
The Throne Of The Dark [LitRPG Progressive Fantasy]

Embrace your Cursed Immortality and fight for the Throne of the Dark! In the dark, mysterious world of vampires, there once lived a powerful ruler - the Vampire King. His reign was feared and respected by all, until he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a coveted Grimoire. The sudden disappearance of the Vampire King caused a seismic shift in the vampire community. Betrayals, alliances, and desertions plagued the vampire families as they fought tooth and nail to get their hands on the Grimoire.  Meanwhile, in the mundane world of humans, lived Darell Rogers - a lowly Baron's son who always dreamed of a better life. Fate, however, had something extraordinary planned for him. On his 18th birthday, Darell woke up to a familiar sound - a chime. What he saw in front of his eyes left him bewildered and terrified. He had been granted access to the Cursed Immortality System - an ability that could turn his life around in ways he could never have imagined. Little did Darell know that the Grimoire - the very object that the vampire families were fighting over - was in his possession.  With his newfound power and the Grimoire in his possession, Darell had a choice to make - succumb to the pressure and relinquish the object or rise to fulfill his destiny and claim his rightful place on the Throne of the Dark. Join him on his journey as he navigates the treacherous world of vampires and humans alike and discovers the true extent of his power. ================= Check out my Patr-eon for getting access to artwork, illustrations, and extra chapters. www.patr-eon.com/aidenusmani

AidenUsmani · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Vol.01: Ch.06: The Quest for Mastery: Reaper Fist and Sword Dance

Darell's grin widened as he opened the system shop, his excitement building as he scrolled through the options. He had been leveling up at an impressive rate and was stronger than most, but there was still something missing. He needed a way to conceal his overpowered stats, lest he draws unwanted attention from academy officials.

He knew that if anyone noticed his stats were off the charts among people of his age, it would draw suspicion and ultimately lead to interrogation. He couldn't afford to have his secret revealed.

As Darell opened the system shop, he was met with a plethora of options. The columns seemed to stretch endlessly, each promising more power and greater abilities. His eyes flicked over the different categories, taking in the various ranks and point costs.

Combat techniques were first, with the most basic ones starting at just one point, but the higher-ranking ones costing up to a whopping five thousand. Weapons came next, with everything from simple swords to enchanted bows, and skills followed suit with a similar range of ranks and points.

Darell felt a thrill of excitement as he scanned the options, his mind racing with the possibilities.

His gaze landed on the locked category, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity. What incredible abilities lay hidden behind that mysterious label? But he knew better than to ask. The system was inscrutable, and he had learned long ago that his best course of action was to simply keep leveling up and trust that the answers would come in time.

As he scrolled through the skills section, Darell couldn't see anything beyond rank 02, indicating that his abilities had progressed to that level. But then, his eyes fell on a skill that caught his attention. The [Conceal] skill would allow him to hide his strength and freely set his stats to any number, all without affecting his actual stats. However, it required 10 system points to unlock, and Darell smiled wryly, knowing he didn't have enough points.

Just as he was contemplating his next move, he received a notification, awarding him five system points for a special quest: to master any rank 01 combat technique. And as a reward, he would receive an additional 10 system points. Excited, Darell opened the combat section and scrolled through the techniques. The [Reaper Fist] combat technique caught his eye, with its specialization in close combat and the ability to disrupt opponents' blood flow or destroy buildings. Though it was only a rank 01 technique, it had three levels - basic, intermediate, and master - and consumed 50 MP. Darell couldn't believe his luck as he quickly purchased the technique, feeling a surge of information flowing into his brain.

With the [Reaper Fist] technique now under his belt, Darell purchased the [Conceal] skill, allowing him to adjust his stats to 50 without raising suspicion from others. The ability would prove to be useful in his future battles, and he couldn't thank the system enough for the opportunity.

When he saw the morning light streaming through the window, Darell got out of bed and headed to the dining hall where his family was already seated, waiting for him. The aroma of freshly cooked dishes filled the air as the maids served them. Darell took his seat, and the food was served to him too.

As he ate, his gaze drifted towards Lilith, who was sitting next to him, eating with great gusto. A small smile formed on his lips as he watched her.

After finishing his meal, Darell left for the training ground. He was eager to master the combat technique he had recently acquired. He spent the next few hours practicing his moves, perfecting his form, and trying out new techniques.

While he was in the middle of his intense training, a sudden chime from his system interrupted him.


He eagerly read the notification that appeared before him.

[Special Quest - Master Intermediate Arts Of Swordsmanship]

[Time limit - 15 days]

[Reward - 50 system points]

Darell couldn't contain his excitement as he grinned from ear to ear, gripping his sword even tighter. He was determined to complete the challenge within the given time frame.

