
The three deadly brothers

9 years ago in a dark alley way

"Brother I heard about something called the scroll" says Raz the tall confident good looking brother

"What about it?..is there something..deadly about it" says bill the brother with the long black beard"

"If you touch it you turn into this deadly creature of a kind" says Raz

"Well let's get it" says bill

"There's a problem about that..it's in an abandoned house that has a lot of cameras around it so if we go there we might get caught by the police" says Raz

"So it's technically not abandoned is it" says bill

"I guess anyway I have a plan to get in" says Raz

"What is it" says bill

"John our brother is gonna destroy the cameras then we sneak in" says Raz

"Ok" says bill

9 hours later

"There it is..the ancient scroll" says Raz

"You sure we should do this Raz" John says

"Yeah..we broke the cameras broke in here let's get this done with" says Raz

"Ok" says bill

They all touch the scroll at once..John turned into someone with three heads and a black and red cloak meanwhile razs hair turned white and his skin turned purple and grey with a red bandana

And bill changed the most..huge robot legs also huge robot arms covered his body with purple running down his skin and his neck is now the size of a house

"We are the deadly brothers! Now let's go kill" says Raz

"That's the story of the three deadly brothers they killed a few people then they we're killed themselves..there's rumours you light a candle at night and say there names they will return from the dead" says a young boy in red called jasper

"Nah that's bull" says someone in Nike tracksuit called vice

"At least you don't have nightmares at night about them" says jasper

"Yeah have fun with those nightmares am gonna go home" says vice

"Ok see ya" says jasper

Vice leaves

"Maybe I could light a candle and say there name..there not real it's just a myth at least it will stop my nightmares..prove there not real" says jasper

"Jasper you got to go sleep soon" says jaspers grandad

"Yes grandad" says jasper

"This has to be quick..no more nightmares"

Says jasper

He gets a candle lights it sits next to it and gets ready to says the brothers name

"I'm ready..ok um bill John Raz..Bill Jones Raz..bill John Raz...See nothing to worry about"

Jasper gets to sleep

Vice walks home when Right when he hits the door he hears hissing

"Someone there" vice says"

"Where is he!!" A strange voice shouts

"Who!!" vice shouts

"Jas..per!!" The strange voice shouts

"Why do you want him?" Says vice

A strange dark figure walks up to vice


The strange figure eats vices head off

The next day

"Hey grandad I'm up" jasper says

"Hey boy" jaspers grandad says

"I'm gonna go to school" jasper says

His grandad looked worried and scared as if he didn't want to tell jasper about something

2 minutes later jasper will be walking to school when he sees police all around the place he goes over to them and sees vice laying on the ground with blood all over his body with a head that was off his body

"Hey that's my friend" jasper says

The police let jasper see vice

"Oh god your head where did it go" jasper says

Jasper looks up and sees vices head near a tree far away from them half bitten

"Oh no um" jasper gets up crying

He runs to the school in Tears jasper sees police at the school too jasper sees dead body's laying on the ground

"Is it them" jasper whispers

Then he gets a tap on his shoulder jasper jumps but when he turns around he sees this girl he's been dating she was called kylie she had lovely blonde hair and blue glasses "you seen that over there" kylie says

"Vice is dead" jasper says

"Oh come here" kylie says and hugs jasper. A teacher then comes up to them and tell them that they have to go home because school was off for a few weeks Kylie and jasper walk home together "Kylie I think I know why these murders have happened" jasper says

"Why,fill me in" Kylie says

"You know the three deadly brothers" jasper says

"Yeah I know them" Kylie says

"I think I summoned them back from the dead now there on a killing rampage" jasper says

"That's totally not what's happening" Kylie jokes

"Come on Kylie you got to be serious in all this..it might be them" jasper says

"Your not joking around here are you..you brought them back"Kylie says

"I think so" Jasper says

Three strange figures came close to them

"You said our name now you must pay" jasper says

"That's them,there after me..run Kylie" jasper says

"Am not leaving you" Kylie says

One of the brothers Raz punches Kylie and breaks her leg, he was about to kill her but jasper punches Raz in time. Raz grabs jaspers arm and bites it off blood was pouring out everywhere jasper was crying in pain

"Pathetic human" Raz says

A brother punches jasper

"I assume your bill or something" jasper says whimpering "I am now called the grave feather" says the grave feather

"Ok ok right" jasper says

Jasper kicks Raz in the nuts while holding his shoulder

"Kylie have you got anything sharp?" He says

"Yeah I have a knife" she says

Jasper grabs the knife and cuts off Grave feathers robotic arm and attaches it to his shoulder "Oh it feels great to have a arm"

Jasper jokes around meanwhile John now known as Kondor rips open Kylie legs jasper punches Kondor to the ground But he gets up and bites jaspers other arm off again jasper screams in agony Kondor sees someone,it was jaspers grandad

"Don't ever f-Ing mess with my boy" he says

He pulls out a gun and shoots Kondor

But that doesn't kill Kondor "get the scroll" jasper yells out

"What" The grandad says

Jasper points over to the scroll jaspers grandad grabs it

"Now say the words on it" he says

"Ok um,destroy this devils curse!!" Jaspers grandad shouts out loud

Raz Kondor And Grave feather fall to the ground

"Are they dead?"asks Kylie

Jasper touches Raz,he doesn't move

"We did it..now let's go home"Jasper says

But when they were walking home Raz gets up and follows them

To be continued