
The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Vampire

A young girl was shot by a robber while attempting to save her best friend. As she bled to death, a mysterious voice interpreted her dying wishes into powerful skills that she would use in her next life. Unexpectedly, she was reincarnated as a vampire from a bygone era.

TempestNotion · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Assessing one's Strength

As Arcueid and I made our way toward the courtyard after changing inside her room, a hint of anticipation hung in the air, adding to the weight of uncertainty.

The corridors seemed unusually quiet most of the time, amplifying the tension that coursed through my veins.

"Hey Luna, you're looking a bit nervous there. Is there something wrong?" Arcueid's voice broke through the silence, offering a comforting reassurance amidst the looming uncertainty.

In response, I shook my head and masked my unease with a feeble smile. "Nothing, it's just that I'm not entirely sure who we are going to face in the assessment."

"Oh, is that all? Well, you're in luck because the majority of the vampire children weren't that difficult to defeat," Arcueid explained with a reassuring tone. "Most of them have mediocre strength and their skills were quite easy to exploit." 

Despite her words of consolation, a nagging doubt still lingered within me. The thought of facing off against fellow vampire children in combat, regardless of their skill level, filled me with a sense of apprehension.

As we approached the northern corridor where the courtyard was located, I could sense the presence of multiple individuals in the distance, punctuated by the sound of lively chatters echoing against the stone walls.

Upon arrival at our destination, we were greeted by the sight of vampire children waiting at the entrance, each exuding an aura of determination and confidence. It was clear that they were all eager to prove themselves in the assessment, expecting to assert their dominance and guarantee their position within the vampire community.

"Wow, there's so many of them," I remarked, darting my gaze through the crowd while feeling the sweat trickling down my cheek.

Arcueid chuckled, seemingly relishing my nervousness. "Ah, don't be such a worrywart, Luna, I'm sure you can do it. Nevertheless, we should find Luminous as soon as—"

"—There's no need, she's coming."

"Huh? But where—"

"—Right here."


Just as expected, Luminous appeared right next to Arcueid, who seemed surprised by the sudden appearance. Ever since the last time that happened, I gained the ability to detect even the slightest disturbance in my surroundings.

"Oh, you've noticed me, Luna? That's quite fascinating," Luminous remarked, curiosity lacing her words.

Forcing another smile, I tried to hide my worries from her. "Yeah, I felt your presence heading towards us earlier, though it was faint and slow."

"Hold on, does that mean you're stalking us, Luminous?" Arcueid asked with a dissatisfied tone in her voice, realizing the current situation.

Luminous, seemingly unfazed, shrugged her shoulder and replied, "I don't know what you're talking about. I just happened to be heading in the same direction as you two."

Hearing this, Arcueid pouted frustratedly, provoking a heated argument with Luminous. The fuss drew the attention of the vampire children who were waiting at the entrance. Damn, I should diffuse the situation before it escalated.

"Hey, break it up you two," I intervened, trying to pacify my two companions. "Let's try not to attract any more attention to ourselves, okay?"

Arcueid furrowed her brows before sighing and eventually consented to my request. "Fine, but I'm not done talking with you, Luminous."

Luminous, with a dismissive wave of her hand, turned her back on us and retorted casually, "Whatever you say, I'll see you both in the courtyard."

Afterward, she walks away from us and vanishes into the crowd, leaving us to handle the gathering storm of emotions brewing within us.

"Urgh, I hate it when she acts like that," Arcueid complained, still sulking about the random encounter. "Regardless, let's get moving, Luna."

With a respectful nod, we forged ahead, bracing ourselves for the assessment that awaited us on the other side of the entrance.


Clang, clang. The resonant tolling of bells shattered the tense silence, signaling the imminent beginning of the assessment. Excitement stirred among the vampire children, their collective anticipation was evident as they all streamed forward. 

