
The Thrill

Kayla wakes up one morning in a hospital bed and with severe memory loss. They tell her she was in an ‘accident’ and almost all her family members are dead. Her brother, the only survivor who is barely hanging onto a thread is in a coma. She needs a large sum to get the surgery her brother needs. But where will she get the money from? She is trying her best to navigate through life in this messed up society. But will this eventually get to her and the boy she cares about? Can the thrill save her?

I_Rita · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

: Kayla

Shots were fired and bodies dumped by the creekside woods and burned. Sometimes they were butchered to the point of recognition being impossible. This time it was a sloppy job. They didn't even bother burning it. Her.

"Is this your mother?" The people down at the morgue asked Trina and her father. Trina looked upon the corpse with horror.

"I don't know." She said as tears rolled down her eyes. She held onto her fathers hand.

"Are you sure it's her?" Her father said. You could feel the pain he felt. I know I did.

"The blood sample is a match after comparing it to your daughter." That was a painful gut punch. You know the moment when you realise your life is in flames. This was that moment. My heart went out for Trina but I couldn't help but think about my own parents. They were just as dead as her mother.

"Who could do such a thing?" Trina said crying. People. It's not the first body thats been hauled to the morgue, frighteningly, it won't be the last.

"Do you know who did this to her?" Her father asked not even a little bit surprised with the situation, he just wanted to know what happened to his wife. The man shook his head. 'Shocking'. Of course they wouldn't know. WHEN HAVE THEY EV-

"I don't want her body here." Dismal.

"Sir, We still have some tests to run." He looked furious, rage searing through his bloodshot eyes you could tell he hadn't been sleeping, not since she went missing.

"Olivia WAS MY WIFE, AND I WANT HER BURIED, No more tests." His face went bright red. It was tragic.

"Dad, calm down." Trina laid a soft hand on her father's back to comfort him. But I could tell he didn't want to be comforted, he wanted revenge. Who could do this to an innocent woman, a mother.

"Were still in the process of trying to figure that out, Sir, the police are also carrying out the investigation." An ironic laugh whispers in my head. The police? They won't do anything. These days they were practically useless in cases like this. Countless investigations have been reported but non solved.

A month before this I heard similar news. "Sorry, Kayla but your parents didn't make it." The nurse told me. What did she mean? I laid on a hospital bed bandaged on my head and arm. I tried to move but I couldn't get up.

"What?" I asked the nurse. The nurse tried to make light of the dark situation. It didn't work.

"Your parents and two of siblings passed away, they just couldn't be saved, I'm sorry." My whole world started spinning out of control. Instantly my heart rate increased rapidly. So much that the heart monitor started beeping. The nurse rushed out to call a doctor. Another nurse rushed in and gave me oxygen, I almost instantly calmed down. Then everything went black.

Someone out there decided to rip my family apart murder them in cold blood. But why? It filled me with rage, I would never be with my family again. Now I stay in a foster home because the only family that is still alive is slowly but painfully dying. And there's not much I can do to help , I can't even remember anything, It's like my mind is paralysed. Trina is poor. She lives with her four siblings and father. Her mother died the same way my family did(I'm sure of it). But no one truly knows why except from our leaders. Our world is different from how it used to be, we have evolved from those times and the world has been built better, well at least for the super rich, wealthy and the cons. We live in a society were the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.

I started high school a week ago, Primrose Academy. Its mainly for the unfortunate like me and Trina but there's this rich boy that transferred. He's arrogant and selfish but its not his fault, his father is the General leader so he's used to getting his way. He's tall and athletic but he doesn't talk to anybody, he doesn't want to make friends. Whenever we walk past each other my heartbeat increases and the anticipation of something more... bursts through my lungs. But his face is always hard and stern. He's in one of my classes so I know his name, Aziel. Primrose Academy is a School with all kinds of people there are no clicks, No segregation of people based on popularity. But there are outcasts. Jasmine, she is from Barbados, long curly black hair and perfectly tanned skin her mother married one of our Leaders and then everyone started talking about her. But Jasmine is a bad girl and a thief, if anyone snitches on her she could possibly die, in our world crimes aren't taken lightly if you can in anyway prove yourself a threat execution may be necessary. Everyone who knows her calls her Jax, she says it makes her feel powerful. Being the stepdaughter of one of our leaders I'm sure she always feels powerful, she probably thinks she's better than all of us. Jasmine uses to date this boy called Greyham. But last year during the thrill Greyham chickened out and backed down. They called him the freak because you don't become a finalist in the thrill then back down its practically unheard of, abominable even. When he came back to school everyone hated him, he was isolated by every single student including Jasmine. Then he truly went mad and started attacking anyone close to him "I'm not a monster!" He would shout but they would just shout "You're a freak" back and this riled him up the more. Greyham used to be a top student at Primrose, well at least thats what Trina told me. One day in the cafeteria Greyham walked stiffly up to Jasmine but she didn't even look up at him. Then she stood up and walked away. Greyham used to be loved and looked up to by most people. But the thrill changed everything, he lost his arm while playing the chase. So they gave him this robotic arm and this also changed him it made his eyes bright blue and his hair colour darker brown. Trina is a tech whizz she knows so much about our leaders. She's the one who tells me everything that's going on in Primrose Academy. I don't know what I'd do without her.

"Alright, Class settle down we have a lot to do today" Mrs Kane said. Everyone sat down and got there books out for the lesson. "I'll be your history teacher for the rest of the year so I'd like to see you all on your best behaviour" Everyone just looks at her cluelessly, who cares I think to myself. Suddenly, the door opens and its Aziel his lustrous black shines as the light hits it from the class window, as he enters his eyes glaze over me and my heart melts I wish he would just look at me for two seconds longer.

"Mr. Meyer, Please go take a seat so I can start the lesson." Mrs Kane said while taking the register. He just looked at her without saying a word, then scanned the room for a seat. There was only seat available and that was right in front of me. A swirl of happiness started build in my stomach, but then I realised, When he finally sat down, I'd rather be able to see the board than stare at the back of his head.

Before the lesson ended Mrs Kane said we would have a project by the end of term that consisted 30% of our overall grade. The stakes are high she said. It would be group project in twos. The best project would get tickets to see B&M live concert. I don't know who would want that prize more than Trina and I. There was a raffle. Crap! I thought what if I get paired with the dumbest person in class. It was Trina's turn to go pick a name out of the hat. I hope she picks my name. "Jasmine" Trina said as she looked at the piece of paper with a perplexed look on her face. Jasmine rolled her eyes and seemed so disappointed with the outcome. When it was my turn to fo the raffle I hoped I would just get someone who was smart. Let luck fall on me just this once I said to myself. As opened the piece of paper, my heart stopped for a moment, It does a thousand flips while my body is frozen. All I could think is, no way. A moment later I get back to senses. "Aziel?" I said out loud wondering whether his name sounded right coming from my mouth. As I called out his name out he looked me. I never expected to be partnered with him so I'm still finding it hard to process. Who knows what could happen between us I just hope there's more to him than his brooding exterior. Because these days all I can do is hope.