

Back in the present time, Roy and Lynne appeared in the same place that they had left. Lynne pinched her left arm and felt pain. "So it was actually real…" she murmured.

"Do you believe me now?" asked Roy. "Or is my story still fractured?"

"Okay, I was wrong, I admit it," said Lynne. She scanned her room and said, "So this good for nothing room turns to be great in the future. Cool!"

"Yeah," replied Roy. "Now if you'll excuse me," getting on his feet, "I want to find a place to rest. I am drained up."

"Wait, you're leaving? Just like that?"

"Yeah? I don't know what further work do I have in this creepy place, do you?"

"Yes I do, Time Wanderer. And you are not just leaving. Have you gone out of your mind?"

"No, thank you for asking, I am still clear headed."

"Obviously you are not. Do you imagine what this precious watch would bring us if we use it?"

"People mocking us? We already have a lot," he said, turning towards the door.

"I am not done talking!" shouted Lynne.

Roy turned with an annoyed expression on his face and said, "Then for God's sake speak already!"

"Sit down first," she said. Roy rolled his eyes and sat next to her, "Okay I sat, now talk."

"Dummy, this thing that you've got in your pocket, is a blessing to us, understand? If we traveled to the future or the past or whatever, we could become rich!"

"No Lynne, I am not traveling in time to steal money. I am not that kind of thief ."

"I told you that you need a doctor. This is an opportunity presented to us on a golden plate, and you just refuse it! Imagine the life we would have if we stole some money and other amazing items from another timeline and sold it in ours."

"Stop dreaming."

"You're impossible! What's your problem? When we get rich, I'll buy a villa, and maybe let you live with me. I would also buy slaves just to serve me. Ahhh that kind of life seemed unreachable before, but now it's so near."

Roy let out a sigh and said firmly, "My answer is still no. I wouldn't do something like that."

"Oh my God oh my God, you have killed people! And you still don't want to steal!"

"I killed people who wanted to kill me, and that is when I am forced to. But there is no way I would kill on sight! Stop dreaming and come back to reality! You think that you will be able to sell the items that you could acquire? Bullsh*t!

"Every police officer, every shopkeeper, and half of the citizens of this city knows our faces! How the hell are we supposed to sell items there?"

"We don't necessarily have to sell in this stupid city! It isn't the only city in the world!"

"Please stop it. I have other plans!"

Lynne's interest was suddenly roused and she said, "Other plans? What other plans?"

"I want to prevent my parents' deaths," he replied, a determined look on his face.

"Ooo, you're feeling guilty, right? Well, you could have saved them by not killing them 3 years ago."

"I told…!" he didn't continue the sentence, he knew it was of no use.

"Just kidding. Now, do you need my help?"


"I was expecting you to tell me if you don't mind or anything of that sort!"

He made an expression that said 'Really?' and then said, "We need to get to Obore city, the city where my parents were murdered back then, and find a way to prevent their death."

"Okay, but we are certainly traveling in the past timeline, and not the present one, right?"


Lynne took a deep breath, and continued, "Where do we start?"

"The day before the murder, I was on a trip with my friends. This trip happens to be the nearby town. We start from there. Then after we return, I'll return with them to Obore and do whatever it takes to stop my father from getting a gun. That way, I can ensure that he doesn't hurt anybody, and both my parents would be live."

"That's all great and good. But how are you going to return with your friends in your current self, not the past one? How are you going to sneak in?"

"I was there nearly all day, I need to get to the toilet, right?"

"Right. And what's my mission, may I ask, O Great Time Wanderer?"

"First, stop calling me that. Second, I'll check if I had money on me back then and book you a trip on a bus or a car to Obore. Then you will sneak into the hospital at the day the murder and swap with one of the nurses. I want you to be there if something goes wrong, so we can return to the present immediately."

Lynne nodded solemnly and added," You realize that it is dangerous. We are not playing, we are changing the past, writing a new future, one that is different from ours."

"Yes indeed. And you would have a chance to get a new life."

"A new life…" she mumbled. "When do we start?"

"Tomorrow at noon. We bathe, get some new clothes and some food. And since you are so good at stealing money, I'll leave this part to you, just in case."

Roy stayed that night in Lynne's crooked place and nearly destroyed house. She slept on the bed, which wasn't in a good condition either, while he slept with his back on the wall. He felt more secure if he slept while sitting down, because if a crisis appeares, he would be ready to jump into action and not undergo the process of getting his body up.

The next day, Roy stole a big bottle of water and brought it to Lynne's place. He bathed in half the amount of water behind the shack, and left the rest to Lynne.

Not wanting to be there when she bathed, he went down to the city, covering his face as he found a men clothes store. He picked up a couple of shirts, pants, a pair of sneakers, and a casket.

However, he didn't buy; instead, he did his usual thing. He stole.

He returned back to the house after picking up some food from a restaurant, and entered. There Lynne was clean, and as beautiful as always. She had already brought the clothes, food and even the money. The two packed the food and the appeals in a short period of time.

Finally, after they finished, Roy said as he looked at her, "Shall we go?"

Lynne looked at him and nodded. She grabbed his arm as he adjusted the stopwatch to the past, and its pointers started rotating backwards.

Next chapter