
Return to Centoria

They returned to Paradise where they change clothes since the clothes they were wearing were as good as unusable from all the training.

After that, they ate together and left Paradise to meet with Yui who was in Centoria.

Arriving at there house they see some dust that was trying to sit on the furniture when Nesiara says, "The girl should have at least try to keep the house clean while we weren't around."

"Maybe she had things to do," says John as he wasn't worried about Yui since she was a grown woman who can take care of her problems.

"Well, I will have to clean up how about you take the twins towards the Academy and see why the girl wasn't at home when we returned," says Nesiara as she was about to pick the broom out.

The three leave the house as they walk down the street when they notice that people were looking at them and John asks, "Is my beard that much of an attraction?"

"I think, it's Nora," says Kieron as Nora with her long hair and the blue dress she was wearing made her beauty come out.

"The men maybe but the women are looking at you, Kieron," says Nora as she was ignoring the stares of the men.

Kieron was wearing a red shirt with black pants that suited him quite well as John was beginning to radiate killing intent towards the men that were staring at his daughter.

"Dad, calm down," says Kieron as he tried to calm John down with Nora's help.

John calmed down as he retracted his killing intent and they continue arriving at the Academy.

They enter the Academy as the students were looking at John and the other as John had quite a beard for a man that wasn't seen for some days, while the twins were more of an attraction since they thought that John took them as his new students.

Arriving at his office Fang awaited them and says, "Welcome back Master. Kieron and Nora, you have grown much since the last time we met."

"And you are?" asks Nora as she and Kieron were confused about who Fang was.

"That hurts. I held both of you when you were babies," says Fang as he was quite sad about the fact that the twins forgot who he was.

"That is your uncle Fang. He is my companion like Yui has Dino, Inu, and Kayle. And you two have Kate and Duke also your aunt Jinx must be somewhere near," says John as he presents Fang anew to his children.

They slowly began to remember who Fang was before giving him a hug when Fang asks, "You must be here because of Yui right?"

"Yes, Nesiara is quite a bit angry with her for not taking care of the house," says John as they enter the office.

"She is living with me and Jinx since living alone in your house can be quite lonely," says Fang explaining why Yui wasn't sleeping in the family house.

"Then can you call her over. I want her to show her little siblings around the Academy since they will be attending from today on," says John as Fang was excited to see them in action.

"How about I bring them to Yui and you take care of the students that are waiting behind the door," says Fang as the moment John entered the office the students were already forming a line to talk to him.

"Just go and let me suffer," says John as Fang and the twins smile.

Nora kisses his cheek as she says, "This should help you pass this torture."

"At least my daughter knows how to motivate me. Now out of this room," says John as he drives them out of the room.

Fang guides the two out of the room as he knew where Yui would be right now and walks towards where the students would be fighting each other, the Arena.

"So big sister likes to be here?" asks Nora as she sees Students training by sparring against each other.

"Well, she is mostly here because of her friends and your uncle Kirito," says Fang as they could already see Yui sitting in the stances watching a fight between a black-haired teen and a blond-haired teen.

It was quite an intense fight as Yui was surprised to see Fang with two students when suddenly she was hugged by both and Yui asks, "Kieron and Nora are you really my both siblings."

Kieron was as tall as Yui while Nora was still a bit shorter than her. Nora and Kieron were excited to see their sister when Nora asks, "Did you miss us?"

"A lot to be honest. The house was to quiet without my two siblings running around with their wood weapon," says Yui as she was happy to see that they finally returned.

"Mom and Dad?" asks Yui curious since she wanted to meet them.

"Mom is at home and Dad is giving advice to the students," says Kieron as he looked at the fight Yui was watching.

"They seem strong for normal people," says Kieron as he looked at both fighting.

"Right you don't remember your uncle Kirito. He is the one with the black hair," says Yui as she pointed at Kirito.

Kirito was fighting Eugeo when Kieron walked to the border of the stances and jumps down to the Arena and walks over to the two.

