
John vs Genkishi

The group was awaiting the day they would storm the Japanese HQ of the Millefiore Famiglia. They prepared and it seemed that John was studying his future fighting style while Nesiara was training with Mirch to improve her mastery over her staff and shotguns.

The week passes and Nesiara asks, "How far did fair in studying that style?"

"Not far it seems to be that my future self uses four different fighting styles instead of just one," says John as he saw that his future self fight without weapons, one were he was as agile as lightning. The third would be a Swordmaster and the last as a ranged weapon master. As he used blue swords that appear beside him and rush at his enemies piercing them.

John tried out to learn how to use at least the Royalguard and the Trickster style before trying the easier two the Gunslinger and Swordmaster style. He was successful with the Trickster style learning it quite easily while the Royalguard style was more of a tricky thing to learn for him out of nowhere without much fighting experience. The Swordmaster style was easy for him but the Gunslinger will be hard since he never used a gun before nor does he know how to use those blue swords that he saw in the video.

"What about you?" asks John as he was still trying to summon at least one of the blue swords making only blue light appear in the air but it didn't take form.

"I'm good thanks to Mirch I can coordinate my staff and shotgun better than before," says Nesiara as she was sitting on a chair waiting for the others to arrive to go one last time over everything before storming the base.

When the others arrived they went through everything and Hibari asks, "Does anyone has a question?"

"So we break in an fight our way towards that machine and this Shoichi Irie if I understand everything right," says John as Hibari nods.

"That's right. He is the only one that can deactivate the machine fast enough without damaging the bodies inside it. The Varia will attack at the same time as us so Byakuran will have his hands full with them while we take care of the people here," says Hibari as everyone nods as they prepare to leave while putting some earplugs in their ears and begin to test that they work.

"Alright operation getting you back to the past begins," says Hibari making everyone hear it as they begin to move underneath the city until they were in front of the Merone Base and Hibari says, "Once inside you shouldn't show mercy. They will do the same and I mean you Tsuna as well as you Takeshi."

"You should also be careful of the Funeral Wraths that could be lingering inside the base. I heard Genkishi is inside. He is the strongest of the Funeral Wraths," says Ryohei as he removes the manhole cover and peeks out and says, "Alright we should move now that we can."

They begin to move as fast as possible towards the building when Ryohei gave the signal as he covers the manhole again after they all stormed out of it.

As they enter the building they find people already anticipating them as once inside the front door was blocked off making retreat not an option anymore.

"They knew we were coming," says Nesiara as her armor appeared on her body while she holds her staff in her hands.

"Then we should continue. We only have this chance and retreat is not an option so pressing onwards is the best way," says John as his armor appears on him as Rebellion was on his back and Yamato on his waist as one hand was on Yamato while the other was on Rebellion.

Seeing the armor made some people feel shivers since they didn't know if those two were the real deal or the younger version of the real deal when a blonde-haired man says, "Don't fret they are the younger version. The real Sword God is far bigger than this boy and the staff the girl is carrying isn't fully golden."

"They might be the younger version but that doesn't mean we are," says Hibari as his tonfas were surrounded in Cloud Flames as he rushed at the blonde-haired man as the wall began to change blocking Hibari from attacking the man as the enemy engaged them.

"I will see you later Cloud Guardian if you make it to me while babysitting them," says the blond from behind the wall as he leaves to prepare the defense of the base.

"He is looking down on us," says Nesiara angry.

"Not for long," says John as he draws only Yamato for a second making a small group of people fall with a nice clean cut.

Nesiara used her staff to weed through the people as the group joined them making it a fast fight after the enemy was laying on the ground when a door opens and Hibari says, "That's definitely a trap."

"Maybe we should split then," says Ryohei as he walks towards Gokudera and drags him and Tsuna behind him and says, "I take those two. You take John and Takeshi. And Mirch takes Nesiara. Since we only have this shoot we should make the possibility of success higher by approaching it this way."

