
The Throne Of The Dark [LitRPG Progressive Fantasy]

Embrace your Cursed Immortality and fight for the Throne of the Dark! In the dark, mysterious world of vampires, there once lived a powerful ruler - the Vampire King. His reign was feared and respected by all, until he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a coveted Grimoire. The sudden disappearance of the Vampire King caused a seismic shift in the vampire community. Betrayals, alliances, and desertions plagued the vampire families as they fought tooth and nail to get their hands on the Grimoire.  Meanwhile, in the mundane world of humans, lived Darell Rogers - a lowly Baron's son who always dreamed of a better life. Fate, however, had something extraordinary planned for him. On his 18th birthday, Darell woke up to a familiar sound - a chime. What he saw in front of his eyes left him bewildered and terrified. He had been granted access to the Cursed Immortality System - an ability that could turn his life around in ways he could never have imagined. Little did Darell know that the Grimoire - the very object that the vampire families were fighting over - was in his possession.  With his newfound power and the Grimoire in his possession, Darell had a choice to make - succumb to the pressure and relinquish the object or rise to fulfill his destiny and claim his rightful place on the Throne of the Dark. Join him on his journey as he navigates the treacherous world of vampires and humans alike and discovers the true extent of his power. ================= Check out my Patr-eon for getting access to artwork, illustrations, and extra chapters. www.patr-eon.com/aidenusmani

AidenUsmani · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Vol.01: Ch.18: The King's Secrets - A Surprise Revelation in the Dean's Office

In the Dean's office, Athena, Lin, and Walter sat nervously, their eyes darting around the room.

The Dean of the Academy sat across from them, taking measured sips of tea as he regarded his guests with an inscrutable expression.

Despite his composed demeanor, the room had an unspoken tension that made the three instructors squirm in their seats.

Athena fidgeted with the hem of her skirt, feeling a trickle of sweat bead on her brow.

Lin chewed his bottom lip anxiously, his eyes darting up to meet the Dean's gaze before quickly flicking back down to her lap.

Walter sat stoically, his hands clasped together tightly in his lap as he tried to steady his racing heart.

None of them dared to break the silence as they waited for the Dean to speak.

The Dean leaned forward and looked at Athena, Lin, and Walter.

He knew that they were intimidated by him, but he tried to maintain a calm demeanor.

"Can any one of you provide details about the incident, please?", he asked, taking a sip of his tea.

Athena hesitated, but then she started to recount the incident regarding Darell and his friends in great detail.

She spoke in a quiet tone, as if she was afraid that someone might overhear her.

As she spoke, the Dean listened attentively, nodding occasionally to show that he was following her story.

When Athena finished, there was a moment of silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

The Dean took another sip of his tea, studying Athena, Lin, and Walter over the rim of his cup.

They looked like they were about to bolt from the room at any moment.

In the Academy, the Instructors were some of the most skilled individuals in the Kingdom of Gavaria.

The majority of them had mastered rank 08 spells and had increased their mana to perform these advanced spells.

However, there were a few special instructors like Athena, Lin, and Walter who had surpassed this level of mastery and had become experts in rank 09 spells.

They had managed to increase their mana to the point where they could perform these higher-level spells with ease.

But even Athena, Lin, and Walter paled in comparison to the Dean of the Academy.

He was the only person in the entire institution who had mastered rank 10 spells.

Those who had achieved mastery in rank 10 spells were considered to be behemoths, with an incredible amount of power at their fingertips.

For instance, someone who had mastered rank 10 Earth ability spells could level an entire city with a single punch.

Meanwhile, an individual who had mastered rank 10 Illusion spells could bend reality to their will to some extent.

The Dean was undoubtedly one of the strongest individuals in the Kingdom of Gavaria.

His mastery of rank 10 spells had granted him immense power and influence.

Additionally, he had earned the trust and respect of the king himself, making him a truly formidable presence.

The Dean placed the empty teacup on the desk, his gaze distant and contemplative.

The room was quiet except for the sound of their breaths.

After a few minutes, he broke the silence and spoke in a grave tone, "This has created some problems."

Athena, Lin, and Walter, who had been sitting stiffly, felt their hearts sink at his words.

"I have no idea what His Majesty might do now," the Dean continued, his expression troubled.

Athena spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper, "His Majesty won't hear about the incident for a few days. We can only hope Darell wakes up within these few days."

The Dean shook his head and replied, "I am pretty sure he already knows what happened in the Academy. Surely, you all know his spies are present throughout the whole kingdom."

