
the time I got reincarnated as the god of system

Mohit_Kumar_0103 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

7. the explaination chapter

so it's been 2 months and I am really familiar with everything now.

1. I know many will say we don't Fully develop our brains hippocampus at such young age then how does he remember stuff not just this life but before life to so let tell you one thing in this life when I am young but still not a human but a freaking god so you better shut up and read.

2. that green scroll that happened to appear when I got beaten up by the bullies was supposed to be the scroll of divinity that made me a god and the god who made that scroll was the god of gods.

3. a lot of you will think that god of gods must be the strongest if he can even make god babies for other gods then let me tell you he is the weakest god in SSS+ class ranks now you must be confused that what is the SSS+ for gods so just see the next explanation.

4. the good system is divided into many classes and stages ,if a god is 1 and a s class and a good with stage 2 with B class fight there strength will likely be equal so it is a reference and the stage are as follows.

1. F class

2. E class

3. D class

4. C class

5. B class

6. A class

7. S class

8. SS class

9. SSS class

10. SSS+ class

and the stages are as follows.

1. the stage of eternity.

2. the stage of immortality.

3. the stage of divinity.

4. the stage of the unknown.

the 4. stage is unknown because only a few gods are able to get to that stage and by a few I mean 3 gods and the thing is that once a god enters the 4. stage he forgets the way to go in it and ya to go in the 4. stage you need to do a secret thing that no one except for the strongest god knows about and it's not like if you know what the thing is you can even become because once a god is born if it's born with 3-4 stage only only then it is possible that he can break through the large barrier between both 3-4 stage and there was only 4 gods born with stage 3. in the history and only one god born with stage 4.

5.and the strongest god is the god of reality I know you guys must be disappointed but bro he was the one and only genius god + he was born with stage 4 and he created the first god the god of gods and the god of gods can make god babies but the god babies have to have a death in there previous life because a newbie soul that just happened to have been created by the god of soul can't handle the intense divinity of a god and it the soul is to old it still can't handle it so the soul has to be in its second life and that's why all the goods remember there past life as well as the new one.

6. there are 5 legendary gods that are obviously all the SSS+ class gods they are to be revealed further ahead in the story.

so the explanation chapter is over and from onwards the chapters I Post will be a bit longer then they used to be when I posted them earlier but now I will write more for you guys so please consider voting.

I would love it if you guys will vote and I don't mena power stones I mean energy stones so please vote a lot so I get motivated to write chapters.

love you all and bye bye the chapter over so if you are still reading that means you love reading and are my true buddy.