
True Spirit Sword Chastiefol

Sorry for the huge delay been busy with school work!

Camp Half-Blood

Chiron was in the Big House; it had been a few weeks since the quest-goers had left. The deadline was coming and he was concerned that they would fail to find the weapon.

"Chiron something is happening to the Tree!" A camper came barging into the room. "What is happening?" Chiron asked as he stood up and made his way to the exit. "We don't know it just started to shake." The camper responded.

Chiron and the camper made their way to the edge of the camp. The border was crowded with campers starting at the tree. "What in Zeus' name is going on here!" Chiron said as he fought through the crowd. He finally got to look at the tree. It was shaking violently and started to glow. "Oh Gods Above," Chiron said as a golden streak left the tree and took to the sky westbound.

On Olympus

"The deadline is almost here brother., Zeus said looking at Poseidon. "Well, I do not have your bolt! So declaring war would do no good!" The Sea God yelled. "Apollo still no sign of my bolt." Apollo zoned out for a second and had a green hue to his eyes. "No Father still nothing," Apollo answered. "Sorry to disturb you all my lord but Lord Hades has connected a message to you all," Iris said as a veil of mist appeared in the council room.

In the mist, they saw the scene of Ares and the questgoers. They watched as Percy and King dodged the Boar and saw Annabeth and Grover get attacked with Natsumi desperately trying to defend them. "What is he doing to my Daughter!" Athena yelled as she watched the scene. "It appears Ares was the culprit," Apollo said. "I do not believe my Son would take the bolt!" Zeus yelled. "Well let us watch and see," Hera spoke up narrowing her eyes at the image. The gods continued to watch the onslaught of the God of War against the demigods. Gasps were heard when King was punched by Ares and flung across the shoreline. "No King!" Demeter yelled. "The boy stands no chance. None of them do." Artemis said grimly as she gritted her teeth watching the scene. Athena turned her head away and closed her eyes when she saw Ares's blade go toward her daughter. "No way!" Hermes yelled as they watched King appear holding Ares's wrist and delivering a powerful blow to his stomach. Hephaestus was in shock when he heard what King declared and saw the golden glow.

Battle Grounds

"Spirit Sword Chastiefol-Sacred Treasure: Release!" King said as he held out his hand and a golden glow enveloped him. A golden streak flew throughout the sky coming to King. The light produced blinded everyone as they saw a golden sword in King's hand similar in design to the one he wielded years before and the changes in his hair, eyes and the purple diamond on his head had come to view. "Behold! True Spirit Sword Chastiefol!" King announced as the aura around him and the blade grew. "So Ares am I still unarmed?" King said with a smirk. Ares gritted his teeth. "This changes nothing!" Ares yelled.

Ares  (Manipulated!)(Human form)

Level: 458 

Hp: 230,000,000/231,000,000 

Mp: 52,000,000/ 52,500,000

Str: 389

Dex: 217

Vit: 308

Int: 105

Wis: 92

Luck: 30

"Well, shall we continue God of War?" King said staring his opponent down. "Okay, runt let's see what you got." Before charging forward he looked at the others and then swiped two fingers in their direction. "Perfect Cube" King spoke as a barrier formed around them. King turned to Ares and a smirk formed on his face and then suddenly vanished. He reappeared in front of Ares with a winded back fist he slammed his chakra-enchanted fist into Ares's gut. Ares grunted at the contact. "You will have to do better than that!" King kept his smirk.

"Sky God Slayer- Sky God's Boreas!" King yelled black winds whipped around his fist that was connected to Ares Gut. He thrusted it forward sending out the wind causing Ares to get whipped around in the winds flying away from King.

4,489 x 100 448,900!