"Let's see how strong you are," says Kieron as he takes a Keyblade out of his Gate of Babylon and points it them.

"Who are you?" asks Eugeo as he couldn't recognize Kieron the same with Kirito.

They saw that Kieron was wearing an emblem of a student making them think he was a cocky new student that wanted to prove something.

The Keyblade was The Gazing Eye that Kieron got from the Keyblade Graveyard. Kieron didn't rush at them as he signalized them to attack him.

Both Kirito and Eugeo rushed at Kieron. Eugeo was first and Kieron blocks his attack when Kirito charges in from behind Eugeo.

Kieron pushes Eugeo back towards Kirito making Kirito change direction to evade Eugeo when suddenly Kieron was in front of him.

"You reacted fast enough but you still need to get faster," says Kieron as he slashes at Kirito's sword making Kirito think he blocked the attack.

Kirito was sent flying towards Eugeo who caught him and both flew out of the ring.

"They need more training, don't you think so?" asks Kieron as he looked up to his sisters.

Nora wasn't expecting something else but his brother to win but Yui was surprised to see Kieron use one of his abilities and asks, "Since when can Kieron summon his weapon from his personal space?"

"I don't know. He was away for almost three years with Logan. I knew about him being able to use it but not when exactly he learned it," says Nora as she explained about Kieron leaving the chamber with Logan and his trainer.

"He got quite strong even John would have problems against him," says Fang when Nora shook her head in disagreement.

"No father defeated him easily after using his Bankai," says Nora telling them about the spar both of them had in the chamber.

Kieron, on the other hand, walked over towards Kirito and Eugeo and says, "You are weaker than expected. I thought my uncle was stronger than this."

"Uncle?" asks Eugeo as he wasn't understanding anything when Kirito took a closer look at Kieron finding the resemblance between Kieron and John.

"No way," says Kirito as he looked at Kieron in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm now taller than you uncle maybe you should call me uncle instead of the other way around," says Kieron as he stretches his hand towards them to help them up.

"You look like your father except for those warm eyes. Will you grow further and leave me behind," says Kirito as Kieron smiles.

"I might still grow a little bit more at least my father said so," says Kieron as he walked towards the stances with them.

Kirito knew that the girl beside Fang and Yui must be Nora since Kieron was back.

They walked over and Kirito takes a better look at Nora before saying, "If not for the hair and height you and Yui would pass as twins."

"You think so," says Yui as she looked seriously at Kirito.

"Anyway, Yui can you show both the Academy. Maybe Kirito and Eugeo should join you. Both will be joining the Academy," says Fang as it surprised Kirito and Eugeo.

"We have to deal now with three monsters that will be sitting on the top of the 12th strongest students," says Kirito as the twins look at him confused.

"The school gives the twelve strongest students have a Valet that they can choose from other promising students. They will follow and learn from the person over them. Kirito is the Valet of Sortiliena while Eugeo is the Valet of Golgorosso Balto," says Yui explaining it to them.

"Are you already on the top?" asks Nora as Yui shakes her head in denial.

"No, I might be strong but I'm not an expert when it comes to weapons. I can defend myself but I'm a master when it comes to something else," says Yui as Kieron smiles at that.

"I know what you mean. Logan put me under so much pressure to learn more fighting styles. I had to learn to fight with every weapon," says Kieron as he puts the Gazing Eye away into his Gate of Babylon.

Fang then leaves them as he returned to talk to John. It almost looked like John was running the Academy by seeing the line towards his office as even teachers were standing in the line to get advice from him.

Fang entered the office without much trouble since he was the principal of the Academy after defeating the last principal almost 2 years ago.

"You are busier than me and I am the principal," says Fang interrupting John who was giving some advice to Volo on how to use his technique and pointing out the flaws of them.

"That's because you never open the office door to anyone," says John as Volo bows towards Fang.

"Can we talk later about you-know-what?" asks Fang as John nods.

"Yes, later at my house," says John when Fang leaves the room leaving John and Volo behind so John could give pointers to him and the others waiting in line.

Hope you like it.

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