

After arrow incident Shia was not allowed to move freely, the security were increased. Maya was not allowing anyone go near Shia and Rain was concerned as Shia was representative of her village and villagers were great magicians and known for their unity. Rain deployed soldiers for keeping eyes on her in order to protect her .

Shia was sitting in her room looking at book and thinking about the three elements which were needed to open the book. Shia decided to talk to Maya about the book. She came to Maya's room and called her. Maya was not in her room so Shia sat down there and waited for her. Maya was in her library reading some alchemy books for making a new portion. A guard entered in library and informed Maya about Shia waiting for her. She told him to go and keep his eyes on. Shia while sitting touched her ring it was made of amethyst crystal wondering why he gave her a ring. Maya came back to her room and asked Shia if she had something to say. Shia was feeling bored while sitting in a room. She asked Maya about the book and also mentioned about her boredom. Maya asked Shia if she would like to participate in princess and mates dance event as it was also part of festival but only for royals and their closed ones.

Shia thought " a royal dance hmm!, it must be fun and maybe I will also get to interact with people who know something about the book". she agreed to participate and tried to know about elements powers as Maya was an alchemist too. Maya asked why she was so curious about the flower. Shia said she was told her about flower so she got curious.

Maya told her she have some books regarding that flower. Shia asked if she could read those books. Maya told her she will send those books in her room. Shia and Maya discussed about princess dance .

Shia noticed Vida looking at her and Maya But since , she started practicing again Shia ignored her.

Vida was a kind hearted girl and used to help people .But since being compared with Maya, ruined her childhood and made her coldhearted person, she started hating Maya . But always controlled herself from being jealous and tried not to harm her. But in order to get her anger out she bullied Maya sometimes or just watched her being bullied.

Maya knew about Vida's childhood and use to feel bad for her . She never responded neither harmed her for being bullied. Maya wanted to be friends with Vida but Vida hated her so she never mentioned about it.

Vida somewhere liked Maya but hated her too so seeing her being happy with someone made her feel jealous.

Shia and Maya registered themselves into participants and went to market for buying instruments and dresses. Shia asked what type of dance you guys do in princess dance.

Maya told Shia even she do not know as she never participated before. Her sister Rain had to couple with their neighbour kingdom prince for last few years but she do not want to dance with him. just for sake of kingdom welfare she had been tolerating him but now as she is going to be new queen she would not have to participate in dance event.

Shia felt bad for Rain.

Vida was buying anklets for her when she again saw Maya. Kira , Vida's sister asked "Vida look Maya is with that girl who saved her last time". Vida was not interested in talking about Maya so she shush her sister and again started searching for dresses.

Vida bought her jewelry and dresses and was going her way but collided with Shia but she did not said anything to her . Shia wanted to say her to stop their nonsense but as she looked at Maya she did not said anything to Vida.

Maya and Shia bought lot of clothes and could not handle all items together. Maya summoned an lion and they sat on his back.

Shia was surprised to see, dwarves had lion as a pet. Maya commanded lion to head towards the palace. As they reached palace Rain saw Maya sitting on royal lion and Shia was sitting behind her . She scolded Maya for taking Shia outside the palace. Shia apologized Rain for trouble but Maya and Rain said not to apologize for such things and they were only concerned for her security.

Rain asked Maya if she was participating In princess dance. Maya said she and Shia would participate in princess and mates dance. Rain felt better for Maya, as she was socializing herself. She pat on Maya's head and left . Shia and Maya were getting late so they rushed towards their rooms and got ready for night event. Shia wore pink dress with golden jewelry and her amethyst crystal ring.

Maya was wearing a purple dress with golden jewelry , Both were looking beautiful.

Shia came to Maya's room and both left for princess dance. As they entered hall ,they stole everyone's attention.

Hall was beautifully decorated and the fountain in middle of hall was increasing its beauty manifolds.

Shia and Maya stood in participants row . While they were talking with each other, a loud announcement was made,"Rain is coming '. As Rain entered the hall all dwarves and representatives bowed in front of her and asked for permission to start the event. Rain was standing as a future queen and looking gorgeous. She was wearing a long light blue dress , white pearls and a sapphire gem necklace which was making her looks stunning.

She granted permission to start the event. All princess with their partners came down from stairs and gathered together. Different colors and beautiful dance was making the scene amazing. Shia and Maya came in first round and started their dance. While dancing someone touched Shia's hands and her blue veins started appearing but since she was entirely covered with her outfit no one saw her veins. After their performance many princess came with their mates and gave stunning performance. At last Maya and Shia got first position, Vida and Kira second and and a princess of neighbor country and her friend got third position. After receiving rewards Shia tried hard to find that person but all she could feel was his presence. But where he was , She could not figure out . She came back to her room and slept after having a long tiring day. She forgot her anklets in hall. While she was sleeping someone tied her anklet around her ankles. For a little while he looked at her and left.