Upon seeing this, Arcueid and I trailed behind them, passing through the arch entrance into a vast area bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. The shuffle of footsteps reverberated on the marble floor as we mingled with the gathering of children. The towering stone walls enclosed the courtyard, casting shadows that danced in the night.

Eventually, the atmosphere crackled with suspense when a bunch of grown vampires took their positions at the center stage, seemingly overseeing the entire courtyard.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I turned to Arcueid. "Psst, who are those people? And what are they doing here?"

"Hmm? Ah, those are the divine ancestors of the vampire race," she explained. "They're here to judge and monitor the assessment to ensure none of us kill each other."

The ancestors exuded an air of authority, their presence managing attention. Among them, Twilight Valentine, the progenitor, stood at the center, a figure of immense knowledge and reverence. With a simple gesture, they silenced the murmurs bustling through the crowd of vampire children.

Once everyone finally hushed down, Twilight proceeded to address the assembly. "Welcome, young ones, to the obligatory assessment. Tonight, you shall all demonstrate your strength, cunningness, and bravery in this very event."

I absorbed the information, considering the weight of the night's events. Their tone was calm and collected, emphasizing the importance of this assessment in our journey as vampires.

"Remember, cooperation is a valid option," Twilight continued, "Form a union with those who can aid in your victory and defeat those who stand in your way."

Their words ignited a flurry of whispers and murmurs among the vampire children. Alliances formed and rivalries simmered, the courtyard buzzing with the energy of impending conflict.

Just as the tension reached its peak, a sudden disturbance leaked through the assemblage, drawing our eyes to a figure emerging from within. It was Luminous, her presence disrupting the solemnity of the moment.

"Oh, Luminous, always making an entrance," Arcueid remarked, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "What are you doing here?"

Unfazed by her comment, Luminous sauntered toward us, her gaze shifting between me and Arcueid. "Well, I was checking if you two were prepared. Especially you, Luna, your new attire looks immaculate."

"Ah, thank you. I just borrowed this from Arcueid," I acknowledged, feeling rather flustered by her compliment.

Arcueid, seemingly annoyed, clicked her tongue and interjected, "Cut the act, Luminous. Tell us the real reason you're here or else we will beat you senselessly."

"Oh, do you want to be my enemy, Arcueid?" Luminous retorted, furrowing her brows.

Feeling the tension rising, I stepped in between the two arguing vampire girls and attempted to mediate the situation. "Wait, can we all just calm down and settle our differences?"

The two stopped arguing, turning their attention to me. Nervousness crept over me as they posed a question that challenged my conviction.

"Luna, between me and Luminous—"

"—Who do you trust more?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected question, I hesitated, torn between my connection with Arcueid and the enigmatic charm of Luminous. But I couldn't bear the thought of renouncing either of them.

After a moment of internal debate, I found my resolve. "I choose both of you."

Arcueid's eyebrows shot up in surprise, while Luminous regarded me with a knowing smile.

"Wait, both of us?" Arcueid echoed, her tone tinged with disbelief.

I nodded, meeting their gazes with determination. "Yes, that's right. Both of you have given me something unique in my life, and I value our companionship equally."

As the words hung in the air, Arcueid's expression softened, a touch of warmth replacing the initial surprise. "If that's how you see it, then... then..."

Luminous, ever the composed one, grinned purposefully. "Interesting choice, Luna. I suppose we'll have to see how well you can support both of us in the assessment."

I chuckled nervously, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Well, I'll do my best."

Clang, clang. The bell tolled once more, pulling our attention back to the center stage, where Twilight prepared to deliver a final message.

"It seems alliances are in order, which means we can now begin the event," they declared. "Once the bells ring again, you shall engage in combat until only a few remain standing."

The courtyard buzzed with expectation as all of us readied ourselves for the battles ahead. I steeled my resolve, determined to achieve victory while supporting my two companions.


[Third POV]

Clang, clang.

As the third toll of the bell shattered the uneasy calm, the courtyard erupted into chaos. The vampire children clashed in a frenzy of violence, their movements quick yet ferocious as they traded blows and magic projectiles under the moonlit sky.

