
The Time I Became a Dark Queen

Risa Nakagami, an 18-year-old farm girl, is eagerly preparing for her sister’s arrival and the upcoming Christmas season. Living a simple yet fulfilling life with her family and her childhood friend, Aaron, she has everything she could wish for. On Christmas day, just as Risa is about to return home with her sister and new lover during a serene walk, a tragic accident claims her life. Awakening in an unfamiliar world, Risa discovers she has been reincarnated as Stella Bushido, the Princess of Lunia. With her memories of her past life intact, she faces the challenge of adapting to her new identity and responsibilities. In the world of Utalia, where Lunia resides, Stella must navigate palace intrigues, political alliances, and the looming threat of rivalling forces that seek to destabilize her realm. Join Stella's journey as the Queen of Lunia, and her reign as the Dark Queen of Arcania in this ultimate tale. --------------------- This was long overdue, and just like Luscious Ambition, this is the ULTIMATE version of Stella's story coming with an entirely new ending and new world-building! To all the Stella fans, I'm giving Stella a proper story, truly.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Battle on Tsumi River

{Month: Sunflare}

{Date: 1/1}

{Time: Morning}

It was the start of the new year, meaning it was also the start of the new era, The Era of Eclipse. The morning suns offered different hues of orange and yellow in the sky, casting its gentle glow upon the kingdom.

The war room in Lunia Castle bustled with purposeful activity under the steady glow of torchlight, casting long shadows across the maps spread out on the sturdy oak table. I, my bearing regal yet resolute, commanded attention from the head of the table, flanked by Leo, whose gaze mirrored my determination. Mira, a stalwart presence behind me, offered silent support with a reassuring touch on my shoulder.

Izumi, with her keen eyes scanning the maps, provided critical insights into the terrain and enemy defenses. Victoria, ever vigilant, moved among soldiers and advisors, ensuring supplies were ready and spirits high. The military commanders, seasoned veterans of Lunia's army, gathered closely, their faces a blend of anticipation and grim resolve.

My voice cut through the murmurs of strategy. "Our mission is clear," I declared firmly, my voice carrying across the room. "We are to march to Wadataka Base and gain control over their forces. Their base lies just after the Cythian Forest and rests upon the Tsumi River."

The advisors nodded in agreement, scribbling notes or exchanging knowing glances. Leo stepped forward, his tone unwavering. "We strike at noon. Izumi, Victoria, what intel do we have on their defenses?"

Izumi stepped up, tracing key positions on the map with a steady hand. "The base is fortified along the Tsumi River's eastern bank," she explained calmly. "Archers are positioned here, and patrols line the riverbank."

Victoria chimed in, her voice steady with resolve. "Ren Mizu and Hayate Gyobu lead the defenses. They are formidable, but we have surprise and numbers on our side."

I nodded thoughtfully, absorbing their insights. "Prepare our forces accordingly. This is not just a battle for territory—it's a message. This is the first step of creating an unstoppable and unmovable nation."

With my command, the room hummed with final preparations. Soldiers checked weapons, supplies were distributed, and strategies were refined. I observed with a mix of pride and determination, knowing the outcome of this mission would shape my reign and the future of Lunia.

As dawn approached, the castle stirred with the quiet intensity of soldiers readying for battle, their resolve mirrored in their queen's unwavering determination.

I led Izumi to the treasure room, carefully opening the door and allowing Izumi to step inside first. Izumi looked around in awe, her eyes scanning the beautiful treasures inside the room. She watched as I walked toward the table and picked up an satchel that contained Talismans.

"In this satchel is a very important type of weaponry. Since this will be your first time coming into battle, I don't want you on the front lines. Inside this bag are a set of Talismans known as Ceaseless Nights. This should be a good starting weapon for you," I said, approaching Izumi and holding out the bag for her.

Izumi took the satchel and opened it, looking inside and noticed a set of black paper talismans inside. Her eyes sparkled with determination and gratitude. "Thank you, Queen Stella. I promise I won't let you down."

I smiled at Izumi, gently rubbing her head. "I know you won't. Now let's go. It's nearly time for us to march."

Izumi swung her satchel around her shoulder, following me out of the treasure room. We made our way outside the castle, Izumi splitting with me to go to Leo. I decided to make my way toward the stables and get my horse ready to ride.

In the quiet solitude of the castle stables, the air was thick with the familiar scents of hay and leather. I stood before Blanche, my loyal horse, gently stroking the mare's sleek white coat. Blanche nuzzled against Stella's hand, sensing my anticipation and determination.

"Easy, girl," I murmured softly, my voice a contrast to the tension coiled within me. "This will be our first major battle since the day we saved Victoria three years ago.."

