
The Time I Got Reincarnated As A Seraph

A man dying due to a random attacker ascends to heaven and god reincarnates him as a female angel, since he plays games often and watches overlord. The main character sents off to make allies and go into conquest after making enough allies.

Seriko_Lee · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 28: Investigating

Near Night-Time

Jingo Jungle

10th floor

Aliciana Victona: " I am thinking about going to the north, where my Seraphim is."

Tamia: "To check on the battle readiness for a possible attack?"

Aliciana Victona: "You know me so well, gate."

He approached the portal and entered it.

Near Night

East Of Serna

Altarum Empire

Azuki has arrived at the chosen destination.

The seraphim bow and told him.

" Preparations are complete but should I summon Cherubim as insurance?"

Aliciana Victona: " This nation is new to me , so may have stronger warriors."

Seraphim:" Did one nearly take your life?"

Aliciana: " Yes, one took 30% of my health but I said it was 25%, telepathy.

Tanya Jitour: "How may I be of service to you?"

Aliciana Victona:" Find out what you can on this nation that threatens us, it is called the Angtal Empire."

Near Night-Time


Altarum Empire

Tanya Jitour landed within the capital and started to walk.

The people looked shocked at this cause she normally, fly and go to the castle to sleep for the night.

She walked and approached a man.

Tanya Jitour: " Can you tell me where is the library?"

Man:" On the west side of here, it has AL for Alexna Library on it."

Tanya Jitour: " Thank you, may my Lord bless for this deed."

So she left the man, to what she meant.

Tanya Jitour took a left turn and after 12 blocks, she arrived at the library.

She started to climb the stairs of the library and she opened the door.

Tanya Jitour approached the Librarian counter and asked.

"Where can i get a book about the Angtal Empire?"

The Librarian crouched down and picked up a large book then she gave it to Tanya Jitour.

Tanya took the book and walked until she found an empty seat.

She pulled the seat back and sat upon it then opened the book, then started to read.


Alexna Library

Altarum Empire

Tanya Jitour reading.

The Founding Of The Angtal Empire

At the beginning of the Angtal Divisional War, two siblings made claim their claim to the Throne.

One of which is James Mason and the other is called Silesta Mason.

The rich and poor favored Silesta Mason The 1st , so James Mason hired a private army from the east.

The private army he hired, James would often call them a nickname.

On that day, they are called the eastern terrorist but to James, the elvish scouts.

Angtal at this didn't believe in military force, cause they dominate trade in all affairs.

James marched his army of outsiders onto the royal capital and started to besiege it.

One outsider told their leader, they have no siege equipment.

He rebuked them and ordered them to find resources so, we may conquer and plunder there.

Shock and terror came upon the populous , for they have heard that voice before.

A young man in the city of Yoshia said.

"Is he not the one that said we need to militarize for war, but now he seeks to bring us harm."

A lady in the crowd also said.

"Let us pray to our God who has created the 4 heavens."

Some prayed for an hour while the rest did not pray.

Most are the outsiders arrived with 500 loads of wood and started to build ladders.

A loud voice from above sounded with a loud voice.

"Let the bravest of you step forward."

20,000 men stepped out of the 2 million with the town of 4 million people.

Sword and golden armor came upon the men and they felt the power of the god of gods.

After they felt the power, they rushed to the walls of Yoshia and prepared for a bloody battle.

After 2 hours, the enemy built 30 ladders and they all lined behind each other.

The defenders taunted the army of James Mason, so they rushed a bit and cause of that.

5 ladders are destroyed and the others try to calm down cause they do not want to fail.

After a short while, they placed the ladders and tried to storm the walls.

But each time they tried to take the wall, they could not prevail.

So 5 legions lay dead on the ground, many retreated and camped as night came down.

The god of gods sent an angel and smoked 45 legions and James Mason for trying to harm his people.

Tanya to herself.

'Well, this was an interesting read, better report this to my lord.'

Tanya Jitour:" Telepathy."

Aliciana Victona:" What have you found about Angtal Empire?"

Tanya Jitour: "I will transmit you the information now, view transmitter."


Jingo Jungle

Throne Room

A screen appeared in front of him.

He began to read the information before and said.

"Thank you, Tanya, this city is protected by the one that sent me so do not attack bit defend."

Tanya Jitour:" Any more orders?"

Aliciana Victona:" Take a rest, you have provided all I needed for any issues in the future."



Altarum Empire

Tanya got off the seat and placed it back to leave the library shortly after giving it back to the librarian.

She took flight and landed within the deceased kin's bedroom, she approached the bedroom.

Tanya Jitour took up the sheets and prepared to sleep , after a while.

She fell asleep, followed by her soldiers.