Ares sat up and snarled at King. "How did you do that?" He yelled. "What's wrong Ares wind knocked out of you?" "I'll kill you!" Ares yelled charging at King with his sword drawn. Let's test this thing out. King following Ares's movements blocked his attack with Chastiefol. The swords clanged together. "Just because you have a fancy blade doesn't mean anything runt." "You get all worked up Ares. Is that your anger talking or is it the Crooked One's grip on you?" King asked. "Ahh," Ares yelled frustrated as he swung at King again. King rolled under the sword. "Sky God Slayer-Sky Gods Dance!" King thrusted his arm out and black winds shot out aimed at Ares the god easily dodged the attack. "You know with the bucket of Bits in your head you aren't going all out. I wish you weren't controlled." King said.  King discreetly pulled his chakra metal Elucidator out of his inventory He took his blades and slipped into his kenjutsu stance. Taking the lead King leaped forward. Ares's eyes widened at the boldness. King swung around his Elucidator which was easily blocked but he didn't expect Chastiefol to whip around the blade came quickly and Ares barely had time to move his head out of the way. This brat is insane. Ares thought. Come on Ares snap out of it! King yelled in his head. It took everything King had to keep up. He was only hanging on because of the effects of Chastiefol. Suddenly, Ares delivered a kick to King's stomach which landed.

King 20,000/25,500

Ares 228,735,000/230,000,000

His health is crazy. King said. Well, what are you going to do Kit? Kurama asked. If you guys keep replenishing my Chakra. I'm going to do something stupid. King thought with a smirk. King jumped away from Ares. "Running away brat!" Ares yelled. "Nope!" King responded. He made 2 clones surprising Ares. They all ran through different hand signs. "Wood Style, Earth Style, Water Style- Wood/Water/Earth Dragon Jutsu!" The three Kings yelled as massive dragons made of Wood, Earth, and Water sprung to life. "What th-" Ares started as the dragons started to move towards Ares knocking into him. The dragons started to attack and push Ares driving him towards the edge of the water. His eyes widened when King appeared across from him with his hands in a weird position. "Fire Style- Great Fire Annihilation!" King yelled as a massive torrent of flames headed towards Ares. The dragons had moved out of the way and disbursed leaving Ares exposed to the flames. King watched as Ares was engulfed in fire. "Augh!" King heard the yell as the flames swirled and dispersed.


"That's enough of that runt!" Ares spoke his godly presence started to show a little more. Ares vanished from where he stood. He appeared in front of King and swung at King. "True Spirit Sword Chastiefol-Sixth Configuration: Yggdra Cloth"  Chastiefol wrapped around King in protective armor. He blocked the punch taking minimal damage thanks to the enhanced cloth.  "Interesting armor you got their runt I didn't know your pillow could do that," Ares said. "Yeah, it's one of a kind," King replied with a grunt. "Chastiefol!" King yelled and the armor turned back into a sword and King whipped both swords while Ares parried them. King flipped away from the war god. Holding his sword reverse griped he flung two daggers at Ares. Ares blocked one while moving his head out of the way of the other. King's swords started to glow. "Burning Sun Slash, Vertical Square." He called out as he charged at Ares. Ares smirked and went to strike King before he could make contact King flickered away and ended up behind Ares replacing the dagger. "Ahh!" King yelled as he followed through with his attacks. The burning blade followed after his 4 hit combo sending Ares flying.

Critical Hit! 563,889*2 1,127,778!


King flipped away from Ares once more. Ares turned around his eyes burning. "You will die!" He shouted as he grew to his godly height. "What will you do now Harlequin Liones!" "The bigger they are the harder they fall!" King yelled as he stabbed his swords into the ground. Then his hands fell onto the ground. Ares who was now in the ocean smirked thinking he had won. However, Golden Chains came out of the ground and started to wrap around him. "Adamant Sealing Chains!" The chains continued to wrap around the struggling God. "Fight all you want! These chains can hold down beings stronger than you!" "There is nothing stronger than a god!" Ares yelled trying to get out of the chains. "In a land far away from any god reach there are 9 creatures made of pure energy identifiable by the number of their tails. The one that stands at the top is the 9 tail fox at its peak it is as strong as the Big Three. These chains can hold the Fox down. Surely they can hold you down!" King yelled. "I will not be defeated by the likes of you boy!"

