
The Thread Nicker (PJO OC story)

Waking up in a dark room is never a good thing, especially when the last thing you remember was it being day outside. Dive into the world of Percy Jackson with an original character that has been reincarnated, with a system??? What mischief can this new demigod bring to the table. Support: patreon.com/user?u=74488456 Go check out the perks!

JustTiller · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

The Invasion!

{Week Before the Finals}

"Natsumi-chan you have to be more decisive in our swings do not hesitate your enemy will not hesitate either. Every time you draw your sword you must be ready for the possibility of taking someone's life much like every time you grab a kunai or make hand signs for a jutsu. Unlike the kunai or jutsu, a sword is much more close and personal." King said with a stern look on his face as his temporary student kept swinging her katana. "Hai!" She huffed back as she finished her set of swings. "Okay, that is enough for today." He called out walking over to her and handing her a water bottle. "You should be more than used to the weight of your katana now. For the rest of the time before the matches you need to practice the basics of the Uzumaki style with the real sword." King informed Natsumi. "Hai Harlequin-Kun. So are we meeting up again tomorrow?" King shook his head. "No take this week to sharpen your skills and maybe find something to add to your tricks to surprise everyone." She looked down trotted at the news and then spoke again. "Oh okay, that makes sense. Umm, I guess I will see you again at the tournament." King reached over and patted her head affectionately. "I'll treat you to some dinner let's go you can pick where we eat." ~Oh Kami did he just ask me out on a date?~ Natsumi started to go red at the implications of what he proposed. "Oo-kay Harlequin-kun. Let's go." She said excitedly and grabbed his hand and started to run towards the main part of the Village. He chuckled at her attitude.

A short while later they found themselves in front of Yakiniku Q Barbeque. Once they were seated King and Natsumi started making small talk. "So how is your training going with Lord Jiraiya." "It's going well for me because my chakra control is better than Naruto-Nii. I can battle toads easily now it leaves me more time to train in other areas. What about you? How is your training going?" She asked looking at him. "It is mostly body conditioning and elemental control. I am also going to ask a blacksmith about making a new sword. My current one is fine but I have better material and a better sword design so I will be taking care of that soon." "Oh, what type of sword?" "Well, where you are suited for a Katana to use with the Raging Storm Sword style I am more preferential to long swords," King told her. "Oh, I can't wait to see what you make." King smirked, "Yeah it's going to be awesome." "What are you going to do once the exams are over?" " I'll be off on my next adventure more than likely I'm not one to stay anywhere unless I need to be." "Maybe I can ask Hokage-jiji if I can go with you!" "What about Naruto surely you do not want to leave him alone in the village," King asks the excited girl. "Well Jiryaia is mainly focusing on Naruto for some reason so if I went with you I could get more battle experience." King nodded thoughtfully ~ I am not even sure if I can bring someone back with me to the original world.~ ~Maybe you could but then you would have to explain it to her and ensure she doesn't tell anyone once you bring her back.~ Isobu supplied helpfully. "I will have to think about bringing you with me after all I wouldn't want all my traveling secrets spilled to everyone," King spoke out again. Natsumi broke out in a bright smile and pumped her fist and whooped. Chuckling King paid the bill and the pair left the restaurant.

"Do your best next week Natsumi. As your part-time sensei, I'll have something for you if you perform up to standards." Natsumi with a determined look on her face nodded ready for the task ahead King walked away. ~Why would you encourage her to fight if you know about the invasion taking place?~ Isobu asked curiously. ~I know however you never know when fate changes things I love messing with the Fates often .~King thought with a small smirk.

{The Day of the Finals}

"Place your bets! You can place them match by match or place for who you think will win the whole thing!" Announcers and bookkeepers could be heard all over the stadium. "I'll place 500,000 Ryo on Naruto Uzumaki to win against Neji Hyuga, 250,000 on Temari of Suna to win, 250,000 on Shino to win, and 250,000 on Harlequin to win." The bookkeepers looked at the person who spoke with wide eyes. It was Harlequin himself. "Well, boy you got the change for that?" King nodded and held out a sealing scroll. "It's all here. Make sure to have my money ready. I'll be by after my match to get it all." King said as he tossed the scroll to him walking away. "Wait you didn't place a beat on the other matches or the winner of the entire thing." The bookie said. "Doesn't matter I'll make enough money on those matches. Plus no one will bet on Uzumaki Naruto so I'll make a killing off that match alone." King explained as he walked to the holding center.

