
In a Game Pt. 1

I, Lillith Nemain Nightingale, came to the realization that I was reincarnated a day ago.

I was reborn as the second daughter of the most powerful of the four dukedoms in Cadalerin. But there's more to this situation. Lillith is the horrible villainess of the otome game '~Doki Doki Soulmate Searcher!~ Find Your One True Love and Defeat the Forces of Evil!❤~'

I do not want to say why I played this game with the ridiculous title. But let's just say it helped with the unending disappointments of life.

On to more important matters, I played the game till the happy ending. For the Heroine.

It is a western themed game set in medieval times, set in the powerful Kingdom of Cadalerin, you play as the gentle, beautiful, and in my personal opinion bumbling bimbo, girl: Miss Elizabeth Clarencio. Illegitimate daughter born to the Duke of House Clarencio, Johnathan Clarencio without his knowledge she was raised in a small commoners village just outside the capitol. There, she lived with her mother, a former maid of the house, until she died two years previous to the game starting due to illness. Before her mother died she told her everything about who she truly was.

Now isn't this the most cliched backstory you can get? But wait! There's more!

After finding out who she was, the dear, sweet, and pitiful Elizabeth made her way to her fathers house and declared who she was! And the duke took in his poor daughter as a proper lady of the house. But as I said she's a bumbling bimbo. But with plot armor. After two years of rushed Lady Training, she was sent to the kingdoms academy to learn to advance as a lady and find a husband with good connections to make House Clarencio rise higher in the Four Ducal Rankings.

The Four Ducal Rankings is the kingdoms system for the four duke ranked houses.

In first place is House Nightingale. My new home and family. There are three main reasons why my family is the leading house in the kingdom besides the Royal Family. These being our backing, influence on the people, and position in the kingdom. Our backing would be the fact that my mother, Duchess Avianna Asmoday Nightingale was the former second princess of the neighboring and equally powerful Kingdom of Asmoday. The kingdom sent their two princesses to our kingdom to strengthen the ties of friendship between the two. One of them being my mother, Princess Avianna, and the other being the current queen of our nation, former Crown Princess, Queen Sophia Asmoday Cadalerin.

So my house's backing includes the current queen of our nation along with the neighboring country's king. Which is already enough to stop most houses from even thinking of going against us or try to rise higher.

The influence on the people includes the fact that ten years ago, there was a famine that swept through our kingdom due to a bad year of farming. The Asmoday king, in love and adoration he has always had for his sisters, sent thousands of pounds of grain, meat and other things to help his beloved sisters new people.

Our house having one of those sisters, in the commoners eyes turned my mother into a living goddess that descended onto the land to help their poor souls and families. Which means if another tried to come up with and spread bad rumors, none of them would be believed.

And finally our position in the kingdom is Duke while our role is currently Prime Minister. But 'currently' doesn't really suffice on the fact that we have been Prime Minister since the country has been created. All our past progenitors were vastly intelligent and talented, while being highly trusted by the Royal Family.

This chapter we focus on the game's scenario, and a slightly in depth history on Lillith's house the Nightingale's.

Next chapter will focus more on the Heroine's house and some details on the other two Ducal houses.

Makaayplayscreators' thoughts