"Who decided that?" King said with a smirk on his face. He stood up from his position and held out his hand. A small amount of fire started to form in his hand soon it turned into a sphere. He held the sphere above his head. The heat radiating off it started to make the sand around his feet turn to glass. "I hope this knocks whatever manipulation you are under out of you if not then it can make things bad," King said. "Behold, Cruel Sun!" King threw the miniature sun at Ares who struggled under the Chains. The technique hit him square on.

-150,000 Mp!


King noticed that his MP had finally been used. But it was instantly restored thanks to the two chakra beasts inside him, Chastiefol, and the chakra absorbing effects of the chakra chains. He looked where the technique had hit and the chains had come loose signifying that whatever was in its grasp was gone in some way.  He looked along the shoreline and found Ares face-first on the ground. He approached Ares leaning on the sight of caution he had Chastiefol in his hand which he noticed reverted to its original state. Once he got to the god King rolled Ares over once he did a dark mist exited his body. Acting quickly King brought out a scroll and sealed the energy away. The Mark on the scroll was a Scythe, Kronos symbol of power. King flung the scroll into the air and fired a fireball at it. Ares opened his eyes and looked around confused before he saw King. Everything clicked for him. "You threw a Chaos Forsaken Sun at me!" Ares yelled. "I know right How crazy was that !" King said laughing. "Why are you laughing brat!" "Because it was Awesome! Also, I know the influence is gone out of you." King said with a smile.

He took out a seal tag and placed it on Ares Slowly the God's cuts went away as he was wrapped around in green chakra. "Wha?" Ares looked at King. "Medical Grade Tags. I figured out how to turn my magical energy into healing energy and I stored them into these tags." King said pointing to the green-tinted paper on Ares. Both fighters sat there for a minute. Bruised and beaten. Clothes are torn up. "Good fight Harlequin." Ares spoke up. King looked at Ares confused. Everything he read told him Ares should have been trying to curse him for defeating him as he did to Percy. "Normally I would curse you however you fought me all out to defend your friends. Also to make me see reason. Even though I am known for Bloody Battles I can respect a warrior when he has a resolve like yours." Ares spoke as if he knew what King was thinking.

He snapped his fingers and with it came all the weapons He had disarmed from King, the cube encasing his friends, and the helm of Darkness. Ares walked over to the cube and flicked it making it shatter instantly. "That flimsy thing was supposed to protect them?" Ares asked. "Just from stray attacks," King said as he shrugged. "Thank the Gods you are okay! What happened to your hair and your eyes? What's that diamond on your head? " Annabeth questioned as she wrapped King in a hug. "Ow wise girl I'm sore over here! It's just effects from Chastiefol probably as for the diamond it's a seal I was working on. " King yelled. She let go and chuckled sheepishly. "Man that was amazing!" Grover yelled to him. "I'm sorry I couldn't help more," Percy told King. "It's okay you can help with the next one." Percy smiled and nodded at his friend. "Now to do something I've wanted to do for almost 7 years!"

King said as he snapped his finger making Chastiefol turn into a pillow. "Take a nap!" King announced lying on the pillow. Everyone laughed at the boy when he did this. "Hey runt," Ares called out. King looked up and saw the helm thrown to him. "Give this back to the Bone head and get my dad his bolt back to him. Also if you ever need something let me know I owe you a favor. Also, I hope you have a good explanation for her." Ares said before he vanished before shooting one last look at Natsumi. "So you weren't lying," Alecto said as she appeared. "Nope here take this back to Uncle H. We are headed to New York." King said tossing the Helm to Alecto. She nodded and vanished as quickly as she came vanishing in a cloud of darkness leaving behind Kyria and the newly named Hecuba. "Sweet we don't have to go back and get them!" King exclaimed putting Hecuba on the pillow with him as Kyria flew to Annabeth's shoulder.  "Ehh what did Ares mean an explanation for her?" Annabeth asked. "He meant Natsumi. She is not exactly like us." "You mean she is not a demigod?" Gover questioned. "No, she is technically a legacy of a goddess. However, she might not be one from this Parthenon. Can't go into it more it might mess up everything and get me smitten by the blow hard." King commented off-handedly. 