Once he got there he sat in a lotus position as he drowned out all the other noise. "The Chunin Exams are about to begin! All the competitors come down!" Gemma yelled. Slowly but surely all the Chunin hopefuls came down. "Okay everyone pay attention we have a lot of people here to see you. So best behavior and put on a good fight." Gemma said. "Where is the other proctor?" Naruto asked. "He's not here. He had other businesses to take care of. Now without further ado Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga please stay everyone else goes on up." Gemma said. "Hey, Harlequin! Pervy said you helped with that seal on me and the Taijutsu scrolls. That was awesome! I can't wait to fight you in the finals. I'll win for sure! Believe it." Naruto yelled giving King a thumbs up. "Just make sure you make Neji pay Naruto in the end use what you know," King said waving him off and going back to his place in the stands.

"Both people ready? Begin!" Gemma said Neji slipped into his stance and Naruto made a hand seal. "Shadow clone Jutsu!" Hundreds of clones came to life trying to hit Neji. Back in the stands, everyone watched as the fight played out. "Do you think that Naruto can win?" Shikamaru asked. "Why does it bother you isn't it too troublesome?" King replied with a smirk. "Troublesome," Shikamaru said. "Yeah, I am a very troublesome person which means I am hard to kill," King said with a cheeky smile. "For your information, I know Naruto will win this," King said. While they were talking Naruto got hit with Neji's 64 palms."Naruto-nii!" "That doesn't look like winning," Shikamaru commented. "It's over," King replied as he closed his eyes. All of a sudden the clone exploded and Naruto jumped out of the ground and landed a knockout blow against Neji. King smirked. "Troublesome Blond," Shikamaru said shaking his head. "Well, Shikamaru good luck. Thought I know you will quit. However, do your best." King said as he patted his back. Naruto made his way back to the stands. "That's how it's done! Man, I wish Sasuke-teme was here to see this." "Yeah, that was a good fight Nii-san!" Natsumi said hugging him. King chuckled. "Good job Naruto try to relax before your next match. Even though I know you don't need it." Naruto walked over to Shikamaru and then pushed the Boy over the edge. "Go get her Shikamaru!" King was now laughing at Shikamaru's predicament. "The second match will be Shikamaru Vs Temari! Ready? Begin!" The match when like canon nothing changed as it reached its Climax. "I give up," Shikamaru said as his and Temari's hands were in the way. "Why did he give up?" Naruto yelled. "Because he already won. He is a technician as soon as the shadow reached and grabbed her if this was a real fight or they met on a mission he would have won." King said with his arms folded. Shikamaru made his way back to the stands with Temari. "Excellent match Shikamaru congrats on the loss," King said. "I hope I don't make Chunin it would be more work and troublesome," Shikamaru said."You think that everything is troublesome Shika!" Natsumi Huffed out crossing her arms. "I agree." King nodded. "Shino and Kankuro please come down." "I forfeit!" Kankuro yelled. "Well, what a disappointment. Okay, let's get Harlequin and Chōjūrō." Both Harlequin and Chōjūrō flickered down. "Shall we do this Sharky?" King said with a smirk. "Hai let's do this Harlequin-sama."

{Kage booth}

The 3 Kages sat in the booth and the Muzikage's ears perked up at the sound of the next match. "My my I can't believe Harlequin is here! This will be amazing to watch Chōjūrō has been wanting a rematch." "What do you mean Muzikage-dono?" The Hokage asked. "Oh, young Harlequin was there and helped us end the Civil War he was on the frontlines," Mei explained. "Oh, really a boy that young?" The "Kazekage" asked. "Oh yes, he is quite powerful, the strongest in the exams for sure," Mei spoke with confidence. "I didn't know Harlequin-Kun was that strong. My team 7 met him in the wave when they encountered Zabuza." "Ah yes, I never got to thank him for saving Haku and Zabuza," Mei said.

{Back on the Field}

Both boys were sizing each other up. "Well let's do this," Chōjūrō said taking his sword off his back. "I agree," King said as he unsheathed his sword and got into his stance. "Now boys make sure I get out of the way before you all try to kill each other. Ready! Begin!" Gemma said as he flickered away. Both boys vanished in speed and smashed their weapons together.