Amidst the turmoil, Luna, Arcueid, and Luminous stood close together, keenly coordinating their senses with the devastation around them.

"Let's watch each other's back, okay?" Luna suggested, her voice firm amidst the chaos.

Arcueid nodded, her gaze scanning the courtyard. "Got it, stick together."

"But of course, just don't let me down, you two," Luminous chimed in, calmly observing the chaos with her heterochromatic eyes.

Before they could strategize further, a pack of vampire children charged toward them, claws exposed and eyes glinting with aggression.

"Here they come," Luna cautioned, readying her defensive stance.

Arcueid grinned wildly, revealing her claws as she rushed at the enemies. "Come get some!!"

"Good grief, what an idiot," Luminous sighed wearily as she followed behind.

Feeling left behind by her companions, Luna cried out, "Hey, wait for me!"

In a coordinated effort, the trio confronted their attackers, gracefully evading strikes while delivering precise counterattacks. But amidst the fray, one of the vampire children took a step back, gathering energy for a dangerous attack.

Luna's senses tingled with warning as she spotted the impending danger. Without hesitation, she darted towards Arcueid, her instincts screaming with urgency.

"Look out!" 



Arcueid's eyes widened in terror as Luna shoved her out of harm's way, allowing her to avoid the loud screech hurling toward their direction. However, Luna took the full force of the blast, causing her body to stiffen and her ears to bleed profusely.


Both Arcueid and Luminous cried out, but Luna couldn't hear them, her world was reduced to a muffled silence and she could only hear the voice in her head.

<Warning, severe deafness detected. Activating [Resolute Adaptation]>

<Confirmed, [Auditory Resistance] acquisition successful>

With the declaration of her skill, Luna quickly adapted, restoring her hearing. Afterward, she charged at the vampire child who had unleashed the screech attack, determined to deliver retribution at them.

Seeing her approaching, the vampire child panicked, hurriedly gathering energy once again.

"Luna, look out!"

"Idiot, don't run towards it! Dodge!"

Arcueid and Luminous warned Luna, but she ignored them and kept on moving forward.


Another screech attack was launched, but to everyone's surprise, Luna bypassed it without flinching. The acquired skill proved invaluable as she closed the distance and punched the vampire child in the face.


With the attacker knocked out, Luna breathed a sigh of relief, her heart still racing from the adrenaline rush. Her gaze, filled with resolve, shifted to the remaining vampire children. They seemed to be intimidated by her display of strength as they stared back. 

Silent but resolute, Luna stood tall, her presence commanding respect. The vampire children, sensing defeat in the air, make the wise choice to flee, unwilling to challenge her further. But before they could escape, an unknown figure swiftly incapacitated them. 

"So, you were able to adapt to an attack after experiencing it once," a male voice observed.

Startled, Luna turned toward the voice and noticed a tall, charismatic boy approaching. His long, white-blond hair framed a face that exuded confidence, and he wielded a dull sword in his right hand. His silver eyes, piercing yet thoughtful, met Luna's gaze.

Seeing the boy, her instincts tingled with a blend of caution and curiosity. Who is this person, and why did he look so intrigued?

"Luna, are you alright?!"

A familiar voice called out, breaking the eerie moment. It was Arcueid, and she was running towards Luna with Luminous close behind. Together, they formed a protective barrier in front of their friend while confronting the newcomer.

"Well, well, if it isn't the white princess and the creator's daughter. Nice of you two to join the party," the vampire boy remarked, his tone tinged with amusement.

Arcueid's expression hardened as she stepped forward, her stance defensive. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

"No need to ask him, Arcueid," Luminous interjected, "I already figured out his identity."

The tension in the air crackled as the mysterious boy regarded them with a cryptic smile, his presence casting a shadow of uncertainty over their encounter.

"His name is Alucard Tepes." 

Let me cook please

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