

Billions of years ago, when the Time Lords controlled and kept balance in all the galaxies, their was peace and harmony. The peace lasted in all the worlds, that was until a Time Lord experimented with dark Time magic, and then brought into existence an evil Shadow Demon, that multiplied itself and caused chaos in different universes. The Time Lords fought and battled with the shadow beings for thousands of years, but in the final battle, the Great Grandmaster of Time Sacrificed all his powers and life force to seal the Shadow Demons forever, till date. But now, the Demons have escaped and the only person that can stop them is the descendant of the Great Grandmaster of time.

FRIGHSTY · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Wait a minute. Isn't that Diana, with Audrey on her shoulders, with a large net of "Power Orbs?" Asked Levi in utter shock and confusion.

"I...I... think you're right. That is Diana. But why will she carry Audrey and the net of "Power Orbs", and fly over to the camp of the enemy? Could this be a betrayal?" Asked Devon in a mellowed tone, as if murmuring to himself."

"Hmm, I think so too, but let's not jump to conclusions." Said Levi.

The two of them could have a rest for few minutes because, the "Shadow Demons" and the "Dark Immortals" were confused by what Diana was doing.

"Shadow Demons" stop being distracted and keep holding them back. I and the other "Dark Immortals" will deal with this." Said one of the "Dark Immortals" named Arlin.

"Exactly, so get back to work." Said another "Dark Immortal" named Soren.

"Of course, my lords. It would be our pleasure. Now my brethren, attack!" Shouted the head "Shadow Demon."

"Levi! they're attacking. Brace yourself!" Shouted Devon to Levi.

The two of them stood their ground against the "Shadow Demons". But they could not continue with it for much longer. Then at the very climax of their battle, Arlin, Soren and the leader of the "Dark Immortals" named Eleanor, commanded the "Shadow Demons" to stop their attack.

"Stop! hmmm, Devon, Levi, it seems like if I hadn't stepped in, you might have been defeated by my demons. Aren't I right?" Asked Eleanor.

"I and Levi do not have time for small talk. What have you done with Audrey? And why is Diana with you and Audrey unconscious? Asked Devon Impatiently.

"Smash the breaks there Devon. No need to be in a rush, take it easy. Audrey is safe and Diana is with us. That's all the information that I can give you, that is until you see it for yourself, or you join us. So, what's it going to be Devon." Asked Eleanor.

"You already know my answer. I will never join you and so is Levi." Said Devon.

"Uh, I knew you'd say that, but do not speak for Levi. Let him make his choice." Said Eleanor.

But Levi kept mute.

"Common Levi, don't make us wait." Said Soren.

Then Arlin whispered something to Eleanor. He spoke.

"Eleanor, I don't think it's a good idea to allow any of those two join us. It may be part of their plan if any one of them joins us." Whispered Arlin to Eleanor.

Eleanor didn't even bat an eye to what he suggested and behaved coldly towards him. Then Arlin said to himself "I hope you do not regret this decision later."

"Now Levi, before you make your decision, do keep in mind that we have Audrey hostage and Diana's with us. So, choose wisely, because there's a life on the line." Said Eleanor manically.