Level: 33

Hp: 7,000/7,000

Mp: 4,350/ 4,350

Str: 42

Dex: 30

Vit: 35

Int: 29

Wis: 31

Luck: 44]

A barrage of blows was traded back and forth. "You've gotten better!" King said as he swung around his sword. Chōjūrō blocked it and smiled. "You are still as strong as ever!" Chōjūrō swung around Hiramekarei banging it against King's long sword. "You know Hiramekarei is a very strong weapon you are the right wielder for it," King said smiling as he flipped away from the fight. He retook his stance and waited for Chōjūrō to come at him. "Time to take this up a notch! Hiramekarei- Release !" Hiramekarei started to glow bright blue as the Chakra modeled around the blade. "Oh ho! Bring it!" King said loudly as he took the offensive. King charged as he ran he jumped and rolled out of the way as Chōjūrō swung around his blade in his long sword form. King kept trying to get to Chōjūrō but all he could do was duck and roll still avoiding attacks. King took a Kunai and threw it at Chōjūrō. Chōjūrōjust dodged the thrown knife. "Oh come on Harlequin you have to have more than that," Chōjūrō said smirking. King returned the smirk as he vanished. King reappeared behind Chōjūrō and swung his fist connecting it to Chōjūrō's face sending the boy flying. "Woah how did he do that?" Naruto asked from the stands. "I'm not sure myself Naruto," Shikamaru replied. Natsumi looked at King fighting with stars in her eyes. "He is amazing!" Chōjūrō got out of some rubble. "What was that." "Body replacement," King said smirkingly. "The kunai... you replaced yourself with the kunai!" Chōjūrō said understandingly. King nodded.

"Shall we continue?" King asked. Chōjūrō nodded as he stood up. "Hiramekarei- Release!" The sword glowed again and this time it formed a giant hammer. "Let's try this one!" Chōjūrō said swinging the hammer at King. He couldn't dodge it in time as he got flung across the ring and slammed into the wall. Dust and rubble surrounded the ring now. "Call it he won't be getting up," Chōjūrō said. "The match-" Gemma started. The rubble started to shift as a purple light began to shine through the rocks. Boom! King was standing in the rubble. He looked at Chōjūrō angrily. His clothes were tattered and his sword was broken. Chōjūrō looked back at the other boy. He was shocked at what he saw a purple Rhombus on his forehead.

{Kage Stands}

"Is that?" Mei started. "The Mark of a Hundred Healings!" The Kazekage exclaimed. "For someone other than Tsunade-hime to have it the boy must have superb chakra control," Hiruzen said. "I wonder what other surprises Harlequin has in store for us." The old man said.

{On the Field}

"You broke my sword dude not cool," King said frowning. Chōjūrō chuckled nervously. "What are you going to do about it!" He yelled. "Oh, I'll show you!" King yelled "Cha!" He called as he slammed his fist into the ground. The ground started breaking apart and flying everywhere. "Oh Kami I'm sorry!" Chōjūrō said panicking hysterically. King nodded. "Let's continue," King said cracking his Knucles with a vicious smirk on his face. "Anyway, we can do swords again?" Chōjūrō said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Fine ya, big baby," King replied with a pout. He reached towards a seal on his wrist and released it. From a poof of smoke, a pure black blade with a black sheath came out of it. He took the brown leather sheath from his back and threw it off and he positioned the new one in between his shoulder blades. A chakra metal Elucidator. He pulled the sword out with a satisfying sharping sound of the metal. "Now if you break this one I won't hold back anymore. But I don't think you won't be breaking this one." King said giving it a test swing and he took his stance. Chōjūrō took a moment to admire King's blade before King vanished and swung the Elucidator. Chōjūrō could barely block the onslaught. "Good you are still with me," King said stalking towards Chōjūrō. "Ahhh!" Chōjūrō yelled and swung the hammer. " Sword Art! Vertical Square," King called out as his blade started to glow when he brought it around—meeting the hammer. The two weapons clashed every time King swung his sword to meet Chōjūrō's weapon. The dust kept picking up. Chōjūrō started to pant and lose steam. "It's over!" Chōjūrō heard from behind him. The boy turned and received a chakra-enhanced punch to his face as he went flying into the wall. "Call it Gemma-san," King said as the dust cleared all that was in the wall was an unconscious boy. "Winner Harlequin Uzumaki Liones!" The crowd burst into clapping and chanting. King walked to Chōjūrō and put one of his Medical tags on him. "You did good Chōjūrō. You'll be a force to be reckoned with once you are older. Until then keep training my friend." King said helping the other boy up and giving him a handshake. "Thank you Harlequin-sama I'm glad we got our rematch. You are the only one that could have pushed me this hard." Chōjūrō said returning the handshake. Both boys left the ring.

