
Judy's Apartment

V was driving Judy's van towards her apartment which Nesiara asked Suze about. They arrived at the said apartment when Judy woke up while holding her head.

"My head," says Judy seeing the crew look at her while she was gathering her thoughts.

"Everything alright?" asks John wanting to make sure that Judy was alright when Judy looked furious at them.

"You did this to me," says Judy angry as Nesiara sighs.

"It was for your best. You could have put yourself and Evelyn in danger if I didn't knock you out back then," says Nesiara justifying herself.

"Don't lie to me!" shouts Judy angry knowing how strong Nesiara and John really are.

"We are not lying to you. Even we have limits that we can't or won't cross and helping you vent your anger like that is one of them," says Nesiara trying to calm Judy down as John grabbed Evelyn and left the van followed by V while Judy and Nesiara have a staring contest.

"Will Judy calm down?" asks V worried about her as John nods.

"She will, don't worry about the rest. She just needs to vent her anger at something or someone to calm down and Nesiara is the best person for such things. She raised five children that had quite the temperament until they got older. I didn't have much patience with them except for Yui but she was quite special compared to the others," says John as they arrived before the door when Justice appears and hacks the terminal opening the door for them.

John walks towards the bathroom when he places Evelyn in the bath and looks at V while saying, "It wouldn't be good for me to touch her skin directly because of what happened to her. Would you clean her for now until Judy and Nesiara are done?"

V nods as John leaves the room letting V wash Evelyn while John went to the window in the living room looking out of it when his eyes turn cold as he looks out before saying, "Those Voodoo guys will die a cruel and slow death once they have fulfilled their purpose."

His left arm suddenly began to tremble as it grew bigger suddenly until he placed his right hand against it calming himself down by saying, "It isn't the right time yet."

His left arm returned to be normal as he walked away from the window when he hears steps coming from outside before the door opened and Judy entered her apartment with Nesiara.

John looked at Judy's eyes and could see that they were red while her eyeliner was a mess indicating that she was crying for a while.

"You alright?" asks John seeing her only nod before she looked around when John says, "She is in the bath. I asked V to wash her so we can put her in clean clothes."

"Thank you," says Judy sadly as she entered her bedroom to get some clothes for Evelyn when Nesiara approaches John.

John sees some of Judy's eyeliner on her shoulder when he hears, "She just needed someone to hug her and tell her that everything will be alright."

"You were always better with people," says John making Nesiara smile at him.

"And you with animals. It must be because animals don't hide their feelings while we humans do," says Nesiara as Judy leaves the bedroom with the clothes and rushes into the bathroom finding V helping Evelyn with drying herself.

V was silent the whole time as was Evelyn as they finished and V left the bathroom for Judy to help Evelyn into the clothes. Once changed V helped Judy to put Evelyn in Judy's bed before they leave the bedroom again.

The mood was bad as they all sit down and Nesiara says, "She won't live for long."

Judy looked at her in horror while V already thought about it while John just nods his head when Judy says, "You can't say that. She could recover from it."

"She won't," says Nesiara seriously as V puts her hand on Judy's shoulder trying to support her when Nesiara looks at John and continues, "But there is a way for her to live longer. It will be painful for you since you won't be able to see her ever again."

"What do you mean?" asks Judy curious since it could help Evelyn.

"I remove her memories and implant new ones into her head. She will never know who you are nor what happened to her. She will live a new life far away from NC," says John as he wanted to send Evelyn with Rebeca.

"She doesn't even have a family. Who will be looking over her?" asks Judy desperate now?

"Our adoptive daughter will look after her until she can stand on her own feet. They will be touring for a while since Rebeca is driving through the country staying at every city for a while before moving on," says Nesiara trying to reassure Judy that everything will be alright.

"But you need to remove her doll chip," says John since things could be troublesome if she can recover her old memories by accident.

"I will read it out and delete everything on it," says Judy as she began to work again while John pulled out his phone to call Rebeca.

They talked for a while as he informed her about their situation and she agreed to take Evelyn in since the road trip would be more fun with a second person.

Rebeca ended the call after some more talking as Nesiara talked to her as well wanting to know how she was doing before Judy finished her job.

"Are you willing to sacrifice your love so she can begin a new life?" asks John to Judy who only nods.

