

Kodi extended his hand and slowly curled it into a firm grip, tightening the pressure held against her body.

"Grr!" Fiona clenched her teeth in pain as she felt her muscles strain against the force that encased her.

As the grip against her tightened, her body responded with a surge of boundless energy, Waves of jade-green flames erupted from her being, engulfing her in an ethereal inferno. The intense heat radiated outward, causing the ground beneath her to quake and splinter in protest.

Her emerald eyes blazed with a ferocious defiance, as the clash between Kodi's spatial hold and her green flames created a mesmerizing spectacle.

Kodi's gaze narrowed, his eyebrow arching with recognition, 'Green flames. The distinctive hallmark of the Jadefire Clan.'

The Jadefire Clan, known for their mastery of fire, possessed a lineage intertwined with the very essence of emerald flames. It was a power unlike any other, an inheritance that set them apart from all others who wielded fire as a mere element.

Not many know the special effects of the green flames compared to ordinary flames, apart from the core members of the Jadefire Clan.

'It looks like I'll find out soon.' Kodi's eyes revealed a hint of appreciation, not for her, but for her green flames.

With each passing moment, her flames grew more vibrant and Kodi slightly frowned as he was beginning to lose hold of her. Somehow, the green flames were ferociously fighting back against the constraints of his spatial ability.


The space around her cracked as Kodi increased the power of the spatial hold but Fiona didn't back down. Her flames intensified in power, as a radiant aura surrounded her, casting an otherworldly glow upon the area.

The very fabric of space seemed to warp and twist under the onslaught of her green fire, pushing against the confines of Kodi's spatial hold.

Fiona tightened her fists against the spatial hold and yelled with anger, "You can't…"


As Fiona's piercing shout echoed through the jungle, the intensity of her green flames surged to unprecedented levels. The emerald inferno erupted in a cataclysmic burst, unleashing its furious might in every direction.


The air trembled with raw power as the flames licked at the surrounding landscape, their verdant tongues leaving scorch marks upon the ground and burning every miniscule thing to ashes.

The trees that stood witness to the clash were engulfed in a tempest of green fire, their trunks igniting and succumbing to the relentless assault. The once tranquil atmosphere was transformed into a scene of chaos and destruction, the crackling flames casting an eerie glow that danced across the smouldering landscape.


Amidst the fiery chaos, Kodi stood unfazed. Before the green flames could reach him, he utilized his element of space, weaving his mastery of spatial manipulation into a formidable barrier around himself. The translucent field shimmered with a lustrous energy, effortlessly repelling the onslaught of the raging green flames.


"Impressive." Kodi calmly muttered.

The final embers of Fiona's emerald inferno flickered and faded away, as a scorched expanse lay before them, bearing witness to the aftermath of Fiona's wild outburst.

The air hung heavy with the scent of burnt vegetation and trees, mingling with the faint traces of residual energy that still sizzled in the atmosphere.

Seeing that the onslaught had finally stopped, Kodi dispelled his spatial barrier with a subtle gesture, allowing the transparent barrier to dissipate into nothingness.

The two formidable opponents stood on opposite ends of the charred battlefield. Unexpectedly, Fiona looked like she didn't receive a lot of damage from the first exchange.

'The element of space, mystifying yet terrifying. I need to think!' Fiona raced her mind with numerous possibilities of what she should do.

Their gazes locked, for they knew the previous exchange was merely a child's play.

Fiona, her jade-green eyes ablaze with determination, maintained a defiant stance as her two hands were suddenly coated with balls of green flames. Her dress fluttered against the wind, as her body seemed to rise with boundless energy.

Kodi, his countenance composed and resolute, surveyed the scene with a penetrating gaze. His eyes, pools of calm determination, held a depth of knowledge and experience that spoke of countless battles fought and won.



For a brief moment, silence enveloped the battlefield, broken only by the crackling of dying embers and the gentle rustling of the charred foliage.


Fiona lunged forward, her movements accompanied by bursts of searing green fire. She unleashed torrents of emerald fire from her palm, shooting towards Kodi.

Kodi, his movements swift and calculated, evaded her attacks with graceful ease, utilizing his mastery of space to slip through the flames unscathed.

With a sudden burst of speed, Kodi closed the distance between them, unleashing a devastating barrage of punches. Each strike carried the force of bending space, causing shockwaves to ripple through the surroundings.

Fiona narrowed her eyes and responded with her own display of power, conjuring spiralling columns of green fire that lashed out with unparalleled ferocity, that collided with his punches.


The ground shook violently, cracks spreading like veins of molten energy, as the sheer magnitude of their clash threatened to tear the jungle apart.

