
The Time I Got Reincarnated As A Seraph

A man dying due to a random attacker ascends to heaven and god reincarnates him as a female angel, since he plays games often and watches overlord. The main character sents off to make allies and go into conquest after making enough allies.

Seriko_Lee · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 34: Becoming A Adventurer


Jingo Jungle

Throne Room

Aliciana Victona:" Create greater item."

A body armor like a golden knight with silver lines on each area appeared all over Azuki.

He decided on taking out the spear. the knight shield and lastly Alucard's sword of the undead.

Aliciana Victona: "Gate."

Tamia followed him soon after, both entered the gate.


7th Floor, Jingo Jungle

Surveillance Room

Azuki and Tamia started to arrive in the surveillance room.

Azuki Tamayo approached the mirror of viewing.

He took two scrolls from his inventory.

The scroll of world viewing and the scroll of internal view.

Aliciana Victona: " Mirror of viewing, show me the nation that wishes to fight me.'

The mirror moved north then east.

He sees locals shopping and doing everyday activities.

Tamia: "Please find an area in the capital, that is private to teleport."

Aliciana Victona: "Gate."

The two entered the gate together.



Angtal Empire

Aliciana Victona:" have 600 bronze and 60 gold taken from the captured prize room but this area has unknown factors."

Tamia: " How should we proceed?"

Aliciana Victona: " Follow my lead."

They left the alley and saw a man with 1 legion of troops looking about the area.

Tamia prepared for a fight.

Aliciana Victona: " Please think clearly, before you act."

They continued and they encountered a man shouting.

"Come one and all to the Yoshia adventurer's guild."

He approached the man and asked.

"Can you lead me there?"

Man:" For 50 copper."

Azuki took the copper from his inventory and gave it to the man.

The man went from 1st street then the second street.

There the two saw a sign.

Yoshia Adventurers' Guild

The two continued walking towards the building then entered it.


Yoshia, Yoshia Adventurers' Guild

Angtal Empire

Azuki stepped forward while Tamia closed the door.

As they approached the counter of the receptionist.

An adventurer said.

" Another money bag is gonna kick the bucket, like the others."

Receptionist: "Hi, my name is Mary."

Aliciana:" It's nice to meet you, I would like to join your ranks."

Mary:" That will be 20 copper."

So he paid her and then asked if he can rent a room.

Mary took out a stone from below the counter then said.

"This will measure your capacity."

The skills of them both appeared.



Skills: 10

Skills: 20

Spells: 0

Spells: 40

Mana: 0


Aliciana Victona:" How much is for one of those stones?"

Mary: " 2000 gold."

She started to clap.

*Clap* *Clap*

A portal appeared next to the counter.

Mary:" This is dimensional with the endless rooms, room 200 is for you."

So they walked and entered the portal.

Tamia: "Room 200"

Unknown Time

Guild Dimension

Adventurer Apartments

Aliciana Victona: "It appears, this building is a player's base of operations."

Tamia: " I agree, but why the name of Joria and Elena?"

Aliciana Victona: " We are undercover and we need to find more information this, it appears two players are here."

Tamia: " What about that patrol and this guild."

Aliciana Victona: " We should try to have a clean sheet, so they stop their search."

Tamia:" Your worship is amazing, Lord Aliciana."

Aliciana Victona: " It is Joria, while we are undercover."

Tamia: " It will never again, Lord Joria."

Aliciana Victona: " Adventurer guild."


Yoshia, Yoshia Adventurers' Guild

Angtal Empire

The two teleported before Mary.

A Dark Elf walked down and said.

" I am Ragna, leader of this guild."

The lady pointed at the elf.

Tamia grew a bit too angry and tried to rush him but Aliciana bonked her butt for not thinking.

Aliciana Victona: " It is nice to meet you Ragna."

So the two took the stairs and followed the strange elf.

They went to the fifth floor within the building, all three of them sat on a sofa within his office.

Aliciana Victona:" Are you a player also Ragna?"

Ragna:" Yes and you have seen be to a mid-low-level player yourself, people in this world are low level so the rare warriors are deadly."

Aliciana Victona:" What do you want from me?"

Ragna:" Do the quest and clear the lowest to the highest, since you are a copper rank."

So Aliciana and Tamia left the fifth floor.

After they left, they are immediately teleported in front of the receptionist.

Azuki turned around and asked Mary about a quest.

"Which is the easiest quest to do?"

Mary:" There are rumors that the destroyed dragon city has 40 legions of undead on the outside, the wall kept them out."

Azuki and Tamia left the guild and heading towards the alley, they arrived at before they joined the guild.

Ragna is looking at them with his mirror of viewing.

Ragna used a location scroll and he teleported them to the location.


Ancient Dragon City

Angtal Empire

Azuki Tamayo to himself.

'Only my low-level spells and skills are active.'

Aliciana Victona: " Mid low-level battalion."

100 Mid-low-level undead with full medium leather armor appeared.

Aliciana Victona: " Attack."

The undead rushed into the enemy undead forces and the foes are falling left and right.


The battle went on until evening.

With his forces remaining, he checked their hp.

30% HP Remaining

All forces need healing

Aliciana Victona:" Tamia , use your spell."

Tamia:" Negative Aura."

A blast of dark undead energy went across the field and the undead are healed.

Aliciana Victona: " Head to Lulu."

The undead started marching off to their next destination.

Ragna: "Gate."

A gate appeared and they entered it.


Yoshia, Yoshia Adventurers' Guild

Angtal Empire

Ragna: "Guild announcement."

He started to speak to his guild.

" Our new members Joria and Elina have defeated the undead at the dragon city."

The two arrived and heard this, they went from the second floor to the first.

Mary looked at the quest and reward

Quest: Dragon city

Reward: 70,000 copper

Status: Complete

Azuki and Tamia approached Mary, she looked and collected the money from the item box then gave it to Azuki.

Mary: " You did well, talk to me anyway, so I can know you more."