
Meeting the Vongola again

A month after Mordor fell the coronation of Aragorn occurred as every one of the Fellowship was present. It was not only his coronation but also his wedding as Nesiara looked at Elrond who brought his daughter forward.

"And I thought you would never let her be happy," says Nesiara as John smiled at Elrond only.

"She might outlive him but she will at least be happy with him," says Elrond as he was happy for his daughter when he says, "But I heard that someone has tried to ask for your eldest daughter's hand."

"He found out the hard way that Nora is into the same gender," says Nesiara remembering John bringing a man into his office to patch him up.

"At least the future Queen seems to have found her partner," says Elrond as he looked at Legolas and Celine which linked their arms showing that they were a couple.

"They still need to wait for some more years before they can get married and we still don't know how long we will be staying around before going to the next world," says Nesiara as she looked at the couple as well.

"I heard that Moria was purified by fire from all the Orcs, Goblins, and Trolls," says Elrond as Nesiara nods.

"One of my specialties. I couldn't use it before because of the others being with us but by myself, it went down easily," says Nesiara as they enjoyed the coronation and wedding.

Some time passes and John opened a portal with Yamato to visit some friends in the first world they lived in when Nesiara says, "Elrond we will return in a week."

"We will await you here," says Elrond as John and the others passed the portal and they stood in front of a house they remember far too well.

"Home, sweet home," says John seeing the house both lived in.

"Where are we?" asks Celine as she doesn't remember this place because she was never brought to this World.

Legolas was quite surprised by the world in general. The ground was not earth as he was used to and the buildings were different as well. Suddenly a boy with blue hair ran into John.

He fell over and was holding his head before saying, "Are you blind?"

The boy then looked up and only saw a giant and was scared when suddenly John's hand stretches towards him. John picked the boy up and looks at him closer seeing that one eye was red with a kanji in it while the other was violet.

"You must be Mukuro's and Chrome's son," says John as only Mukuro could have given the boy this red eye.

"Who are you?" asks the boy as he was scared when John placed him on his shoulder.

"I am a friend of your parents," says John as he entered the courtyard as the others followed.

Legolas and Celine we're surprised that the courtyard became larger once in it when Nesiara explains to them how it is possible when John opened the door of the house.

"Did you forget something, Komuro?" asks a female voice coming from the kitchen when a head sticks out of it.

It was Chrome and she opened her eyes wide when she saw John and Nesiara. She ran towards Nesiara and hugged her.

"We thought you died because it has been long that both of you didn't visit us," says Chrome as she then looks at John and gives him a hug as well before saying, "Mukuro is out at the moment and won't return until next month. But the others are in the city. I think I-Pin and Lambo will be happy to see you two again."

"Who are they, Mom?" asks Komuro as he was sitting on John's shoulder.

"They are your aunt and uncle," says Chrome as John put Komuro down.

"Now then little man. Remember to look where you are going," says John as he pets Komuro.

"Yes, sir," says Komuro as he leaves the house again.

"Where is he going?" asks Nesiara as Chrome smile.

"To meet with the Neo Vongola Secondo and the future Guardians," says Chrome as John and Nesiara began to burst out in laughter.

"I thought Tsuna would abandon the Mafia business but it seems he grew into it," says John as his children were confused.

"Are you talking about the Mob right now?" asks Celine who had no idea.

"You didn't tell them that you are active members in a Famiglia," says Chrome as she is a member of the same Famiglia.

"You were Mob members," says Celine surprised as her parents' nod.

"I was the Vongola Decimo's Lightning Guardian while your mother was Vongola Decimo's Mist Guardian. We were in the Mob if we count the Vongola Famiglia as Mob since they don't comport themselves as one," says John as Chrome was looking at the people behind Nesiara and John.

"I recognize Nora but who are those two?" asks Chrome as she took Nora in her arms before looking at Celine and Legolas.

"Right, my daughter Celine and her future husband Legolas," says Nesiara as she presented both of them to Chrome.

"Nice to meet you," says Celine as Chrome took her into her arms.

"We are a family here. In this house, your parents grew up with me and many more," says Chrome as John touched the wall.