For the next 15 days, he tirelessly honed his skills in both the Reaper Fist and the sword. To his delight, Lilith joined him in his training. They pushed each other to their limits, sparring together and sharing insights into their techniques.

Lilith was a quick learner and soon mastered the intermediate arts of swordsmanship. She then went on to create her unique combat technique, which she proudly named the 'Sword Dance of Mist Empress'.

Meanwhile, Darell continued his rigorous training, pouring all his effort into mastering the sword. He would often spar with Lilith, exchanging blows and learning from each other's techniques.

Finally, on the fifteenth day, Darell completed the quest and was rewarded with 50 system points.

He spent his hard-earned system points on a rank 01 sword combat technique called 'Earth-Shattering Slash'. This technique promised to deliver powerful blows that could obliterate anything in its path.

But Darrell didn't stop there. He also invested in three rank 01 skills that could give him an edge in combat. The first skill he chose was 'Sense', a powerful tool that allowed him to detect anyone who was revealing their killing intent within a certain area. The range of this skill depended on Darrell's mana, with every 1 MP equating to 1 meter of sensing distance.

He also purchased 'Final Blow', a skill that would conceal Darrell's killing intent until the moment he delivered a deadly blow. This skill was perfect for sneak attacks or catching opponents off guard. Lastly, he chose 'Death's Touch', a devastating skill that allowed him to deal a finishing blow to his opponent with twice the power of his strength stat. But, the price of using this skill was high as it consumed half of Darrell's mana.

With these new skills at his disposal, Darell was more confident than ever in his ability to take on any challenge that came his way.

For the next 15 days, Darell and Lilith stealthily slipped away to the Forest of Fyn to sharpen their combat skills. Darell didn't focus solely on leveling up, but instead spent time getting comfortable with his newly acquired combat techniques and skills. Lilith, on the other hand, was content with her rank 02 Ice and Wind spells and didn't inquire much about Darell's new skills. Despite the discrepancy in their skills, Lilith didn't harbor any jealousy toward Darell's progress.

One day, a letter arrived at Ralph's doorstep addressed to Lilith. It was an invitation from the Royal Varona Academy, offering to hold a special test for her. As the first person in the world to possess a rank 02 innate ability, she would be accepted into the academy without question. However, to avoid sparking backlash from other students and noble families, they wanted to conduct this test as a formality. On the last day of their training, Darell and Lilith decided to rest and prepare themselves for the upcoming challenge.

As the family gathered for dinner, the anticipation for Lilith and Darrell's departure to the Royal Capital, where the esteemed Varona Royal Academy was located, filled the air. Ralph took the opportunity to remind them of the responsibilities that come with their acceptance to the academy and the potential dangers they may encounter.

Isabella, while less vocal, chimed in with a warning about the powerful and influential noble families in the area. She cautioned her children to avoid getting entangled with them, as it could lead to trouble that even the family's connections may not be able to resolve.

Lilith listened attentively as Ralph and Isabella talked about their experiences in the academy. However, Darell's thoughts drifted to something else. He was curious about how his parents had met.

"Umm....how did you meet Dad?" he asked Isabella.

Ralph and Isabella looked surprised for a moment before bursting out laughing. Isabella wiped the tears from her eyes and replied, "Your father and I were in the academy together with some friends. We had our differences at first but we found love in the end and got married."

Darell's curiosity grew as he asked, "Who were your friends?"

Isabella and Ralph's expressions turned somber as they remembered their past. Ralph spoke slowly, "We had two friends. One was Rick who...died during a mission he was sent on and the other...." His voice trailed off as he found it difficult to continue.

Isabella sighed deeply and said, "The other was Anna, she had a complicated personal life." She shook her head, recalling past incidents.

"What happened to her?" Darell asked, noticing the sadness in his parents' eyes.

Ralph and Isabella couldn't bring themselves to continue, but Isabella managed to say, "Anna left the academy during the second year as she had some family problems."

Darell understood the pain in their hearts and didn't inquire further.

After Darell entered his room after dinner, he felt a sense of excitement mixed with apprehension brewing inside him. He knew that he had to prepare himself for the journey to the Varona Royal Academy, where he would be taking his first steps into the world of magic and power. He quickly began to pack his clothes and other belongings, trying to fit everything he would need into a single bag.

Finally, after several minutes of packing, he finished and went to sleep, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nerves at the adventure that awaited him.

The next morning, he woke up early, took a refreshing bath, and changed into his best set of clothes. After he finished getting ready, he gathered his belongings and made his way to the mansion gates, where a carriage was waiting for him and Lilith.

As they boarded the carriage and waved goodbye to their parents, Darell couldn't help but feel a sense of both eagerness and trepidation. Looking out of the carriage window at the vast expanse of the countryside they were passing through, he turned to Lilith and said, "We're finally on our way to the real world. Let's make the most of it."


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