in a day. And you'll be one step closer to your goal. Don't you really want access to that information? What would your dad do for you? Who's been helping you all this time, you son of a bitch?"]

"Fuck…" Director Ahn stabbed right at the target.

Yohan immediately got up and kicked his men one by one, waking them from a marvelous dream. Shen Yu watched at the other end of the room as Yohan kicked Anson's ass, then watched Anson kick In-Su's ass, then watched how happy In-Su was when he kicked Segu's ass. When everyone was awake, they could only hasten to wash their faces and complain along the way.

The distance between the entertainment center district and the government district was quite far, so they had to hurry. Today only Yohan and Shen Yu brought the car, so the 5 people were divided into two, and almost all of them chose to get into Shen Yu's car. So to be fair, Shen Yu was forced by Yohan to leave his car and they would all go in Yohan's sports car. That's really inhumane.

Yohan is driving, so all teams get ready for the adrenaline rush to come. He drives like crazy. Anyway, anyone can't explain how messed up he was holding the steering wheel and stepping on the gas pedal. Anyone who sees the way he drives will question the validity of his driving license. Holding on to his seatbelt, Anson said many prayers and chose to close his eyes for the rest of the trip. They had just survived a deadly turn where Yohan was doing a crazy drift.

"Ishida, check if the details of the mission have been sent by the SkyDome."

Segu who almost died because of Yohan's way of driving, plus two idiots on his right and left who suddenly made him as a support to dispel fear, while biting his lip trying not to swear at the team leader. And half-heartedly said "Roger, Captain."

He opened the interface of his Portable PC which was in the form of a simple watch wrapped around his left arm. A simple button is pressed and a fingerprint is required. Ishida gave a thumbs up and in an instant, a holographic screen appeared in the air, and he was the only person who could see the interface. Segu checked as Yohan said. "Yes, Captain. It has been sent. I have passed it on to all of you."

Immediately, everyone started checking their Portable Devices in their respective arms. Only Yohan didn't, because he was driving. Trying not to bring his comrades to death. Instead, it was the rest of the team who explained the essence of the mission this time.

"Wtf, F-class mission?" the one who grumbled first was In-Su. He read through the details of the mission several times and still couldn't believe that it was such an extremely trivial F-class mission.

"What mission?" Yohan asked, glancing at him through the dashboard rearview mirror.

In-Su sighed loudly, smiling in annoyance. "Another cheap mission where we have to go back in time and get the face of the person who saved Director Ahn's friend from an assassination attempt."

Yohan was as incredulous as In-Su when he heard that. Anson, who had been blindfolded for a while, immediately replied, "Shouldn't a mission like this be left to Unit Two, or at least the Recorders from the Investigation Division?"

Shen Yu laughed. "Isn't this just because Director Ahn wants to torture us?"

A trip that actually took less than 2 hours can now be completed in less than 1 hour.