Athena, Lin, and Walter's faces paled at the thought.

They had forgotten that some Instructors in the Academy were nothing more than spies placed by the King.

The Dean leaned back in his chair, his gaze now fixed on the trio before him. "I wonder whose heads will roll," he said calmly, but the weight of his words was clear.

In this world, the King of the Kingdom of Gavaria was a force to be reckoned with.

His mastery of rank 10 spells was unparalleled and few could match his immense power.

While there were others within the kingdom who had also achieved this level of mastery, none could hold a candle to the King's strength.

It was this unrivaled power that allowed him to keep the ambitious and power-hungry in check, ensuring the stability and safety of his kingdom.

The people of Gavaria held their King in high esteem, for he was not only a powerful ruler, but a just one as well.

The Dean studied their pitiful faces for a few moments before deciding to share a secret with them.

"I am going to tell you a little secret," he said, catching their attention.

Athena, Lin, and Walter sat up straight and looked at the Dean with serious expressions, eager to hear what he had to say.

With a smirk, the Dean dropped the bombshell, "The King is secretly protecting Darell and his friends."

Their jaws dropped to the ground, and they were speechless for a few moments.

They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

The Dean had deliberately shared this top-secret information with them, as he had been ordered to do so by the King himself.

After a few moments of shock, Athena, Lin, and Walter nodded their heads, determined to train Darell and his friends with extra attention and care now that they knew the truth.

"So, the King has been secretly protecting Darell and his friends all this time," Athena said, still trying to wrap her head around the revelation.

The Dean nodded, "Indeed. His Majesty has been keeping a watchful eye on them ever since they gained their innate abilities.

Darell, in particular, has garnered a lot of attention due to his rare Space ability.

The King wanted to keep him safe from those who might seek to harm him or lure him away from the kingdom."

Lin looked concerned, "What kind of groups are we talking about here?"

The Dean answered, "Other kingdoms have caught wind of Darell's abilities and have sent spies to bring him to their kingdoms.

Some of them were even instructed to kill him if he refused.

However, the King has dealt with them swiftly and effectively, and the other kingdoms have stopped sending spies altogether."

The trio listened intently as the Dean continued his tale, "Once the King deemed Darell to be favorable, he even went so far as to offer him the hand of one of the princesses in marriage.

However, Darell's father rejected the proposal, stating that it was up to Darell to decide if he wanted to marry or not."

Athena, Lin, and Walter exchanged a surprised look.

They had never thought of Darell as a potential royal suitor, but they could see how his rare ability would make him a valuable asset to the kingdom.

The Dean had left them with a newfound respect for Darell and a deeper understanding of the power dynamics at play in the kingdom.

They knew that they would have to be even more vigilant in their training and keep a close eye on Darell and his friends to ensure their safety.

The Dean gestured towards the teacups in front of Athena, Lin, and Walter.

They hesitated for a moment, glancing warily at each other, before reaching out to take their cups.

With trepidation, they took a sip of the fragrant tea.

The Dean's eyes twinkled with mischief as he watched drink the tea and he spoke, "When the King asked the princesses for their hands in marriage, none of them voiced any opposition."

His gaze shifted towards Athena, Lin, and Walter as he continued, "Even the first princess."

At that moment, Athena, Lin, and Walter were taken aback and choked on their tea, coughing loudly as they tried to clear their throats.

The Dean, clearly pleased with himself, let out a hearty laugh.

Athena, doing her best to remain composed, struggled to contain her anger at the Dean's childish tactics.

"But," she managed to say through gritted teeth, "the first princess is already engaged."

The Dean smirked. "I don't know why she accepted the proposal," he said with a shrug.

Despite their earlier discomfort, the group spent the next few hours in the Dean's office, discussing the steps they would take to ensure Darell's well-being and safety once he awoke.

When the trio exited the room, the Dean leaned back in his chair and mused aloud, "I wonder what the old man wants from him."


In the opulent throne room of the Gavarian King's palace, a man with stark white hair and a beard sat upon his throne, his old eyes filled with wisdom glared at the letter in his hand.

Despite his aged appearance, his face retained its youthful vigor, and his grandeur was evident in his regal attire - a black and red robe with a white vest, radiating luxury that would make onlookers envious.

The man's regal appearance was further elevated by the majestic crown resting atop his head.

His aura was commanding and imperious as he considered the letter's contents.

In a fit of rage, he crumpled the letter and tossed it aside.

The current circumstances weighed heavily on his mind, and he clenched his fists in frustration.

Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke to himself, "Darell, you must become stronger. The world needs you."


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