
The Throne Of The Dark [LitRPG Progressive Fantasy]

Embrace your Cursed Immortality and fight for the Throne of the Dark! In the dark, mysterious world of vampires, there once lived a powerful ruler - the Vampire King. His reign was feared and respected by all, until he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a coveted Grimoire. The sudden disappearance of the Vampire King caused a seismic shift in the vampire community. Betrayals, alliances, and desertions plagued the vampire families as they fought tooth and nail to get their hands on the Grimoire.  Meanwhile, in the mundane world of humans, lived Darell Rogers - a lowly Baron's son who always dreamed of a better life. Fate, however, had something extraordinary planned for him. On his 18th birthday, Darell woke up to a familiar sound - a chime. What he saw in front of his eyes left him bewildered and terrified. He had been granted access to the Cursed Immortality System - an ability that could turn his life around in ways he could never have imagined. Little did Darell know that the Grimoire - the very object that the vampire families were fighting over - was in his possession.  With his newfound power and the Grimoire in his possession, Darell had a choice to make - succumb to the pressure and relinquish the object or rise to fulfill his destiny and claim his rightful place on the Throne of the Dark. Join him on his journey as he navigates the treacherous world of vampires and humans alike and discovers the true extent of his power. ================= Check out my Patr-eon for getting access to artwork, illustrations, and extra chapters. www.patr-eon.com/aidenusmani

AidenUsmani · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Vol.01: Ch.03: The Baron's Ball: A Night of Love, Jealousy, and Reconciliation

Darell tiptoed down the hallway, careful not to make any noise. His clothes were torn and he was covered in dirt, but he managed to sneak back into his room unnoticed. With a sigh of relief, he disposed of the evidence and quickly took a refreshing bath. He dressed himself in a new set of clothes and styled his hair to perfection, and walked out of his room confidently.

With the banquet still a few hours away, he found himself with a bit of time to spare. Having just returned from an arduous hunt, he was feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in. He knew he needed to rest, to recharge himself before the festivities began. He scanned the area for a suitable spot and finally settled on a quiet corner of the garden in the mansion. As he closed his eyes and breathed deeply, he let himself sink into a state of complete relaxation. The sounds of the nearby fountains and the gentle rustle of the leaves in the trees above lulled him into a peaceful state. He allowed himself to let go, to let his mind drift away from the stresses of the day.

Sitting comfortably on the bench, he opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. As he gazed out at the bustling courtyard, he watched the maids and servants hard at work, preparing for the grand banquet that was to be held that very evening. The aroma of exotic spices and sweet pastries filled the air, as the sounds of clattering dishes and sizzling pans reached his ears. The servants moved about with a graceful efficiency, each knowing their role in the grand event.

As he sat on the bench, lost in thought, he noticed a few of the maids and servants glancing his way. Politely, they bowed in greeting, acknowledging his presence in their midst. He returned their greeting with a warm smile, pleased to have their attention. With a wave of his hand, he motioned for them to continue with their work, not wanting to disrupt their focus.

The younger maids caught his eye and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fondness for their innocence and youthful energy. They waved excitedly at him and he waved back, his smile growing wider at their playful enthusiasm. It was moments like these that made him appreciate the camaraderie and community that existed within the walls of the estate.

Growing up, he was raised with a deep sense of respect and compassion for all members of their household, including the maids and servants. In their family, discrimination or violence against anyone, regardless of their status, was not tolerated. He and his sister had enjoyed playing with the children of the helpers, who were welcomed as part of the extended family. It was during one of these playful moments that he overheard a maid whispering to her friend about the stark difference in treatment between noble houses and their helpers. However, they were grateful to work for his family, knowing that they would be treated with kindness and fairness.

This knowledge filled him with a sense of pride, knowing that the helpers worked for them not out of obligation, but rather because they genuinely enjoyed working alongside his family. It was a testament to the respect and appreciation that his family had for all members of their household.

The gentle breeze swept past him, causing his hair to sway and dance in the wind. The cool air was invigorating, and he breathed it in deeply, feeling refreshed and alive. The rustling of the leaves and the chirping of the birds in the distance created a harmonious melody that soothed his soul. He closed his eyes and let himself be fully present at the moment, relishing the tranquility and beauty of the natural world around him.

As he savored the tranquil surroundings, he heard a voice calling out his name. Turning his head, he saw his father approaching him with purpose. Darell sat up, composed himself, and greeted his father warmly, pleased to see him.

"Good evening, Dad! Is there anything I can assist with for the banquet?" he asked politely, anticipating his father's request.

"No, I have already prepared the attire for the banquet. It's waiting for you in your room. However..." his father's tone changed, and his eyes narrowed, causing Darell to feel a sense of unease.

"Dad?" Darell ventured, sensing that something was amiss.

His father continued to observe him, and Darell's anxiety grew. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, his father's expression softened, and he glanced over Darell's appearance.

"You look good. Did you prepare for the banquet ahead of time?" Ralph asked, his voice betraying nothing of the earlier tension.

A wave of relief washed over Darell as his father's piercing gaze softened. However, a nagging thought tugged at him, and he couldn't resist the temptation to use his unique ability to inspect his father's level. As his father looked away, Darell's eyes briefly glowed red, unnoticed by his father.