Blanche snorted softly in response, tossing her mane as if in agreement. I smiled faintly, finding solace in the silent understanding between us. I reached up to adjust the saddle and bridle, each movement deliberate and practiced.

"As queen, I must now lead with strength," I spoke aloud, more to myself than to Blanche, though the horse seemed to listen intently. "For Lunia, for my family."

Blanche whinnied softly, a sound that conveyed both reassurance and readiness. My heart swelled with a mixture of pride and apprehension. I had been training for moments like this, yet the weight of my responsibilities felt heavier than ever before.

"Today, we show them what Lunia is truly made of," I declared, my voice carrying a hint of steel beneath its calm surface. I patted Blanche's neck affectionately, feeling a surge of determination course through my veins.

With one last glance around the stables, I mounted Blanche gracefully. The mare shifted beneath me, sensing the shift in atmosphere as I gathered my resolve. As we emerged from the stables into the cool morning air, I cast a final look back at Lunia Castle, my home and fortress.

"We ride for victory," I declared, my voice carrying across the courtyard where my army awaited. Blanche's hooves echoed against the cobblestones as we joined the ranks of my army preparing to march towards the Wadataka Base.


{Time: Noon}

The noon sun cast a golden hue over the rugged terrain as my army and I set out from Lunia Castle towards the Tsumi River, where the Wadataka Base awaited our challenge. The rhythmic beat of marching boots echoed against the rocky path, punctuated by the occasional command from officers organizing the troops.

I rode at the head of the column, my posture upright and commanding, Blanche's steady gait matching my determination. Leo and Mira rode close beside me, their expressions a mix of resolve and concern for their queen. Izumi and Victoria positioned themselves strategically within the formation, ready to lend their skills and support when needed.

The journey was lengthy, the terrain unforgiving with its steep inclines and winding paths. Yet, each step brought us closer to their objective, and my presence infused the soldiers with a sense of purpose and unity. I acknowledged their fatigue with encouraging words, my voice carrying over the rhythmic sound of marching.

"We march not just for victory, but for justice," I called out, my words reaching every soldier within earshot. "For the safety of our people and the honor of Lunia!"

My declaration was met with resounding rallies and renewed determination from the troops. Banners bearing Lunia's crest fluttered proudly in the breeze, a symbol of our allegiance and commitment to my cause.

As we advanced, my thoughts turned to the challenges ahead. The Wadataka Base loomed in the distance, a formidable obstacle guarded by loyal defenders and overseen by commanders known for their skill and cunning. Yet, I remained steadfast in my resolve, my mind focused on the strategy and tactics that would secure victory for Lunia.

Leo rode up beside me, his expression serious yet supportive. "We're nearing the Tsumi River, Sis," he remarked quietly, casting a glance towards the horizon where the river's waters shimmered faintly in the sun's light.

I nodded, my gaze fixed ahead. "Stay vigilant, little brother," I replied, my tone a mix of command and sibling concern. "Prepare the troops. We will strike swiftly and decisively."

Leo saluted crisply before riding off to relay my orders to the commanders and ensure readiness among the ranks. Mira remained close, her presence a source of quiet strength and counsel for me as we approached the decisive moment.

The march continued, each passing moment filled with anticipation and determination. The sounds of the army's advance echoed through the valley, a testament to their unity and resolve in the face of adversity.

The Cythian Forest stretched dense and shadowy around my advancing army, its ancient trees towering overhead and casting dappled sunlight onto the forest floor. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, a stark contrast to the open fields we had left behind. As we pressed forward, alert and cautious, the tranquility of the forest belied the danger that lurked within.

Suddenly, the peace was shattered by the crack of breaking branches and the swift movement of shadows among the trees. From all sides, masked figures clad in dark attire emerged with deadly precision, their movements swift and silent like ghosts haunting the forest.

"Ambush!" my voice rang out, my instincts kicking into high gear as I drew my sword, Nyx, with practiced ease. Around me, Lunian soldiers reacted swiftly, forming defensive formations and meeting the ambushers head-on.

Leo and Mira swiftly moved to protect my flanks, their own weapons at the ready. Izumi conjured protective barriers and unleashed bolts of magical energy towards the attackers, while Victoria coordinated the soldiers' counterattack with tactical efficiency.

The skirmish erupted into chaos as blades clashed and spells crackled through the air. I fought with focused intensity, parrying strikes and delivering precise counterattacks. My determination and skill inspired my soldiers, who fought fiercely alongside me against the skilled ninja ambushers.

Among the trees, the Wadataka ninja displayed cunning tactics, using the dense foliage and natural cover to their advantage. They employed smoke bombs and swift strikes, aiming not to defeat my Lunian army outright but to delay our advance and sow discord among our ranks.

My katana cut through the air with the grace of a dancer, each stroke a fluid extension of my will. "Leo, at my side!"