"You will be answering my questions later about that King! Also, How did you get Chastiefol back?" Annabeth asked looking at the pillow. Natsumi too looked at the Pillow in confusion, "So this is your main weapon?" "Yeah good old Chastiefol is back, Something in my mind clicked and I accessed a new form of it. It was powerful but now I'm drained. I seriously need a nap." King said laying back on the pillow. "Well, Lazy we need to get back to New York so unless Chastiefol is going to fly us all there we need to find another way." "Troublesome girl," King replied with a sigh while Natsumi chuckled at the boy. "Let's go get a plane. Zeus won't strike us down and risk his bolt." King explained as he floated off with Chastiefol.

"First Time flying," Annabeth asked a nervous Percy. King chuckled. Percy shot King a dirty look. "Yes, it's my first time flying." "Well hold on water boy I doubt Zeus is going to love the fact you're up in his domain," King said. "Percy just tightened his seat belt now that he took his seat next to Grover. Behind them sat King, Annabeth, and Natsumi with the lone boy in the middle. "You were amazing today," Annabeth said breaking the ice. "Yeah, I'm just glad I snapped Lord Ares out of his Funk and that you guys didn't get hurt anymore," King said looking out of the window.

"Hey King once we get back can you help me learn Runes?" Annabeth asked quietly. Natsumi perked up at the conversation. "Well, have you tried to tap into your demigod Prowess? What do the children of Athena even get? Like Children with parents who have elemental manipulation get those examples being Percy and myself, and Ares kids have  Telumkinesis. I bet you might have a lesser degree of that. Hmm, I guess we will figure out what happens when we start your training." King finished as he turned to look at Annabeth. "Oh, Can I join into Runes and seals are awesome!" Natsumi asked hurriedly King nodded to the strawberry blonde "Yeah I do not see why not. Annabeth, We also need to work on your reaction time because of the number of times you got caught off guard.. if I wasn't there you would have died." King continued. "I know and I'm sorry for putting you and myself in that kind of position." She said looking down.  King sighed and then poked her forehead like he usually does. "I always got your back Annabeth." "Thanks, Harlequin." She said as she leaned her head on King's shoulder and fell asleep with him following shortly.

Time Skip

The plane landed in New York and King hailed a Cab. "Okay here's the plan. Percy and I will go give back the bolt. I'm sure there will be questions there and I need to make sure Percy doesn't get vaporized for saying something stupid. Also, I am pretty sure that you will need to come with us Zeus will have something to ask about you no doubt." King started earning a punch in the arm from Percy and a nod of understanding from Natsumi. "Grover, Annabeth go back to the camp and start easing tension with the campers I'm sure by now campers are getting ready to fight on the side of their parents. Let them know that the bolt is being returned. Grover use force if you have to just wrap them up with plants and keep them in check until we get back. Take Kyria and Hecuba with you."Grover and Annabeth nodded.  "Wait Hecuba? Like the Queen that was turned into the dog?" Annabeth asked. "Yeah, that's her name." King smiled petting the hound.

The cab they hailed dropped them at the Empire State Building. Handing the cabbie a generous amount of money for the trip there and Annabeth along with Grover's trip to camp. "You ready Percy," King asked. "Yeah let's do this." He replied adjusting the backpack he had with the bolt in it. They walked up to the front desk. "Hey man top floor we got a meeting with the big guy," Percy said to the man behind the desk. "Sir I'm not sure what you are talking about." "The card to the 600th floor give it to us or I swear I'll skin you," King said threatening. "King no need for those threats I mean we can just show him what's so important," Percy said with a smile as he unzipped and showed the bolt to the man. "Oh Gods. Here make sure no one else is in the elevator first." The man threw the card panically to the boys. "Let's do this," King said putting the key card into the slot revealing a button. Percy hit the button and the elevator started to move. "Okay Natsumi make sure we don't do anything to get you blown apart your grandmother might not like me anymore if that happens." After a few minutes the doors opened they were on top of the clouds and in front of them were the gates of Olympus. It was sporting the exact opposite color theme as the entrance to Hades Castle. Otherwise, they were the same. Percy gulped as they made their way to the Throne room he was nervous. "Percy stay calm nothing bad will happen to you," King said as they kept walking.