King was headed to his bookie. "Well, where's my money!" King asked as he spotted the man. "You did good kid. How about double or nothing on you winning the whole thing." King shook his head no as he stuck out his hand. "Money please." The bookie sighed. "If only you had the suckers luck and not strength." He threw King a scroll with all his money 35,000,000 ryo. A lot of people bet against Naruto as he predicted. It was a good thing the system auto-converted the money he had. So now he was sitting with 1.13 million more dollars. He shook the man's hand and walked away. Instead of walking to the competitors' box, he went to the Kage Booth. "Hello Kages," he said bowing his head. "Oh, Harlequin-kun! That was quite the show you put on out there. Still as strong as ever. But this time more surprising." Mei said. "Thank you Muzikage-sama." King said with a playful smirk that got him a smack on the back of the head. "I told you to call me Mei!" The Muzikage criticized with a small pout. "Okay, you troublesome woman," King yelled back nursing his head. "Well, Harlequin-kun why are you here," Hiruzen asked. "Just to say Hi to Mei," King replied. "The final match Gaara Vs Sasuke Uchiha. Ready begin!" King heard from the field. "Oh, it started. Well, I don't know if you all would mind if I stayed and watched here I don't want to miss anything." King asked. "Not at all!" Mei said. Hiruzen nodded in acceptance. And the "Kazekage" said nothing at all. The crowd all cheered as the Last Uchiha started to fight. His speed was that of Rock Lee's but Gaara's sand was a tad faster. Soon Gaara was wrapping his sand around him and Sasuke stood on the wall charging a Chidori. He pierced through the sand and then the invasion began.

An explosion was heard throughout the Kage Booth. Hiruzen had a knife to his throat by the Kazekage. "Well, Orochimaru I was wondering when you would be appearing," King said staring down the fake. "Kukuku what a surprise Harlequin-kun to know it was me! Set up the barrier!" The Sound 4 set up the violent flame Barrier. Hirzuen was pushed out of his hold. "Sorry for not telling you Muzikage-dono ." "It's fine Hokage-dono we can talk about it later. Let's kill this snake." "Gaara won't be releasing the One-tail snake!" King yelled. "Oh, but you are in here. How are you going to stop it and me." King smirked. " I sent a clone. But you have to worry about your teammate's student. Naruto will be the one to stop him." "Kukuku, you should be worrying about yourselves." "Summoning: Worldly Resurrection" The coffins started to rise. They were marked 1,2, and 4. "We mustn't let the coffins rise!" Hirzuen said. As he threw a shuriken. But Orochimaru whipped around his arm and his Thousand snakes and blocked the shuriken. Oh, now he gets smart and blocks the damn attack on it. King thought.

The coffins burst open revealing the First, Second, and Fourth Hokage.

[Ping! New Quest!]


Orochimaru has brought back to life the former Hokage. Find a way to stop them!

Rewards: ?, ?, ?,

Failure Death or possible capture


"I'll take on Minato. Mei's take on Lord First. Hokage-sama take on Lord Second." King said. "Harlequin Minato was the fastest Shinobi alive." Hirzuen said. "I know and I got this," King said pulling his sword out. "Well, Minato-sama let's do this." "Well I don't want to fight you but this Jutsu has control over me. I'm sorry." Minato said as he threw a kunai at King. King grabbed it and threw it back at Minato. "Yeah, I know your M.O. when you fight Minato and I'm not letting it happen." "Haha, your smart." King slipped into his Taijutsu stance and a reverse Kunai grip and they started fighting.

[Minato Namikaze (Reincarnated)

Level 61

Hp: 14,500/ 14,500

Mp: 10,950/ 10,950

Str: 53

Dex: 88

Vit: 58

Int: 73

Wis: 66

Luck: 59]

"It's an honor to fight you Minato-sama," King said smirking. He blocked another blow. "You are good too what's your name," Minato asked if a big smile. "Harlequin Liones of the Uzumaki Clan." "An Uzumaki! Woah Kushina would have been so happy to find out your alive." King blocked another swing. "Yeah. Also, the twins are fine." Minato froze at the mention of Naruto long enough for King to land a solid punch on him with the enchanted strength. It made Minato burst into pieces and he slowly reformed. King made a sealless clone and sent it to fight Orochimaru while he stayed with Minato.