"Then you are stronger than I am," says John leaving a confused Judy to work.

John enters the bedroom and Evelyn was having a nightmare going by all the movements she was doing when John stretches his hand out and says, "No bad dream anymore."

Evelyn stopped and she seemed peaceful again when John kneels down on one knee and puts his hand on her head before wiping her memories out and replacing those memories with new ones.

Evelyn was sleeping peacefully when he and she disappear and appear in a motel room. He could hear the shower and put Evelyn in the bed before knocking on the bathroom door.

"I brought the girl," says John as Rebeca stopped the shower before wrapping herself up in towels.

"Is she-," asks Rebeca as John stops her.

"Asleep, she will think that you two are on a tour for a while now. It is better that way," says John sparing Rebeca the reality Evelyn went through.

"I also implanted memories that will keep her safe such as the use of weapons and some self-defense," says John giving his adoptive daughter some information about the new Evelyn.

"She believes she was a cop that needed a new beginning so she joined you to find it. Once she wants to settle give her this," says John placing a chop on the table.

"It will take care of everything she needs," says John as he looked at Evelyn with the hope that she will live a better life this time.

"So is she my sister?" asks Rebeca curious as John shakes his head.

"No, but you can treat her like a sister and her name is Evelyn Parker," says John feeling the irony since they shared once the same family name.

"I will take care of the rest. You should leave before she wakes up," says Rebeca as John nods and hugs his daughter before leaving her behind.

He arrived beside Nesiara and says, "She is in safe hands."

"I know," says Nesiara as Evelyn's lifespan increased again when John removed her memories.

"And what now?" asks Judy sad and angry at the same time.

"Now we need to find the people behind Evelyn's misery. We already took care of one-third of the people who were involved. Now we need to deal with the other two-thirds to get revenge for what they have done," says John as Judy and V were surprised to hear that.

"Wait, we are going to take revenge for what happened to Evelyn?" asks V surprised as John and Nesiara nod.

"Yes, we can't let them get away with it just because the city doesn't care about it," says Nesiara as her eyes turned cold.

"So who are we going after?" asks Judy thinking she is involved in it when John shakes his head.

"You aren't coming with us, Judy. It is far too dangerous to deal with those people," says John seriously not wanting to put Judy in danger when Judy stares at him like saying she didn't care.

"You have another job which is to contact your ex to talk about the Clouds," says Nesiara giving Judy a task while John was calling someone on the phone.

"John, what can I do for you?" asks a man from behind the other side.

"Remember that you still owe me and Nesiara some favors, Wade," says John as the man gives a dry laugh from himself.

"Of course, what do you need?" asks Wade Bleeker better known as Mr. Hands.

"I need a meeting with the Leader of the Voodoo Boys. I and my wife have a debt that needs to be paid in blood," says John making Wade sweat on the other end of the line.

"Are you going to kill her?" asks Wade as John chuckles making Wade even more nervous.

"They will all have a slow and cruel death once they have fulfilled their purpose. Pacifica will be your playground after they are gone," says John seriously as Wade only sighs.

"I will organize the mee-," says Wade as John interrupts him.

"Today at two pm in the church. If they aren't there by then I will make sure that there isn't a Pacifica any longer," says John in a threatening tone that made Wade feel shivers run down his spine.

"I will inform them right away," says Wade knowing what John and Nesiara are capable of since they resolved for him some difficult gigs that no normal merc could survive.

Wade ends the call and John looks at V and Judy who looked at him in horror as they felt shivers run down their spine.

"V, you heard me. At two pm. I hate it when I have to wait," says John as he puts his phone away before bringing another phone out which he throws to Judy before saying, "If you need some help call us Judy. We will gladly help you until we are done with taking revenge."

John then looks at V and says, "And you should go to sleep before meeting us later. Maybe Judy's couch will do the job."

"I can get home and sleep there...," says V before looking at the watch seeing that they have already passed three am.

"Judy can I stay for the morning?" asks V as Judy just nods since she really didn't want to be alone right now.

"We will see each other later," says Nesiara as she looked at Judy and continues, "And if you need help in the mental department don't overthink and call me. The number is saved on the phone. I can always make space for you."

"I will remember that," says Judy as John and Nesiara disappear leaving V and Judy alone for now.

Hope you like it.

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