The battlefield became a battleground of elemental chaos.

Immediately, Fiona summoned towering pillars of green fire, trying to create an advantageous field of position for herself. Kodi maneuvered effortlessly around the fiery pillars, his eyes soon understanding her intentions.

'Interesting.' Kodi silently 'praised' her as he raised his hand, and a rift tore open before him, revealing a glimpse into the vast expanse of the cosmos.

Undeterred by the display of his cosmic might, she unleashed a barrage of scorching projectiles towards Kodi, their searing heat creating trails of melting air.

Kodi smirked as he stepped into the rift and appeared elsewhere from a new materialized rift. He could materialize and dissolve the spatial rifts at will, showcasing his mastery over space and his powerful strength.

Fiona's frustration grew, fuelling the intensity of her green flames, "Stop dodging!"

She placed both her hands on the ground, summoning more pillars of green fire from the ground, their swirling vortexes threatening to consume everything in their path.

The battlefield became a symphony of chaos as the flames intertwined with the shifting spatial anomalies, creating a dazzling display of light and power.

Kodi's gaze remained fixed on Fiona, his expression a mix of admiration and regret, "She would have been a force to be reckoned with in the war." He mused softly, his words barely audible amidst the raging elements.


In the blink of an eye, a colossal spear of fiery emerald hurtled towards Kodi with terrifying speed. Fiona's relentless assault showed no signs of abating.

Kodi's serenity remained unshaken as he watched the approaching spear, his mind calculating the precise moment for action.


With an audible snap, he created gravitational distortions around the spear, that altered its trajectory, sending the spear veering off course. The spear whistled past Kodi, missing its intended target, and crashed into a cluster of unfortunate trees.


A thunderous explosion erupted, engulfing the area in a conflagration of green flames. The intense heat and searing energy incinerated everything in its path, reducing the once towering trees to charred remnants.

Fiona watched in slight disbelief as her powerful attack was effortlessly neutralized by Kodi's spatial manipulation. Part of her mind expected that her attack would at least deal some damage to him, but reality proved otherwise.


"Just why, Fiona?" Kodi shook his head as he spoke with a firm tone, "Your potential is undeniable. You would have been a great figure that could have inspired countless of young cultivators."

Fiona's emerald eyes burned with fury as she spat, her voice dripping with venomous resentment, "Don't you dare lecture me now, Kodi."

The flames of her green fire flickered with an ominous intensity, as if ready to consume everything in their path.

"Let's see if you can take this." A sinister smile curled upon Fiona's lips as she prepared to unleash a devastating move.

With a surge of power, Fiona raised her hands and muttered, "Death's Embrace!"

Dark green flames erupted from her outstretched hands, swirling and pulsating with a malevolent energy. The flames blasted with full force at Kodi, threatening to devour everything in its path.

Kodi's eyes slightly widened in surprise, momentarily caught off guard by the intensity of Fiona's attack. Swiftly regaining his composure, he summoned a barrier of spatial energy to shield himself from the oncoming assault.


The dark-green flames collided against his barrier with an enormous force, but the barrier initially stood strong the flames. Kodi expected nothing else to happen but he soon realized the flames were slowly corroding the barrier he conjured.


Her special attack included a corrosive nature in the fire that ate away at the barrier, causing it to weaken and crumble under the intense pressure.

"HAHAHAHAHAH!" A manic laughter erupted from Fiona's lips as she observed Kodi's situation, "Is that all you've got, Kodi? Your precious barriers are nothing in the face of my unstoppable flames."



The barrier quickly shattered under the onslaught of the corrosive flames, and was quickly on course towards Kodi. Fiona's eyes were full of glee as she watched on with anticipation at his predicament.

However, before the corrosive flames could even touch the hems of his robes, Kodi unleashed a powerful spatial-infused palm strike, aimed directly at the encroaching corrosive flames.

The impact of his strike disrupted the space around him, creating a temporary void that nullified and swallowed the flames into oblivion. The once-devastating corrosive inferno dissipated, reduced to nothingness within the void.

Fiona's face froze in shock as her eyes widened in astonishment, her maniacal laughter abruptly silenced. The gleeful anticipation transformed into disbelief as she witnessed Kodi's dominating power.

Kodi's lips curved into a small smirk, as he looked over and enjoyed Fiona's frozen expression.

"There is a reason why I am the Number 1 Prime Disciple and…"

"…the Champion of our sect." He slowly spoke as his eyes met Fiona's, radiating a quiet confidence that spoke volumes.


ShadexRaycreators' thoughts
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