
Meeting Panam Palmer

Nesiara was done with her side as she left one of her enemies alive while John seemed like a Berserk killing everyone slowly like the overprotective father that he is punishing the enemy for wounding a person that resembled his daughter a lot.

"Are you done?" asks Nesiara seeing John like that while dragging her prisoner by his ankle.

"Yes," says John as he slowly calmed down holding on to the last person on his side.

Nesiara hands the prisoner over to John who gave him a cold stare making the prisoner play dead as Nesiara went to get V.

"You really should have rested as Viktor told you," says Nesiara as she gets a hold of V and jumps from the roof to the street.

"I can't just wait for the Reaper to claim me while I sleep," says V a bit weak as Nesiara heals her.

"If you had waited for a little while John and Viktor could have helped you a lot since John was working on implants for you," says Nesiara as V looks at her surprised.

"Implants for me?" asks V as she was feeling better again.

"He closed himself inside his room to work on them. Viktor should have tested them today. They wanted to implant them tomorrow but looking at you now, I don't think you deserve a reward for disobeying Viktor's medical order to you," says Nesiara as she let go of V.

"At least you have some color on your face again," says Nesiara the color returns to V's face which was pale just some moments ago.

"You aren't my mother," says V as Nesiara smiles at her.

"I know that but we still worry about you," says Nesiara as she pets her head.

"Where is your partner? She hasn't shown herself for a while now," says John as he was angry that the person that should be helping V isn't around them at the moment.

"She must be scared shitless after seeing both of you massacre this group of people. She is a normal person with some anger management problems," says V as John lets go of the prisoners walking towards his swords and pulling them out of the ground.

"Still there is no one here except for you in the end," says John as his swords disappear and he looks at the prisoners.

"Did you know about the assault on your little meeting?" asks John having cold eyes which terrified the prisoners since they saw what he and Nesiara could do.

"Our scouts informed us that two bitc-," says one of the prisoners when John slapped him lightly which was hard enough to make all of his teeth fall out of his mouth.

"Language," says John colder than before making sure that his method of interrogation was scary enough to make the other talk.

"We heard of the attack from our scouts. So we split our group into a big and a smaller group. The smaller group went after the other woman," says the other prisoner not wanting to lose his teeth like his companion.

"That would explain something," says John coldly as he looked at Nesiara who pulled out her scythes and placed them on their neck giving them a clean death while John was looking at the distance trying to make out where the sniper would take her position.

"She must be somewhere over there," says John guessing while looking at Nesiara trying to confirm his hunch.

"I can see some souls over there. They need to be collected but one of them is still holding on dear life," says Nesiara as she grabbed V and flew in that direction.

John followed them as they arrived on the other battlefield finding a group of people lying dead on the ground while a woman was barely holding on resting her back against a piece of metal while holding a sniping rifle in her hands.

"It seems she will make it through," says Nesiara as she finished taking a look at the girl while healing her.

"Panam," says V as she helps Nesiara laying her down on the ground so she can work better when John looked around the area making sure that no more people were coming for them.

"V?" asks Panam weakly as she opened her eyes and came face-to-face with Nesiara's mask making her faint again.

"She lost a lot of blood. It is no wonder she just fainted after seeing my mask. A healthy person would have tried to run away or curse after seeing my mask," says Nesiara as she was closing Panam's wounds before putting a pill into her mouth making her drink it.

"What is in those pills?" asks V curious as Nesiara looked at her surprised.

"They were given to me by my in-laws. They help then one taking them to replenish the blood they lost it resembles a lot the beans my family normally uses but their pills seem to be more effective since they have one purpose instead of many," says Nesiara as she laid Panam down again.

"Give her five minutes. She should be as good as new after a small rest," says Nesiara as John summoned Sinner and Saint.

"We are getting more company," says John before Yamato appears before his mouth.

John places the handle between his teeth as he rushed at the incoming vehicles. V wanted to fight as well as she was holding her gun when Nesiara stops her.

"Let John deal with it," says Nesiara as V looked at Nesiara like telling her that she wanted to help as well.

"If you had waited I wouldn't hold you back right now," says Nesiara as John rushed past the cars.

He was on the other side when the cars and people in them began to fall apart. John looked back and saw his work before he walks towards it to make sure everyone was dead.

Someone came crawling out of one of the cars with only his upper body only remaining making John look at him and say, "You people are quite sturdy compared to the people I have faced so far, I will give you that. But that also means that I have gone far too easy on scum like you."

John pulled out a gun that had a Spade on it and hold it against the head of the person that survived while saying, "This gun was supposed to be a gift for the girl you attacked. I wanted to gift it to her without it having tasted blood before but things change."

John then pulls the trigger seeing life escape the body of the person he killed before he looks around to make sure that not a second one was around. Seeing that no one was alive he jumps and begins to fire a barrage of ki balls at the site making all the evidence disappear leaving a small crate behind.

He returns and sees that V was looking after Panam with Nesiara as John walks towards V and points the gun at her. She was scared at first thinking that John was going to kill her.

But then she notices that John's finger wasn't on the trigger as he turns it around and the gun was pointing at him now.

"This gun belonged to a person that was a Fool on the outside making everyone believe that he didn't care about anything with his sarcastic side but he was the person that cared the most for the people around him," says John as he presses the gun into V's hands.

"It is yours now. Once you get your upgrades, you might not be able to use it to its fullest potential but you will be able to get near it," says John handing over the Ace of Spades.

"I wanted to give it you unused but I had to kill someone just some minutes ago," says John as he then pets her head.

"See it as an early birthday gift from us," says John as he looked at Nesiara and he asks, "Is she stable enough to get her to her car?"

"She should wake up at any moment," says Nesiara as John picks her up and puts her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Then let us leave here," says John when Nesiara grabs V and they rush towards where they were before finding the cars still flipped over.

"It seems they haven't sent reinforcements here since everything is still as we left it," says John as they hear some mumbling coming from Panam who was still not completely awake.

John puts her down and V was looking over her with Nesiara while John walked towards a car when Panam sees V and Nesiara who wasn't wearing her mask now.

"V, are we dead?" asks Panam as V smiles at her.

"Far from it. We are lucky that some friends of mine came to help us," says V helping Panam up.

"This is Nesiara, she patched you up while you were unconscious," says V pointing at Nesiara when they hear John flip over the car, and V points at him while saying, "And that is John."

Panam saw what John just did with his own hands and she sees that John is packed with muscles when she asks, "Is he still free?"

"He is way older than you, girl. And he is married with six children," says Nesiara at Panam as John looks at the group.

"Are we going to kill them or what," says John as he points at the car he flipped over.

"Right my revenge on that Raffen," says Panam remembering why they were there again.

She was surprised for a moment seeing that the car John flipped over is hers. They enter the car and Panam spins the key to start the engine which seemed to not want to roar when John releases a small lightning stream that travels to the battery making the engine start.

"The old Warhorse still has it in her," says Panam talking about her car.

"If you leave the car to me for a week I could repair it," says John offering her some help.

"Really!?" asks Panam quite surprised that John wasn't only strong but could also work with tools.

"He is quite the handyman if you understand what I mean," says Nesiara to her praising her husband.

"But we should concentrate on our current objective," says V as Panam was back on her revenge tour.

"Right, let us get that son of a bitch," says Panam as she kicks the gas pedal through.

Hope you like it.

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