Leo hurried toward my side, launching a brutal swing with his Tsukinoma, blowing a wave of ninja away with one slash. The two of us valiantly fought the ambushers, clearing a way for my army to advance forward.

In a flash, I drew my matchlock, Nox, and prepared to fire. "Everyone duck your heads!"

My allies ducked their heads as I began to fire magic bullets in a circle, taking down countless ninja and assassins around us. I holstered my matchlock then drew my katana once again, the blade emitting a strong celestial glow.

Izumi rose her head, looking around and noticed the dead ambushers along the ground. She glanced up at me and noticed a sadistic smirk on my face. "Whoa..."

"Whoa indeed," Victoria said softly, helping Izumi up and gazed upon me with an amazed expression. "She fights just like Queen Isolde.."

I surveyed the aftermath with a mixture of relief and resolve. Though bloodied and weary, my army had emerged victorious in the skirmish, our path forward clear once more.

"We press on," I declared firmly, my voice carrying across the forest clearing where we had stood our ground. "To the Tsumi River, and to victory!"

With renewed determination, my army and I resumed our march through the Cythian Forest, the encounter with the ambushers a testament to our strength and resilience as we continued our journey towards the looming challenge at the Wadataka Base.


The Tsumi River flowed steadily beside the Wadataka Base, its waters reflecting the early morning light as my army and I approached with determined strides. Across the river, the defenses of the base stood tall and formidable, manned by Wadataka soldiers under the command of Ren Mizu and Hayate Gyobu, two of Jin Kagosaki's retainers.

I surveyed the scene with a calculating gaze, my heart racing with anticipation and resolve. I gripped Nyx tightly, the blade gleaming in the sunlight, a symbol of my determination to rebuild what was lost and rebuild Lunia's honor.

"Prepare for the assault," I ordered, my voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Victoria, Izumi, ready the troops. Leo, Lady Mira, stay close. We move on my signal."

My commanders nodded in acknowledgment, each assuming their positions with practiced efficiency. Izumi wove protective talismans around the Lunian soldiers, while Victoria coordinated the positioning of archers and infantry along the riverbank.

As the signal was given, the Lunian soldiers surged forward with a thunderous roar, their battle cries echoing across the river. Arrows sailed through the air, finding their marks among the Wadataka defenders who scrambled to defend their position.

Ren Mizu and Hayate Gyobu, recognizing the threat posed by my determined assault, rallied their forces with swift precision. They deployed their own strategies and counterattacks, aiming to repel the Lunian advance and maintain their stronghold.

"Ren, is that Princess Stella..?" Hayate asked, his tanuki tail swaying from side to side as he watched their forces clash with mine.

"It appears so...why is she attacking our base?" Ren asked, raising his scarf and his sky blue eyes shimmering with confusion and resolve. "No matter, we have to defend our base. Are you ready?"

"Yeah! Let's go!" Hayate said, drawing his ninja blade from the scabbard that rested behind him.

In the midst of the chaos, I fought with fierce determination, leading from the front with calculated strikes and swift maneuvers. Leo and Mira flanked me, their presence both protective and strategic as they engaged in close combat with skilled Wadataka warriors.

Izumi's magical prowess came into play, her spells weaving through the battlefield like tendrils of shadow and light. She supported the Lunian soldiers with protective shields and debilitating hexes, turning the tide of individual skirmishes in our favor.

Victoria coordinated the archers and infantry with precision, her strategic mind guiding the ebb and flow of the battle. Volley after volley of arrows rained down on the Wadataka defenders, forcing them to retreat momentarily before regrouping with renewed determination.

The battle raged on, each side trading blows and tactics in a dance of warfare. My determination never wavered, my resolve bolstered by the shouts of my soldiers and the knowledge that the fate of Lunia hung in the balance.

Amidst the chaos, a pivotal moment arrived. Leo and I locked eyes with Ren and Hayate across the battlefield, our gazes a silent challenge that spoke volumes of our respective wills to prevail.

"It's time, Leo," I said, walking forward, calmly slicing through the Wadataka soldiers that dared to step in my way.

Leo followed me, his gaze full of determination and resolve to win this battle. "Let's do this, Sis!"

"Don't falter, Hayate! Let's go!" Ren bellowed, rushing toward me.

Hayate propelled himself toward Leo with a cunning grin, his emerald green eyes shining brightly with ambition. "Right! I'm not gonna let them win!"

Ren, with his calm demeanor and precise strikes, engaged me in a duel of skill and strategy. His movements were fluid, a testament to years of training and experience as a commander of Wadataka's elite forces. Sparks flew as our swords met, each exchange a calculated test of strength and agility.

