
Enjoying Viktor's Coffee

The next day, V wakes up feeling changed when she sees Johnny looking at her while saying, "It seems the Sleeping Beauty woke up from her long sleep."

"How long was I out?" asks V as she touches her head because she was feeling slight pain.

"How would I know, when you sleep I do the same since I use your eyes to see and your eyes were closed making it difficult for me to look at a clock but going by your biometric clock, you were out for at least eight hours," says Johnny as V stood up finding Viktor sleeping on his chair while his head was resting on his desk.

John was floating around while sleeping and Nesiara was the only one awake as she stands up. V looks at her trying to find an excuse for her talking with air.

"Don't worry, I know about Johnny being able to talk to you. I can see him after all," says Nesiara as V was surprised by Nesiara saying that.

"You can see him," says V confused as Nesiara looks at Johnny.

"You haven't told her about the threats I made," says Nesiara to Johnny before looking at V and saying, "Get up slowly, you are now far stronger than before."

"What do you mean?" asks V as she puts her left hand on the edge of the table before she grips it a bit too hard leaving her mark behind.

"I meant that," says Nesiara pointing at what V just did.

"So our Joytoy has now more strength in her hands," says Johnny as V glares at him.

"Shut your mouth, Rockerboy," says V as she tried to stand up without breaking anything else.

The chair was fine but the ground seemed to show some cracks in it when Johnny says, "Don't break the shop after getting free upgrades from the owner implanted into you."

"She needs to adapt to her new strengths," says Nesiara as V accidentally called forth her Mantis Blades.

"How can they even fit in her arms is my question," says Johnny talking about the Mantis Blades.

"There are runes which increase the space inside her arms making it possible to store them away without hurting the other components inside her," says Nesiara as V retracts the Mantis Blades.

Nesiara creates a ki ball over her palm when she smiles at V and says, "Don't move."

"What are trying to do?" asks V nervous as Nesiara throws the ball at V hitting her directly.

V was pushed back for a bit before the cloud of smoke disappears showing a V which was now naked as the gown was now gone.

"Are you crazy, you could have killed me!" shouts V as she didn't realize that she didn't have a scratch on her body.

"The Runes and Enchantments are working as intended," says Nesiara as she looked at V not surprised that she didn't have a scratch on her body.

"Is, our Joytoy, now a Super Woman, or is it just me that is surprised about her being in one piece," says Johnny as he lifted his sunglasses before letting them fall again.

"What do you mean," says V when she looks down and sees herself naked still not realizing that she was unharmed.

"You know that I shot you with a ball that should have disintegrated you," says Nesiara as she throws some clothes at V.

"What do you me-," says V as she caught the clothes while looking down again seeing no scratch on her body.

"You are now officially bullet-proof," says Nesiara as she waited for V to put her clothes on when she begins to feel lighter than before.

"Why do I feel so light?" asks V as Nesiara points at her clothes.

"John made your implants. I bought you some clothes and placed my runes on them. I am far better than John when it comes to magical nature since I was born a mage," says Nesiara as her hands began to burn and she puts them against V's clothes.

V thought that she would burn alive when she only felt her chest grow warm when Nesiara says, "Those clothes will protect everything it covers. If you would burn they will absorb the heat and if you should be freezing it will feel like a mild breeze."

The fire turned into ice and V felt the temperature change but it didn't feel cold as it should when Nesiara lets go of V and she says, "They can't be destroyed and they stay in perfect shape. Also, no cleaning, so you can run through the Badlands and your clothes won't get dirty. But that doesn't mean your body will."

"*small chuckle* So don't forget to get a shower once in a while. If we have to share a body I want it to be clean," says Johnny as V looked over towards him.

"I bet my sweaty body smells better than you would have ever smelled in your body ever before," says V to Johnny who only smirks at that.

"As if you knew that. Let me tell you that I was a Star and Legend. My odor made Joytoys lose their pants," says Johnny as V now smirked back.

"Before or after you paid them," says V as she looked at Viktor and John who are still sleeping.

"Why are those two still sleeping after all the noise we made?" asks V as Nesiara breaks the barrier they were in.

"Like said before, I am better than my husband in magic," says Nesiara as she walks towards John and pushes his feet making him spin horizontally in mid-air.

John woke up and stopped the spinning as he moves his upper body up while his feet went to the ground making him stand.

He looks around finding V already in her new clothes when he says, "It seems Nesiara did well in enchanting your favorite clothes."

V's favorite clothes were the clothes she was wearing while being a Nomad. She never got rid of them since they were more like a keepsake of her past. She didn't want them to get destroyed while being on the field, but now it was a different matter since they can't get destroyed.

"My question is how she got them out of my apartment," says V concerned about her privacy now.

"We placed a seal in your apartment just to be able to get there if you called us there while you were still outside," says Nesiara as she sat down when Viktor woke up and sees that V was already up.

"I need a coffee before I make a check-up to see if everything works as intended," says Viktor as he felt stiff from not sleeping in his bed.

"Sorry Vik," says V knowing that she was the reason for Viktor not sleeping much.

"Don't be sorry, child. I just felt like I needed to do it since I can't help you with the other matter," says Viktor as he rubbed his eyes while walking towards the coffee machine in the corner.

"Anyone else wants a coffee?" asks Viktor as he looked at everyone when the couple lifted their hands as did V.

Viktor took out five mugs and put them on the table to prepare the coffee when V gets a call from Panam and she says, "Sorry guys, but I need to leave. Work is calling and this parasite doesn't remove himself from alone."

"Parasite?" asks Johnny as V turns to him but doesn't say anything since John and Viktor were awake and could see her like a crazy person.

"I will see you all later," says V as she grabbed the Ace of Spades from the table as well as some of her other belongings before leaving the Clinic.

"The runes will keep her mind stabilized?" asks Viktor worried about V as John nods.

"They runes will try to fight against the Relic but it can't push it back completely until the Relic is safely taken out of her," says John telling Viktor the truth.

"Then let us hope that this Hellman has a way to remove that chip," says Viktor as he put one of the mugs away while preparing coffee for four instead of five.

Some minutes later the coffee was ready and Misty came down finding them sitting around while some of V's old implants were still laying around the place.

"What happened here?" asks Misty worried since it looked like they took a person apart.

"Last night we worked on V. We tried to help her a bit by taking her old implants out and placing new improved ones in. She is now a walking monster going by the ground and chair damage," says Viktor as he noticed the damage V created before she left.

"She is still V," says Nesiara as her arm was surrounded by green circles before she turned back time on the ground and chair repairing them.

"Thanks," says Viktor giving Nesiara and Misty a mug with coffee.

"So I missed her," says Misty a bit worried since V is in a difficult situation.

"Don't worry about her. Nothing in this world can kill her except for the Relic in her head. Once she finds Hellman, John will be able to find a way to remove the chip from her brain without us killing and reviving her," says Nesiara reassuring Misty that everything will be fine in the end.

"I hope so," says Misty as she takes a sip from Viktor's coffee which was one of the best coffee's in NC.

"I still don't know why you don't own a coffee shop beside your Clinic," says John drinking the coffee.

"I don't need much and this Clinic is all that I really need to redeem myself for my past," says Viktor as he drinks his coffee.

The couple stayed for a while helping Viktor with cleaning his Clinic before they left since they had more things to do today which was to make sure that V doesn't destroy the whole city with her new strength by accident.

Hope you like it.

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