"Where are the others by the way?" asks John as Chrome smiled.

"Out with Mukuro. They went to Italy to find something," says Chrome as John nods.

"Well, how about we go and meet the others together. A meeting between old friends," says Nesiara as she took Chrome's arm.

"How about we met Ryohei and Hana," says Chrome since they lived the closest to them.

"You mean the friend of Kyoko?" asks Nesiara as Chrome nods.

"Exactly her. She and Ryohei married some years ago and she joined the Family Business as their son will be the next Sun Guardian it seems since he is a lot like Ryohei," says Chrome with a smile.

"I remember her Shooing Lambo away," says John as Chrome laughs at that.

"She changed a lot," says Chrome as they arrived at the Sasagawa residence.

John knocked on the door when a woman with short hair opened the door and Nesiara could instantly recognize her as Hana Kurokawa, Kyoko's best friend.

"This can't be," says Hana not believing her eyes as it has been since Highschool that she hasn't seen Nesiara.

"Hana," says Nesiara as Ryohei came towards the door.

"Hana is somethin-" says Ryohei when he stops and sees a giant standing at his door.

"John!" shouts Ryohei as his fist was surrounded by Sun Flames when John's first radiated Lightning Flames.

Both fists clashed against each other and John says, "It seems you haven't changed at all."

"I will never change," says Ryohei as Hana suddenly hit Ryohei's back of the head.

"Is that how you treat our guests," says Hana angry at her husband.

"The doctor told you to rest after your last fight," says Hana seriously right now.

"Last fight?" asks John as Ryohei nods.

"It isn't as hard a our fight against the other famiglias but I am a Professional Boxer," says Ryohei as he looked behind John and Nesiara.

"Chrome brought you here. That means you already met Komuro. Ryosuke is out of the house right now," says Ryohei as Hana lets them in.

"So who are the pretty boy and the two women behind you?" asks Ryohei as he didn't meet Nora before when they came last time.

"My two daughters and my future-son-in-law," says John presenting them to Ryohei who was surprised that Nora was older than them while Celine was younger by some years.

"You really are monsters," says Ryohei looking at both as he wasn't really surprised since they were raised almost the same way.

Ryohei had a World Champion Belt hanging on the wall as they were talking in the time they were apart when Ryohei says, "So you had a long fight until reaching here. I really hope that the next two worlds will be easier for you two."

"I don't think so. But we will hopefully meet our lost son on one of the two," says John as he smiled at Ryohei.

"Right your youngest," says Ryohei as Nesiara corrects him.

"Not the youngest. The youngest is on his or her way," says Nesiara as she pointed out that she was pregnant with her fifth child going by giving birth.

"Well then we should inform the others," says Ryohei as he took the phone and called Tsuna for an emergency meeting at his house.

"We should go to Tsuna and Kyoko's house. The children should be there," says Ryohei as he stood up.

"It has been long since I met the boys except for Hibari and Lambo," says John as Ryohei smiles.

"Lambo is like a changed man after you straightened him out," says Ryohei as John wasn't completely proud of pummeling Lambo back then.

"I did what I had to do," says John as Ryohei hits his back.

"Come on he turned into a man faster that way and he stopped to rely on the others for every little thing," says Ryohei as they walked towards Kyoko's house that was beside the Sawada Residence.

"You five wait here let me prepare the surprise with Chrome and Hana," says Ryohei as he went inside first with the others.

"Should we bring Jinx and Fang with us for this?" asks Nesiara since they belonged to the family as well.

"No, they need to keep Koltox and Nyx in-line while we are out of the house," says John as Koltox would do whatever he wanted if Fang and Jinx didn't look after him, not like Nyx.

"Maybe we should send Koltox to Paradise and let Ronnie straighten him up a bit," says Nesiara seriously as Koltox was spoiled by Bran too much.

"We will deal with that once we are done visiting our friends when Ryohei opens the door for them.

"Alright, everyone is here except for Mukuro and his gang so let's give them a big surprise," says Ryohei as they entered the house when they once arrive at the dark living room the light turned on and confetti flew into their face.

"Welcome back!" shouted everyone as they welcomed the couple back into their midst.

Hope you like it.

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