Beside us, Hayate confronted Leo with a different approach. Agile and unpredictable, Hayate utilized acrobatic maneuvers and swift strikes to keep Leo on the defensive. Leo countered with strategic parries and well-timed thrusts, his focus unwavering despite the relentless assault.

"Heh! You're not so bad, Prince Leo!" Hayate acknowledged, flipping backwards then performed a hand gesture, creating two clones of himself. "But you're not getting past us!"

Leo smirked at Hayate, lowering his posture and setting the tip of his blade against the ground. Dark energy began to form around his body, his eyes shining with pure determination. "That's what you think, but the truth is we will win!"

Leo and Hayate dashed toward each other, preparing to clash with one another. Leo let out a roar as he swung his odachi, his muscles tensing as swung with immense force. Hayate grunted as he blocked, but Leo's raw strength allowed him to break his guard. Stunned, Leo seized his chance, slashing upwards and knocking Hayate in the air.

"Eternal Flash!" Leo roared, slashing through Hayate and a delayed barrage of slashes rained down upon him.

Hayate groaned as he landed onto the ground, outmatched by Leo's raw potential and strength. He stood up slowly and coughed lightly. "Ren, I need to retreat. Do your best.."

Ren grunted softly as he watched Hayate retreat. Without his partner, he was unsure if he would be able to defeat my army alone. Out of desperation, he focused on me, knowing if I were to be defeated my army would be forced to retreat along with me.

"I'll wash you away!" Ren bellowed, launching multiple blades of water at me.

I dodged each one with grace, each step an elegant movements and skilled maneuvers. I dashed toward Ren, hopping with a twirl and landing a kick upon Ren's chest and knocking him away. I landed on the ground with a spin, sheathing Nyx and unholstering Nox, firing three magic bullets at him with one shot.

Ren deflected the bullets with his blade then rushed toward me. He launched a flurry of slashes at me, each one being met with a graceful and taunting dodge. I countered with a knee to his stomach then launched him in the air with a flip kick. I aimed my matchlock at him, my barrel aligned with my intent. I pulled the trigger, the resulting shot precise and deadly as he was blown away.

Ren groaned as he landed on the ground, his arm entering the river. He knew he couldn't sustain any more damage, so he turned his body into water and retreated down the stream back to Wadataka.

"We did it.." Leo said with a relieved sigh, smiling at me.

I nodded at Leo, a gentle smile tugging at my lips as I walked toward him. "We did, now let's go defeat the remaining commanders in the base..."

"Okay," Leo said, nodding in agreement.


The air inside the Wadataka Base was thick with the scent of smoke and the echoes of battle. Bodies of fallen soldiers lay scattered amidst the debris of broken weapons and shattered defenses. Yet amidst the aftermath, there was a palpable sense of victory and relief among my army.

I stood at the heart of the base, surrounded by my loyal companions and the surviving Lunian soldiers. My breath came in ragged gasps, fatigue and adrenaline coursing through her veins. Nyx, my sword, still held firmly in my hand, its blade now stained with the remnants of battle.

Leo stood beside me, his expression a mix of exhaustion and triumph. Mira and Izumi hovered nearby, attending to the wounded and offering words of comfort to those in need. Victoria coordinated the consolidation of our position within the base, ensuring that captured defenders were securely detained.

"We've secured the base," I announced, my voice steady despite the weariness in her tone. "Take stock of our losses and tend to the wounded. Ensure our defenses are reinforced."

My orders were met with nods of understanding and a flurry of activity as the Lunian soldiers began to regroup and assess the aftermath of the battle. Wounded soldiers from both sides were tended to with equal care, a testament to Lunia's commitment to honor even in victory.

As the dust settled, my thoughts turned to the broader implications of their success. The capture of the Wadataka Base marked a significant strategic victory for Lunia, securing our northern borders and bolstering morale among their people.

Leo approached me, his gaze reflecting both pride and concern. "We did it, Stella," he said quietly, his voice tinged with relief. "The Wadataka forces are subdued, and our soldiers fought bravely."

I nodded in acknowledgment, my mind already racing with plans for the next steps in solidifying Lunia's position. "We must ensure that this base is fortified and defended," I replied, my tone resolute. "Prepare messages to be sent to Lunia City. Let them know of our victory and our readiness to defend our borders."

Mira stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You've shown great leadership today, my queen," she said warmly. "Lunia is stronger for it."

I inclined her head in gratitude, my heart swelling with a mixture of pride and humility. The support of my allies and the bravery of my soldiers had carried us through the starting hours of battle, reaffirming my belief in our shared cause.

As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ravaged battlefield, I surveyed the Wadataka Base with a sense of solemn satisfaction. This victory was not just a triumph of arms, but a testament to the resilience and unity of Lunia in the face of adversity.