
The Three Paraphernalia's

Jackie smiled, Lilliane smiled too, “Well, to complete the task, you must gather the Three Seraphic Paraphernalia’s. Each one is from a different time period. One from the past, one from the present, and one from the future. Explaining it will be too difficult, just follow this.” She picked up a piece of paper from thin air and threw it into the air, Stella caught it and folded it up neatly. “It tells you all you need to know, just-“ At that moment, Jackie whispered, “one… two… THREE!” _________________________________________________ Cover Art from PeakPx content creator.

Celestial_Love · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Breakfast

"Are you going to school?" asked Jackie to Tiffany and Kaitlin. They had just woken up after sleeping over at Kaitlin's skyscraper apartment and the clock read 8:10.

"Um… I'm not," replied Tiffany, yawning.

"Yeah," agreed Kaitlin. "Thinking about what's going to happen today, no thank you."

Jackie nodded, "Can we make some breakfast? I'm starving."

Tiffany grabbed a jacket and pulled it over her black tank top, "Let's get Panera and Starbucks, I could do with some coffee, and plus it's right downstairs. Safe."

"That's true, let's go," Kaitlin jumped up excitedly and started changing her shorts to jeans.

Jackie laughed and threw a shirt on over her tank top. She changed her shorts to leggings, grabbed her phone, and started downstairs to get her things. "Hurry up guys."

Tiffany grumbled a reply and yanked her shorts off and into dark blue jeans. She searched for a hairbrush and dragged it through her hair. Then she plucked her phone from the floor and went to get some water from downstairs.

"Wait up," called Kaitlin.

She didn't bother wearing something over her tank top and tucked her phone in her back pocket. Yawning, started braiding her hair into a braid while walking down the stairs. When she reached the first level, she secured her braid with a bobby pin, then slipped on her sandals.

Tiffany was chugging water down in the kitchen while Jackie looked through her phone. Setting the cup down on the counter, Tiffany strode over to Kaitlin and grabbed her heels that she had bought just yesterday. After they had finished shopping the day before, they went straight to Kaitlin's house.

Klystron still had Tiffany's masquerade accessories, and she had to contact him about when he's going to bring them to her. Tiffany shrugged it off and decided to postpone it to as late as possible.

Jackie groaned and murmured to herself, "Stella wants to meet us at the café at noon."

Tiffany's phone started buzzing, someone calling her, and she reached for it in her back pocket and answered the call. "Hello, oh hey, Natalie! What's up? Uh, I don't think so, definitely not. Okay, sure. See you then. Bye." Tiffany shut her phone off and tucked it back into her back pocket.

Kaitlin looked at her questioningly.

"Oh, Natalie wanted us to meet her, Judea, Lily, and Amity at the regular at 11, I said we could go." Replied Tiffany, looking up.

Jackie laughed, "What about Stella and Gertrude and Delia?"

"I'll see them later, but I don't want to see Delia, she's being a pain in the ass right now. You know that girl she started to hang out with now? Alexis? Well they are both being assholes so not right now." Ranted Tiffany, she turned, opened the door, and left.

Kaitlin shrugged, Jackie sighed. "They will be friends again, they always do." Said Jackie reassuring herself and Kaitlin, slipping on her sandals and exiting the house with Kaitlin.

Kaitlin locked the door and shook her head, "Not this time. Tiffany is actually acting nice around Delia. She never does that unless it's bad."

"Come on guys," called Tiffany from the elevators. "It's here!" They all scurried into the open elevator and pushed the button marked 'lobby'.

"What are you guys getting?" Asked Kaitlin, leaning onto the side of the elevator casually.

"A double chocolate chip frappe," answered Jackie immediately.

Tiffany laughed, "You always get that, I'm probably getting the… Green Tea Latte with matcha and vanilla. What about you, Kaitlin?"

"I don't know, maybe a Cinnamon Dolce Latte." Replied Kaitlin.

"Ooo, nice." Commented Jackie.

The door of the elevator opened and they exited into the lobby, people were bustling around as usual in the morning, the busy street outside. They went out the door and turned right where there was a Starbucks half a block down, with a Panera right next to it.

"How convenient," laughed Tiffany, entering Starbucks and walking straight to the front of the café and ordering her drink. Jackie and Kaitlin followed her in..

As they waited for their beverages to be ready, they talked about what to do.

"We should say goodbye to friends, and then meet back at my house at 3 o'clock sharp, to get ready to start," planned Kaitlin.

Tiffany nodded, Jackie grimaced and asked, "what about Kyle?"

"What about him?" said a confused Tiffany.

"We need to bring him along," said Jackie slowly.

"Green Tea Latte for Tiffany," someone called from the Starbucks pick up place. Tiffany hurriedly went to get her latte.

Just as she got back, sipping her latte greedily, a guy called out "Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino for J." Then, "Cinnamon Dolce Latte for Kait." They all went to get their drinks and then left Starbucks to get Panera.

"This is really good," remarked Kaitlin, savoring the latte in her mouth.

"What should we get?" asked Jackie.

Kaitlin stared at the menu then said slowly, "I'm getting the 'Avocado, Egg White, and Spinach Breakfast Power Sandwich' thing."

"I want a…" said Tiffany also reading the menu, "Spicy Thai Salad."

"Hmm, what should I get?" asked Jackie. "Perhaps… aha! I'm getting the Pumpkin Pie Bagel with Honey Walnut Cream Cheese."

"All done, that will be $13.88 please," a voice rang out from the cashier. Jackie started, Tiffany jumped, and Kaitlin yelped. They all turned towards the lady at the cash register staring at them expectantly.

Tiffany calmed down a bit and asked, "excuse me?"

The lady cleared her throat and asked, "Didn't you just order?"

"Oh, sorry," said Jackie, the others laughed finally understanding. "We were just saying the things out loud but yeah, we're ordering those."

"How much is it?" asked Kaitlin, still giggling slightly.

"$13.88," the lady laughed along with them too.

"I'll pay," stepped in Tiffany, quickly. She drew out a debit card from her pocket and swiped it into the machine. After signing it, they sat around a small table near the pickup order place and waited for their food, still sipping Starbucks.

Jackie drank her Frappuccino unconsciously and she was done with the whole thing in just a few minutes. "oops," she muttered, throwing the cup in a nearby trash can.

Their food came quickly after that and they all ate hungrily, looking through their phones at the news and social media. Tiffany finished her salad first and went to the restroom, her Jimmy Choo's clicking along the floor attracting a few customers to turn their heads. A few minutes later, Tiffany returned to find that Jackie and Kaitlin were done with their food too and they left Panera together. It was ten past nine.

"Now what?" asked Jackie to the other two.

Tiffany shook her head, "I don't know, we're meeting Natalie at 11 but there's still like two hours left."

Kaitlin yawned, "Let's pack some of our stuff up."

Tiffany nodded and they all trekked back to Kaitlin's house. Arriving inside, Tiffany asked, "Kaitlin, do you have any clutches or stuff like that for us to use?" She unclasped her heels and set them down on the floor.

"Like a mini clutch purse?"


"I think I do why?" asked Kaitlin, looking confused.

Jackie laughed, understanding Tiffany. "We need to pack up."