"Enter!" A loud voice was heard. King, Percy, and Natsumi wasted no time going into the room. Once they got in they looked around and all the Gods were in attendance. King and Natsumi bowed to Zeus first while Percy bowed to Poseidon. "Why do you not greet the lord of the house first boy." "Calm down brother it is natural that a boy looks to his father first." "So you still claim the boy," Zeus yelled. "Yes, I admit my mistakes unlike you." "Thalia was not a mistake!" King yelled surprising everyone. "Watch your mouth boy, you already stand on thin ice with how you act and now you bring this child with you," Zeus told King gesturing to Natsumi. "I will not stand by while my friend gets ridiculed by her father or his father for just being born. If there was an issue with it you should have kept it in your pants like Hades did." King said crossing his arms. "Boy do not make me kill you," Zeus said his eyes crackling with Lighting. "Well, I would be worried if you had your bolt but you don't. So I'm not as worried." King said with a smirk. None of the gods could believe it a 13-year-old boy was talking back to the King of Olympus. "Just because I don't have my bolt does not mean I can't do this," Zeus yelled throwing a lightning bolt at King. "Sky God Slayer- Sky Gods Dance," King called out channeling black wind to counter the weakened lighting.

"Sorry Percy looks like I might get us killed with my big mouth," King said turning to Percy. "No wonder Annabeth tried to keep you on a tight leash," Percy said with his arms crossed. "How dare you! How dare you question me and then attack back!" Zeus bellowed. "Brother that is enough! You attacked him and he defended himself. I for one will not stand by while you try to kill my Son." Demeter spoke. "I agree with Demeter. You will not be trying to kill my legacy today." Apollo stated. "I find myself also agreeing with the Gods of Sun and Agriculture." A new voice spoke up startling the Olympians. With a flash of light, Benzaiten appeared. "You should not be here!" Zeus Bellowed out. "Oh, you will find I am well within my rights to be here today. After all, it involves my Granddaughter who has permission from Fate to be here." Benten informed the table. Soon Natsumi took a golden hue as Benten claimed her along with a very light colored symbol for Ananke. "Well, that solves that! Also if you kill me now who will be there to do your dirty work once old Gramp O bits come back," King stated getting all eyes to turn on him. "What do you know about that Harlequin," Athena asked. "That's why Ares attacked us. The crooked one was manipulating him. Some of his chaotic energy left his body I sealed it away and destroyed it." King stated. "We are done talking about that subject! Do not mention it to anyone else Son of Demeter! I also order you to keep the Shintoian demigod's heritage a secret." Zeus yelled. "Hmm I guess that will be fair but if I figure out something befalls my granddaughter because of you Greeks I will act. You have been warned." Benten gave a hug to Natsumi and a nod of acknowledgment to King before she shimmered out of existence. 

"Return my Bolt and all will be forgiven Son of Poseidon. As a bonus, I won't kill your friend for his insolence." Zeus told Percy. Percy nodded and threw the bolt to Zeus. "You have done me a great favor today so I will spare your life but do not think you can travel in my domain again," Zeus said to Percy before turning to King. "Now on to you Harlequin Liones. I wish to know about some of the abilities you displayed while fighting Ares more importantly manipulating Water Earth Fire, the miniature sun, and the weapon you used." Zeus said eyes narrowed on to King. "Well, wood is basically Water and Earth with some life in it. So I just separated out the two. I use hand motions to focus my energies so I can pull off those skills like this." King said forming a single Bird hand sign making a smaller version appear out of thin air. "By Chaos to pull water out of the air. Your skill is very high." Poseidon said analyzing the water dragon before King willed it away. "The mini sun is the same thing just concentrated solar manipulation. You wouldn't believe how long that one took me. As for the weapon... it was Chastiefol. King said pointing to the pillow under his arm. "You got it back!" Hephaestus spoke with excitement. Everyone was taken aback it wasn't common to see him act with such emotion but then again it was a weapon they were talking about. King nodded, "Yes Sir I did. While fighting Ares something clicked inside of me and I brought out a new form of Chastiefol." King said half lying. "Can we see it?" King shook his head. "I don't think I can manage it. It only came out in a time of great need." King explained. "Hmm very well. We will vote whether or not we should kill Harlequin Liones for the power he displayed." Zeus said staring at King. "All those in Favor." Only Zeus raised his hand. "Opposed?" Zeus said with a sigh. All the other God's hands went up besides Hera. "Fine, you are free to go Harlequin Liones but mind yourself step out of line and I'll kill you," Zeus said flashing away.

