

Thomas was a normal man with dreams until he died. Once he died everything went away becoming nothing. Yet he was given a second chance to be greater than before. He is about to make the world his academia. Starting as the quirkless wonder \ HE will go to other worlds eventually First World - My Hero Academia THIS WILL BE VERY AU AND ILL TRY MY BEST TO DEIVAVTE FROM WHAT WE ALREADY GOT ALSO IF YOU HAVE A BETTER NAME FOR THIS FICITION ID LOVE THE NAME AND ANY ADVICE I CAN GET TO BE A BETTER WRITER :D I'll UPDATE EVERY MONDAY AND FRIDAY :D

DaoistZ6CXyO · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


So there's been some issues I'd like to address here and I thought since I'm halfway down the new chapter I thought I'd write this.

1. Idk what rule 63 or some shit is but I'm not writing a whole universe of women hell this isn't even a love story or a story with. Harem it's literally just two people coming together to fight crime. Though Izumi has a crush on him

2. I write from Izumi's and Thomas's point of view. They're both the mc which wasn't the plan originally but I just love writing Izumi's thoughts and how she views things. So I'll make sure to show who the pov is(unless it's the villain) but if it's a different pov look for this POV CHANGE and IZUMI'S POV.

3. I want to give him a stand that'll give him his system eventually it's always been my plan and I hinted at in chapter 2(I need to rewrite it but yeah chapter 2 hints at it) if you have an ability you want to give him first I'd love to hear it and any opinions you may have.

4. I'd love opinions on how Thomas/Oliver can use his powers rn I have him copying echo echo and tengan in some aspects and can heal.

5. I'd love more interaction and comments so please comment just let's stay positive and not unnecessarily negative.

That's it I mostly would like feedback on how to better write his power set. I have some ideas but meh I think it's going fine. So um plus ultra haha.

Wait wait I forgot the story will be a crossover once he learns how to teleport which won't be for a little bit longer I want him to go the marvel universe for his last power which will be venom and venom will fuse with his stand. Okay that's it. I don't want him to be to overpowered but I feel he's heading that way so Im sorry. I also want to change the name of the story. Though I can't think of one so help

Okay that's all now byes 👋