
The Throne Of The Dark [LitRPG Progressive Fantasy]

Embrace your Cursed Immortality and fight for the Throne of the Dark! In the dark, mysterious world of vampires, there once lived a powerful ruler - the Vampire King. His reign was feared and respected by all, until he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a coveted Grimoire. The sudden disappearance of the Vampire King caused a seismic shift in the vampire community. Betrayals, alliances, and desertions plagued the vampire families as they fought tooth and nail to get their hands on the Grimoire.  Meanwhile, in the mundane world of humans, lived Darell Rogers - a lowly Baron's son who always dreamed of a better life. Fate, however, had something extraordinary planned for him. On his 18th birthday, Darell woke up to a familiar sound - a chime. What he saw in front of his eyes left him bewildered and terrified. He had been granted access to the Cursed Immortality System - an ability that could turn his life around in ways he could never have imagined. Little did Darell know that the Grimoire - the very object that the vampire families were fighting over - was in his possession.  With his newfound power and the Grimoire in his possession, Darell had a choice to make - succumb to the pressure and relinquish the object or rise to fulfill his destiny and claim his rightful place on the Throne of the Dark. Join him on his journey as he navigates the treacherous world of vampires and humans alike and discovers the true extent of his power. ================= Check out my Patr-eon for getting access to artwork, illustrations, and extra chapters. www.patr-eon.com/aidenusmani

AidenUsmani · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Vol.01: Ch.04: The Secret Mission to the Forest of Fyn: Darell and Lilith's Adventure

The following day, Darell woke up early and made his way to the training yard. It was a routine he followed diligently, every day without fail. He had to be prepared to face any challenge that may come his way.

After he completed his daily training, his attention was diverted by a notification that chimed on his device. It was a special quest, one that he had never seen before. The quest promised to increase all his basic stats by 20 points and offered a reward of 100 XP.

Darell was puzzled and couldn't help but question the system, "Why did I receive this quest?"

The system responded, [You will receive special quests on special occasions, at certain points in time.]

Darell was skeptical and asked, "Is this some kind of training manual type of system?"

The system replied, [Indeed, the system is operating in training mode. But remember, you should not be greedy for power. Always remember why you desire this kind of power.]

These words struck a chord with Darell, and he found himself deep in thought. He knew he wanted power, but not for selfish reasons. His desire for power stemmed from a need to protect his loved ones from the dangers that lurked in the world. He clenched his fists and recommenced his training, with renewed determination to achieve his goals.

Darell had been training relentlessly for two weeks straight. His unwavering dedication and composure had impressed everyone in the household, including Ralph and Isabella. They watched with pride as Darell put his heart and soul into his training.

However, Lilith couldn't help but feel that there was something different about her brother. She noticed that he was pushing himself even harder than before, and his focus was sharper than ever. She clenched her fists, determined to match her big brother's level of dedication and hard work.

Lilith observed his every move, analyzing his techniques and form. She spent every spare moment practicing and perfecting her skills, determined to be the best she could be. The thought of being left behind by her brother was not an option, and she was determined to work harder than ever before.

Darell was in the middle of his training when he heard a familiar notification sound. He stopped abruptly and looked at his device, a grin spreading across his face.


[Special Quest - Completed]

[Reward - 100 XP]


Excitement coursed through Darell's veins as he checked his stats. He couldn't wait to see how much he had improved.


[Name - Darell Rogers]

[Race - ***]

[Level - 06]

[XP - 00/250]

[HP - 250/250]

[MP - 200/200]

[Strength - 80]

[Agility - 80]

[Stamina - 80]

[Vitality - 80]

[Defense - 80]

[Intellect - 80]

[Ability - Space]

[Skills - Space Arsenal]

[Special Skills - Inspect]

[System Points - 05]

[System Shop - Unlocked]

Darell's fists tightened as he felt a new surge of power coursing through his body. A smile spread across his face as he contemplated what to do next.

'I should pay a visit to the Forest of Fyn,' he thought to himself. 'I still have two weeks to prepare for the test at Varona Royal Academy.'

With a newfound sense of purpose, Darell finished his training for the day and made his way back to his room. He knew that he needed to be in top form for the test, and a refreshing bath was just what he needed to recharge and refocus.

The day passed by without incident, and as the sun set on the horizon, Darell prepared for his secret mission. At the stroke of midnight, he quietly slipped out of the mansion, making his way to the carriage that was waiting for him outside the gates.

Once inside the carriage, Darell settled into a corner and waited for the journey to begin. But as he sat there in the dim light, he heard a rustling sound coming from behind him. His heart skipped a beat as fear gripped him, and he instinctively drew his sword, holding it at the ready.

"Who's there?" he called out nervously, turning to face the unseen threat behind him.

The interior of the carriage was dark and eerie, shrouded in shadows. Darell couldn't see anything until he took out a beast core that illuminated the carriage, revealing a barrel that was moving. He knew that the beast was hiding inside it. As he approached the barrel cautiously, he was surprised to find his sister, Lilith, hiding inside.

"Lilith?! What in the world are you doing here?" Darell reprimanded her, helping her out of the barrel.