"Man what a drag!" King sighed loudly as he flopped on Chastiefol. "Can't I just take a nap now?" "Haha, now that he has that pillow back all he is going to do is sleep," Apollo said laughing. "I doubt Annabeth will allow him to do so," Aphrodite said with a teasing smirk. "Troublesome blonde," King muttered rolling over. "Harlequin get off that pillow," Demeter said in a demanding tone. "Yes mother," King said rolling his eyes. "What did you do to your hair? What happened to your eyes." She questioned him. "Something in my blood happened. Somehow I awakened an Ancient Bloodline and changed my hair and my eyes." King answered truthfully no need to lie when you are in front of the god of Truth. Natsumi nodded at King's explanation, "Yup it is the Uzumaki Bloodline it is very very diluted however it did not respond until King and I met face to face in which we resonated with each other." Natsumi pipped in at this Demeter looked at Natsumi and started analyzing her under her gaze. "Why did you tell Annabeth that it was because of Chastiefol?" Percy asked. "Because she would have bombarded me with questions and I wanted to nap." Percy's face palmed at the response before getting a grin. "I'm so snitching." King looked at Percy. "Looks like I found my sparing partner for the rest of summer," King responded with a sickly sweet smile. "One second thought," Percy said as he rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"I'm proud of you King you did amazing," Demeter said. "I am too. I mean seriously throwing a Sun at Ares! Why didn't I think of trying to do that!" Apollo yelled. "Because you control the actual sun and would kill us all," King said with a deadpan face. "Oh yeah," Apollo said chuckling nervously. "Well, Cutie look at you," Aphrodite said walking up to King. "Yo, what's up Dite," King said giving her a single hand wave. "Such a shame my little Piper couldn't snatch your heart. But then again there is still time for one of my other children to do it. Well, maybe it looks like they might have more competition." Aphrodite said shooting a glance at Natsumi who blushed in return. "You know if you were physically strong you would be the most dangerous Goddess out of everyone," King said with a sigh. "Eww getting all sweaty and dirty no thanks." She said flipping her hair, Fangirls. King thought as he rolled his eyes. "Well, I got to get back to camp. Or go somewhere I can Rest In Peace." King said floating off on Chastiefol.

King and Natsumi left the building and waited in the lobby for Percy to get done with his conversation with his dad. "Ready to go?" Percy asked. "No. But we have to go anyway Huh," King asked lazily. "Now I see why everyone calls you lazy," Percy said. "Hey, I just fought the God Of War! Of course, I'm tired. Plus this pillow is comfortable." King explained. "Whatever," Percy said waving him off with Natsumi giggling as the pair as they made their way back to Camp Half-Blood.


Okay, it was later than I wanted but here it is! The latest chapter. I hope you all enjoy it. Sorry about being late on it.

Also, he said the thing! I was actually excited to add Escanor's line. There might be 2 more chapters. For sure one more chapter.

If you have any suggestions let me know. Anything else leave a comment on how this chapter was. Make sure to follow.

Pokemon Oc/Si Fanfiction(1)

Harry Potter Oc Fanfiction(2)

Once I am done with The Lighting Thief I am going to start the Idea that wins so make sure that vote!