With bated breath, Darell studied the stats that appeared before him.


[Name - Ralph Rogers]

[Level - ?]

[HP - ?]

[MP - ?]

[Strength - ?]

[Agility - ?]

[Stamina - ?]

[Vitality - ?]

[Defense - ?]

[Intellect - ?]

[Ability - Fire, *****]

Frustration gnawed at him as the information proved to be inconclusive. He couldn't decipher his father's level, but he knew that his father was no ordinary human. He tucked away the information in his mind, his curiosity piqued, and his respect for his father deepening even further.

After conversing with his father for a while, Darell excused himself and made his way back to his room. There, he was greeted by a team of eager maids who assisted him in donning an elegant and ornate attire. Once he was dressed, he paused in front of the mirror, admiring his reflection. He looked every bit like a prince from a magnificent and grand kingdom. The detail in the clothes and his grooming was impeccable, a testament to the exceptional work of the dedicated staff that attended to his family's every need.

Darell arrived at the grand hall where the banquet was taking place. He took a moment to compose himself, inhaling deeply to calm his nerves before striding confidently into the room. As he stepped inside, all eyes were instantly drawn to him.

Despite the intense scrutiny, Darell remained unfazed. He was no stranger to being in the spotlight and had grown accustomed to the attention. With measured steps, he made his way towards his family's table, where they were already seated, eagerly awaiting his arrival.

Darell's family was small, consisting of just four members. Curious to know more about their abilities, he activated his Inspect skill and examined their stats.

First was his mother, Isabella Rogers. She appeared to have an unknown level and abilities, which left Darell a bit frustrated.

Then he turned his attention to his younger sister, Lilith, whose stats surprised him.

[Name - Lilith Rogers]

[Race - Human]

[Level - 01]

[HP - 100/100]

[MP - 75/75]

[Strength - 27]

[Agility - 18]

[Stamina - 30]

[Vitality - 21]

[Defense - 14]

[Intellect - 28]

[Ability - Mist]

Lilith noticed Darell's gaze and let out a playful pout, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "What's the matter, brother? Haven't seen your dear sister in a while?", she teased a hint of mischief in her tone.

Darell's attention was drawn back to his sister Lilith, who was pouting and playing with her hair. As he looked at her, he was struck by how stunning she appeared. Her light brown hair cascaded down her waist, her face was chiseled to perfection, and her hazel eyes were captivating against her smooth, pale skin. Overwhelmed, he smiled warmly at her and exclaimed, "You look absolutely beautiful, sis."

Lilith blushed and complimented her brother, "You look quite impressive. How did you manage to transform from a rugged barbarian into an elegant man?"

Darell flipped his hair and smiled, "What do you mean? I have always been dashing and attractive."

Lilith responded playfully, "Oh, really? I guess the clothes I picked out for you helped enhance your natural good looks."

Darell's smile froze as he realized his sister's mischief. He playfully pinched her cheeks, "Ah, I see what you did there. You set me up, didn't you?"

"Come now, stop bickering and meet the guests. They are waiting," Isabella reprimanded her children with a stern voice.

Darell's gaze shifted to his mother, who was adorned in a luxurious gown that accentuated her regal aura. Her long, light-brown locks cascaded down her back like a gentle waterfall, complementing her light hazel eyes and unblemished, pale skin. Despite her age, she exuded an air of youth and grace that was truly remarkable.

As Darell's father stood up to make an announcement, the room quieted down in anticipation. Darell was about to turn 18, and the guests were curious to see what Ralph had in store. With a tap of his glass, Ralph began to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am grateful for your presence at this banquet. Today, we celebrate my son Darell's 18th birthday, and I am proud to announce that he possesses the rare Space innate ability."

Everyone in the hall was stunned into silence. They had heard about the Space ability before, but to witness it firsthand was a different matter altogether. Ralph continued.

"Furthermore, I would like to allow Darell to demonstrate his ability before you all today."

With a gesture, Ralph beckoned Darell to come forward. Darell approached one of the tables and used his skill. In a flash, the table disappeared from sight. The guests gasped in surprise. Seconds later, the table reappeared as if nothing had happened.

"As you can see, that was the legendary skill, Space Arsenal," said Ralph. "It allows the user to store items in a special pocket dimension accessible only to them."

Darell felt a surge of excitement as he scanned the room. He realized that this was the perfect opportunity to showcase Lilith's innate ability. He cleared his throat and spoke, "I have an announcement to make as well."

As all eyes turned towards him, Darell pointed towards his little sister and said, "My sister has something she'd like to share with all of you."

Lilith's hands trembled as she stepped forward, but she held her head high and concentrated on her power. Suddenly, the room was filled with a burst of energy as Lilith unleashed her ability.

Gasps and murmurs filled the hall as people marveled at Lilith's incredible display. Even Ralph and Isabella, who had thought they knew everything about their daughter, were stunned by the power she had just unleashed.

People started to crowd around Darell and Lilith. The room was filled with a cacophony of cheers and whispers, as well as a few marriage proposals that were thrown in for good measure.