Lilith's pout deepened as she dusted off her dress, "I could ask you the same question, brother. You should be in your room at this hour."

Darell scratched his head, defeated. "You got me. I was going to the Forest of Fyn to train. What about you?"

Lilith stood up straight, proud as ever, and declared, "I was also planning to train in the forest. I created new skills and wanted to test them out."

Darell nodded thoughtfully. "Well then, it's better if we team up to prevent any unwanted incidents."

Darell and Lilith arrived at the Thunderthorn Guild to register Lilith as a Metal Ranked adventurer. While she filled out the forms, Darell took a look at the quest board and found one that caught his attention. It was a quest to kill an Ice Serpent rank 02 beast, and the reward was two Ice ability rank 02 spells. Darell knew that if Lilith learned rank 02 spells early, she would gain an advantage over the other students at the academy. He quickly grabbed the quest form and presented it to the receptionist, who stamped it and gave it back to him.

After registering, Lilith received her token and they set off toward the forest. As they rode in a carriage for a couple of hours, they discussed their plan. Darell suggested starting by hunting rank 01 beasts to warm up and Lilith nodded in agreement. They arrived at the outer area of the forest and began hunting and killing the rank 01 beasts.

After a couple of minutes, they stumbled upon a strange beast. As they stood face-to-face with it, Darell and Lilith couldn't help but marvel at its striking appearance. The creature resembled a tiger with black and white stripes, but its face was goat-like, with gleaming black horns pointed upwards. It growled menacingly and unleashed a beam of light from its horns, catching the duo off guard.

Reacting quickly, Darell and Lilith dodged the attack and assessed their opponent. Darell activated his skill to check the beast's stats, revealing that it was a rank 03 Nihility Lynia with formidable strength, agility, and defense, as well as the ability to manipulate space. This was an unexpected challenge for the siblings.

Despite their surprise, Darell and Lilith remained calm and focused. Darell examined Lilith's stats and noted her impressive abilities, including her Mist power. He believed they could defeat the beast if they caught it off, guard. With that in mind, the pair prepared to engage in a fierce battle with the Nihility Lynia.

Darell and Lilith cautiously approached the Nihility Lynia, their hearts racing with adrenaline. The beast let out a fierce growl and launched a powerful beam of light from its horns, forcing them to dodge and evade.

"Quick, Lilith! Use your skill 'Fog of Dread'!" Darell shouted over the deafening roar of the beast.

Lilith closed her eyes and summoned a thick fog that enveloped the creature, disorienting it and causing it to lash out blindly.

Seizing the opportunity, Darell charged forward, sword in hand, and aimed for the creature's neck.


The sword met the beast's skin, but it was like striking a wall. The Nihility Lynia's defense was formidable and Darell's sword failed to pierce its hide.

Darell quickly dodged the retaliatory attack from the beast and went back on the offensive. With precise strikes, he focused on the same area around the neck, determined to land a fatal blow.

After what felt like an eternity, Darell's sword finally broke through the tough skin of the beast, severing its head from its body in a shower of thick, black blood.


The creature's lifeless body collapsed to the ground, while its head flew off in the opposite direction. Darell was left panting and gasping for breath, his heart pounding with the thrill of the fight. He wiped the black blood off his sword and took a moment to calm himself and ensure the beast was truly dead before retrieving his sword from its lifeless form.

The thick fog slowly dissipated, revealing Darell and Lilith standing amid the aftermath of the fierce battle.

Lilith's heart raced as she rushed towards her brother, checking him over for any injuries. "Are you alright?" she asked, worry etched in her voice.

Darell gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine," he said, brushing off any dirt on his clothes. "But that beast could have been a real problem if we didn't act quickly."

Lilith looked at the corpse of the Nihility Lynia, the strange creature that had just tried to kill them. "What kind of beast is this?" she asked, her eyes widening with curiosity.

"This is a Nihility Lynia," Darell replied, studying the beast's body. "It had an ability similar to mine."

Lilith was perplexed, the Nihility Lynia was not mentioned in any of the books in the library, and she had read them all. She furrowed her brow and grasped her brother's hand tightly. They were privileged to have memorized the whole compendium of beasts, thanks to their close friendship with the Duke's daughter.

"How do you know what kind of beast this is? We have no record of it in the library. It was not included in the compendium. I've noticed you acting strangely since yesterday. You always seem to be in a hurry to be somewhere else. Others might not notice, but I do. What are you hiding, brother?" Lilith's eyes bore into his, daring him to evade her questions.

Darell attempted to wriggle free from her grasp, but she held on firmly. Lilith was always quick to notice things that others would miss. He had hoped to keep his new abilities a secret for a little while longer. But now, he had no choice but to confess.

He sighed in defeat and glanced around to ensure no one was eavesdropping. Finally, he looked at her and spoke in a grave tone.

"I have a system."

Lilith's grip loosened as she processed the new information. A system? What kind of system could her brother possibly have that would allow him to identify a creature that wasn't even documented in the library? She couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement mixed with fear at the possibilities that lay ahead.


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