{Against Orochimaru}

"Kukuku done with Minato Already?" "No boss it's busy. Plus he doesn't even need to be here for me to beat you." The clone said. Orochimaru ran through hand signs "Fire Style- Fire dragon!" A massive dragon came from Orochimaru and the clone went through hand signs too. "Water Style- Severing Wave!" King said as the water cut through the fire dragon neutralizing the attack. "Well, that was a surprise. What else can you do!" Orochimaru exclaimed as he pulled out his Grass Cutter sword. King unsheathed his Elucidator and started a match of Kenjutsu against the snake invader.

{Back with the Original}

Minato had pooled back together and was ready to fight again. "That was a dirty trick," Minato said. "It was also the truth. They are more than fine." As King said that a massive plume of smoke was seen in the background as Gamabunta was summoned. "He just summoned Gamabunta," King said looking at the man. "That's Naruto?" King nodded. Minato had a huge smile on his face. "I'm glad I got to see this." "I'm glad you go to as well. Minato. You have the other half of the Kyubi sealed inside of you. Once you move on from here there is a chance it gets lost. We have to do something about it." Minato paled at the implications. "What do we do?" "First my clone needs to land a solid hit on the snake then we can get to work," King said blocking a blow from Minato. Minato grabbed a handful of Kunai knives and scattered them around. That's not good. King's head went on a swivel. Minato started flashing around using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. He ducked and rolled trying to dodge all the blows coming his way. After King was hit a couple of times King ran through hand signs. "Earth style: Bottomless Swamp!" King called out he slammed his hands onto to ground the ground became muddy and the kunai slowly started to sink before all could get consumed he heard a call. "Rasengan!" Minato called out as he took a blow to his back.

[-15,000 damage 2,100/17,100 Hp]

King went flying across the roof crashing into Mei and Hiruzen. "Damn, Minato sure is powerful," King said getting up. "Yes even in death his skills haven't dulled," Hirzuen said groaning as he stood up. They all stood up and looked to see the previous Kage coming towards them. "I'll seal them away with the reaper's death seal," Hirzuen said. "No all we have to do is hold them until my clone can touch Orochimaru." "Why?" Mei asked. "I have a plan. Also, it's time for me to let out some secrets." King said as he clapped his hands together and slammed them on the ground. "Wood Style: Wooden Dragon!" A massive wood dragon came to life whipping around and flying at the Kage. Unsuspecting and amazed the wooden construct slammed around the Reanimated Kage. "Wood Style?" Hashirama exclaimed. "Who are you?" "Harlequin Liones of the Uzumaki clan!. Water style: Water Dragon Jutsu !" King yelled as he held his hands in a bird hand sign. A massive water dragon joined the wooden one as both dragons lashed around keeping the Kage on their toes.

{Clone Vs Orochimaru}

The clone had been dodging and using substitution to keep up with Orochimaru. As the battle kept going they were interrupted when the massive wooden and water dragons came to life. "Haha, Hirzuen and the rest of you fools will die you are no match for the Kages!" Orochimaru said. He was cut off in his rant when he saw Tobirama get flown in his direction. "What?" In that moment of hesitation, the clone of King landed a palm strike to the gut. "Seal!" King yelled and then the clone poofed in smoke.

{Original King}

"Finally," King said as the memories came back. He had his hands up to block. But the blow never came. "Huh, I can control myself again," Minato said. "What happened?" "I placed a contact seal on Orochimaru so he can't control you until he gets the seal off. But he can still bring you back to the coffins that's why I'm going to seal you all away." "Wait what about but other half of the Kyubi?" Minato asked. "We can either bring it back to Naruto, there is also Natsumi as an option but then the leaf will have an issue of the seal weakening if she ever decides to have a child or we can seal it somewhere else," King said. "We can transfer it to you! Your an Uzumaki so you can take it." Minato said. "That we can. I already have a seal where it can go." King said as he pulled off his shirt showing his 8 trigram seal. "What? What's in your seal?" Minato asked. "Part of the Sanbi," King said they all looked shocked but Mei. "What do you mean," Hashirama asked. "I fought in the civil war in Kiri there I took on the 4th Muzikage and extracted the Sanbi. Before it could reform I split it and seal half of it into me the other half flew off waiting to reform." "Can your seal hold the other half of the Kyubi?" King nodded. "Of course, it's powerful enough to hold back all the Buji if needed. But it would only work if it's an Uzumaki." King said. "Okay, I'll transfer it," Minato said as he went through the hand seals. "Fuinjutsu art: Seal transference!" He said as he placed one hand on the seal on his stomach and the other one on King. The Yang Half(A/n I changed the Half that Naruto has so now Naruto has the Yin half it's a small change.) of the fox went into King's seal.