Darell gently took hold of his sister's hand, concern etched on his face as he saw a group of boys starting to surround her. He didn't want to subject Lilith to the same unwanted attention he was experiencing from some overeager girls, so he quickly led her away from the crowd as he could feel the weight of their hungry gazes on his back, towards a quieter part of the hall where they could have some privacy.

As Darell and Lilith walked towards a secluded area of the hall, they were met by a group of three people who were already waiting for them. One of them spoke teasingly, "Looks like you were enjoying all of the attention."

Darell's lips curled into a smirk as he recognized the voice, "Come on, Emma. You knew how much 'attention' I got during the preliminary test."

Emma let out a harrumph as she approached Darell, "I wore this expensive gown for someone special, but it seems he was too busy showing off in front of everybody else."

Darell's face flushed with embarrassment at Emma's remark. "I'm sorry, Emma," he quickly apologized, "I didn't mean to neglect you."

Emma turned towards him, her gaze piercing. "Your apology is not enough," she replied, her tone cool and calculated.

Darell realized he had to do something to make it up to her. "You look exceptionally beautiful today, Emma," he offered, hoping to appease her.

Emma rolled her eyes, "As if I will acknowledge that half-baked compliment."

Darell took her hand, gazing deeply into her eyes. "I know I have much to make up for, but I promise you this: I will ask for your hand in marriage after we graduate from the Academy."

Emma's cheeks flushed with a deep crimson, and she took Darell's arm, pulling him into a tight embrace.

As Emma and Darell finished their conversation, the group was relieved when the tension subsided. A boy from the group of three standing nearby commented, "Glad that this lover's quarrel is over."

Darell immediately turned to face him, his eyes narrowed and a wicked grin playing at the corners of his mouth. "When are you going to ask for Ariel's hand in marriage, Eric?" he asked.

Eric's eyes widened with panic as he looked at Ariel, who was giving him a piercing glare. "Umm...T-That will be done in the future," he stammered.

Ariel's patience quickly ran out as she smacked the back of his head. She took Lilith's hand and furiously said, "Let's go dine somewhere else and leave this idiot by himself."

Lilith let out a light-hearted giggle as she watched them quarrel and they made their way to an unoccupied table. As they sat down, the attentive servants began to serve them an array of delectable dishes, and they eagerly began to dine, enjoying the sumptuous food and engaging in lively conversation.

As they enjoyed the meals served, Darell concentrated and focused his mind, then used to analyze the stats of his friends. He carefully observed each detail, noting their strengths and weaknesses, their current status, and their potential for growth.

[Name - Emma Zukvar]

[Level - 02]

[HP - 100/100]

[MP - 75/75]

[Strength - 34]

[Agility - 29]

[Stamina - 23]

[Vitality - 21]

[Defense - 39]

[Intellect - 51]

[Ability - Light]

Darell gazed at his girlfriend, Emma, taking in every detail of her appearance. As he looked at her, he couldn't help but be reminded of her noble heritage, as the daughter of the Duke of Zukvar. He knew that her exceptional stats were a result of the rigorous training and education she received, along with her inherent talent.

[Name - Eric Narva]

[Level - 01]

[HP - 100/100]

[MP - 50/50]

[Strength - 55]

[Agility - 19]

[Stamina - 27]

[Vitality - 25]

[Defense - 39]

[Intellect - 28]

[Ability - Earth]

Eric's impressive stats could be attributed to his rigorous training from a young age, as well as his noble lineage as the son of the Viscount of Narva.

[Name - Ariel Telemark]

[Level - 01]

[HP - 100/100]

[MP - 75/75]

[Strength - 34]

[Agility - 57]

[Stamina - 48]

[Vitality - 34]

[Defense - 24]

[Intellect - 35]

[Ability - Sound]

Ariel's extraordinary stats were not surprising given that she was the daughter of the powerful Count of Telemark, and had been rigorously trained from an early age.

Their friendship was a subject of wonder to many who knew them, and many wondered how they came to be friends. The answer, however, was quite simple. Their parents had attended the same academy and were comrades-in-arms who had fought side by side in many battles. This had created a strong bond between them, and they remained friends even after leaving the academy.

In most cases, high nobility would never allow their children to associate with lower nobility unless there was some selfish motive behind it. But in the case of Emma, Darell, Eric, Ariel, and Lilith, their parents' strong bond had allowed the five of them to meet on numerous occasions at various banquets and other social events. Over time, this led to the formation of a deep and unique friendship that transcended social class and status.

As the night wore on, Darell and his companions savored the last of their sumptuous meals, but eventually, they had to come to terms with the fact that the venue was coming to a close. The guests gathered their things and made their way to their respective carriages.

Darell walked Emma to her carriage and helped her inside. With a soft smile, he said, "I'll see you in a month at the academy, Emma."

Emma leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before responding, "Un!"

With a final wave goodbye, Darell watched as the carriage drove away, disappearing into the night. Darell felt a mix of emotions - excitement for the upcoming academy term, anticipation for their next meeting, and a hint of longing at the prospect of being apart. Eventually, he shook his head as he turned and made his way back inside the grand mansion, eager to rest after a long day.


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