Ryohei, Tsuna, and Gokudera passed through the door when it closed behind them and another door appeared. Mitch and Nesiara took that door as Nesiara says, "Don't let us wait for too long up there."

The door closes behind them and the last door opened and Hibari says, "Let's go and make the girl eat her words."

They enter it and the door closes behind as they follow the corridor that was infested with enemies attacking them from the front.

"We need to be fast you two. How about you run forward and I will join you after taking care of those small fries," says Hibari as he makes a hole in the formation for both as they continue moving forward. After they passed the next door the room shifted like before making it impossible for them to join with Hibari again.

Takeshi and John continued until arriving at a room where a man in with four swords was waiting for them.

"So you are the rats that entered the building," says the man as he looks at both and recognized them. He passed his finger over his face as if he was following a scar that wasn't visible as he says angry, "The Sword Emperor and Sword God."

The man suddenly draws two of his sword while John suddenly felt a massive amount of killing intent coming for him and Takeshi as a dark armor slowly appeared around the man as the man rushed at them.

Takeshi was overwhelmed by the killing intent when the man rushed at them while John draws Yamato and put himself in front of Takeshi to block the man.

"Oh, even the younger version of you can block me let's see just for how long," says the man as he overwhelms John with his sword style.

John was more of a direct style of fighting while the man was more of a curve style making it look like it direct but at the last second, the blade appears from another angle.

John began to defend but when the sword came and it should hit Yamato it evaded Yamato and cut his cheek because he evaded the blade that went for his face.

'Something is off,'thinks John as he felt that it was impossible to redirect the sword to go in that angle.

The next strike came towards him but this time he let the sword pass and directed Yamato to be a little be down than the swing is as the sword passed John's face as if it was air while the real sword was blocked by Yamato.

"Illusions, I should have known," says John as his eyes turned blood red and says, "You won't fool me again."

"How much I hate those eyes," says the man angry as he grabs a box out of his pocket and the whole room turned into an illusion making Takeshi feel nervous while John with his eyes could see everything was still normal with his Sharingan.

John looks at the man and sees a scar running down his face. It was a clean-cut that was to scare the person away making John think that it must have been his future self that met with the man before.

"Is that all you have?" asks John as he sheathed Yamato and got into position to attack.

"You will see that I'm the best swordsman on earth," says the man as he unheated the other two swords and put them on his heels making John question if that form of fighting was really effective as the man wanted to rush at them when the building began to shake extremely hard making all three lose their footing.

"What was that?" asks Takeshi as he regained his footing.

"A bomb maybe," says John as he didn't know what was going on before the man attacked them and John swings his sword into the air instead of the man that was rushing at them.

Suddenly the man disappeared from Takeshi's sight and where John swung Yamato was the man with now two broken swords on his heels.

"How much I hate you," says the man as he slowly turned into a skeleton using a ring that looked more like a ghost than a ring.

The skeleton now rushed at them at full speed while creating illusions of himself that were also visible for John who thought that this couldn't be anything good because he was seeing skeletons instead of a skeleton knight. At least he could see some thin threats that went for that creepy ring the man was carrying on his finger.

John activates his Thunder mode as he also rushed and swings his sword as he appears behind the Skeletons and the Skeleton Knights as he sheaths Yamato as blue lightning appeared around them and cut them in pieces as the Skeleton Knight loses his fingers and so the rings turning back to the man.

John walks over to end it when the building was shaking again just that this time black spike balls were coming for them.

"We should leave for the next room it isn't safe around here," says Takeshi as he sees the balls increasing.

"Keep going I'm right behind you," says John as he unsheathes Yamato only to find nothing on the ground making John say angry, "That motherfucker escaped when I wanted to finish him."

He looks around and at least find a ring with a dark purple stone and wings on it and the other creepy ring that makes John feel shiver just from seeing it.

[Justice pocket those rings they could be handy later,] says John as Justice does as he was told and stores them away.

'I really don't want to touch those rings if necessary but it's better I have them than the enemy,' thinks John as he follows Takeshi.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts