
Chapter 2: A Prince From the Outside

The emperor of Breische Empire, Alexander II, looked at the child held by Melissa. Despite having his back turned to him, the golden blond hair and his complexion were enough to tell that the kid was from the imperial bloodline.

"It's undeniable that he is my son." His stern voice shook a little as his jaw clenched.

How could Melissa hide his son from him for almost six years? If she had a son, she should have gone looking for him no matter what her status was. How could she deny a prince of his right as an imperial child?

"No, Luca is my son." Melissa hugged Luca tighter. Though the child tried to peek at the man, she made sure that his face was hidden well. No matter how much he resembled the emperor, he was still a commoner’s son.

The emperor clenched his fist. Luca was her son. Did she just deny him his right as the boy’s father?

"Mel, how long will you hide him from me? That boy is this empire's Fourth prince!" The man shouted in frustration. "He belongs to the palace. He deserved to be known and acknowledged by the people."

There would be no way that he would let his own blood live like a commoner. Especially not their son. He always wished that Melissa would bear his child. He did not wish to have just an imperial child but he hoped that his child with her would be a prince. That way, the other nobles would not be able to refute him if he put her as a queen.

Even if she was born from a commoner background, Melissa could be his queen as long as she bore his son. If she just knew how he wished that would happen. Why did she have to hide it from him?

"No, your majesty!" Melissa kneeled as her tears poured like rain. "Please, Luca is my only son. He doesn't need to be a prince. Please... don’t take him away from me."

Melissa’s heart broke. She knew that the moment the emperor knew about Luca’s existence; he would bring him to the palace. She was aware that no matter who Luca’s mother was; he was still his majesty’s son—he was still a prince.

And because of that, Luca would be taken away from her. How could she live her life away from her one and only son?

"Mel…" The emperor crouched down to hug them. “Who told you that I would take him away from you?”

The emperor’s voice became gentler. The frustration and anger faded away when he realized what was going on in Melissa’s mind. Did she think that he would abandon her just because he rose to the throne? Did she think that he would take away his son from her just because he was a prince?

Just how did that woman suffer in that place for the last years that she was away? How hard must it be to raise their child alone?

"I’m planning to bring you back to the palace with me."

"No. The palace is dangerous for Luca." Melissa pushed the emperor and that gave the child an opportunity to look at the man who made his mother cry.

Golden blond hair, purple eyes, and skin as white as milk. The man in front of him was very handsome but what caught his attention was the fact that he looked exactly like him.

Luca knew. He always looked at his reflection in the mirror because her mother always said that she really loved the way he looked even if he did not resemble her. She always told him that he looked exactly like his father.

"Are you my father?" Luca asked with curiosity.

The emperor smiled as he opened his arms for Luca to come. "Yes, son. I am Damien Alexander von Breische and I am your father."

"Are you here to take me?" He said, being suspicious despite the warmth that he felt from his smile. No matter how kind he looked, he was still the one who made his mother kneel down in tears. He heard it all—his mother was afraid and hurt because that man would be taking him.

"You and your mother." Damien smiled as he met his son’s suspicious son. He just realized how adorable the child was.

He felt proud that his son would not trust just anyone. Being too trustful was a fatal flaw for people living in the palace. He could not let his son be pushed around just because he was too trustful.

"How big is your home?" Luca got out of his mother's hold and started walking towards the emperor.

"I live in the palace, and you will live there too if you come with me." Damien tried to entice him but the kid’s eyes did not change. It was still gauging him, thinking about his answers thoroughly.

"Can we eat delicious foods?"

Damien chuckled. "Of course. You can eat anything you want."

Surely, they could ask for anything from the imperial chefs. He should try to entice him with food.

"Can you make it so that Mother doesn't have to gather herbs or even work at all?"

Damien looked at Melissa and the latter just looked away. Why did she choose to live a hard life than be with him? Did she hate him that much?

Though a little disappointed, the amusement in Damien's eyes was visible when he cooped up his son and kissed his forehead. "Yes, son. Your mother won't live a hard life if she is with me."

Luca smiled at his father before he turned to face his mother. "Mother, let's go with him. I think, he is a good person."

Melissa's hesitation was washed away when he saw how his son smiled when his father touched him. Luca always showed her that he was happy however, she never saw such a genuine smile on his face before.

"Come with me, Mel. I'll give you the title of the Third Queen and I will make sure that no one will ever harm you." Damien smiled warmly.

"How could someone as lowly as me become the Third Queen, Your Majesty?" Melissa wanted him to think about it over again. She was just a commoner and a former palace maid. How could she come up and dream about the queen position?

"Giving birth to a prince is the qualification to become a queen. What is there to consider?"

"I couldn't. Can't you just leave Luca here and visit him from time to time?"

"How could I leave my son to rot away in a small town?" Damien's eyes were pleading with her. "I want to be a part of Luca's growth."

“But I could not just enter the palace and brag that I bore your fourth son.” Melissa looked conflicted. She knew that in the end, Luca would come to the palace. The palace was where her son belonged to. How could she even take that away from him? “And besides, the palace is too dangerous.”

“I will protect you, Mel. Don’t you trust me? Aside from that, Luca would need his father while growing up. I don’t want my son to be away from me now that I knew about his existence.”

Damien’s words were absolute. Melissa knew it too. She knew that no matter what she says, she could never bend his will. Even if she told him not to, she knew that he would still bring them to the palace. Even if it meant dragging her along the way.