Barely awake now King flung his chakra chains and wrapped up the Kage. "Lord Second. How do we undo this jutsu most effectively?" King asked barely awake. "These chains will drain the Chakra out of us all you have to do is break the kunai with the tag on it and destroy us." King nodded as he focused on the chains more and more of the chakra from the Kage left them making them look more paper and dry. "You know if Mito-Chan was here she'd be impressed that the Uzumaki clan is still strong." King nodded. "Well if you all were at full power. I would have died." King laughed lowly. He was tired and low on health and Mp fighting Kages was not easy. "Probably. You will be a Monster when you are older." Hashirama said. "We can agree on that brother. Your wood style, my water affinity, and massive charka reserves. The perfect combination for a strong Shinobi." Tobirama said with a smirk. King walked up to the Kage and winded up his fist and smashed it into them one by one he grabbed the kunai wrapped them in an explosive tag and threw them at Orochimaru. They exploded before they got to the snake.

"You will pay Harlequin Liones!" Orochimaru yelled as he lunged at King swinging around the grass cutter before the blow could land King fainted and landed face first making Orochimaru miss. Mei and Hirzuen jumped in front of the boy protecting him Hirzuen had his staff in his hand and Mei was ready to go through her hand signs. "We are leaving!" Orochimaru yelled as the barrier went down. He and the Sound 4 took off. "Anbu after them !" Hirzuen yelled as the Anbu around the barrier chased after Orochimaru and his crooks. "Let's get Harlequin to the Hospital," Hiruzen said. Mei picked up King and went to the hospital. Hirzuen looked across the village as an Anbu came to him. "They got away Hokage-Sama using a reverse summoning." "It's okay Tora my wayward student was always been slippery," Hiruzen said. "Gather the council in 15 minutes we will have a council meeting." Tora nodded and vanished.

{Kings MindScape}

"Isobu? Where are you?" King yelled as he found himself in the sewers. "Why is this place a wreck again? Isobu!! Where are you!" King shouted again. King started making his way through the sewers. He made his way down a passage. He found another massive cage. Behind the cage was a sleeping fox. "Kyubi," King said quietly. He turned and started to walk away. "So my jailor is already here!" Kurama said. King turned around and looked. "Hello, Kyubi. I'm sorry you were sealed here if we keep you in Minato then Konoha would have been in trouble." King said Bowing. "Now if you don't mind I need to go find Isobu. I'm quite worried that I haven't been able to find him and that this place looks like a sewer again which is troubling." "That fool told you his name. Of course he did weak and submissive." Kurama yelled. "Just because you're grumpy that your seal isn't my fault. Right now I need to make sure my partner Isobu is fine and if you keep talking down about him I'll make your temporary stay here horrible. Understand me?" King said with cold eyes. " I am the mighty Kyubi No Yoki! You do not scare me!" Kurama yelled slamming around his tails. King clapped his hands together and wood tendrils came out and wrapped around him. "I said calm down! I can suppress you forever and keep you locked up! Now do not disrespect my partner!" King yelled. Kurama just stared at King with some hatred and confusion.

The wooden tendrils unwrapped Kurama. " I'm sorry for doing that to you. It's just he's my friend and I do not appreciate you being mean to him. Now I have to find him and make sure he's okay." King started to walk away. "Sorry. Moving around from seal to seal put me on edge. You seem rational. I apologize." Kurama spoke quietly. "Okay, Kyubi I understand. Here let me make this a better area to live in." King said as he changed the sewer into a massive forest for him. "Well, that would be good. Kurama now had a collar on him and a tag with the kanji for seal on it. "Once we are more in sync and I can handle your chakra better I'll remove the seal. What's your name I already know Isobu's so what's yours?"

"Kurama. My name is Kurama." King nodded. "Once I'm older I'll release you into an area where no one will ever get you again but like I promised Isobu," King said as he ran off. "Isobu!" "King I'm over here!" King ran up to Where he heard the noise. "Isobu are you okay?" King asked relieved he found his partner. "Yes, I'm fine. I was worried about you. And once I saw the sewer I was very concerned." "It's okay does it look better now? I did it in a forest for Kurama. I can add your lake and get this massive cage away from you. In a thought, the cage was gone and the tail ring was back on him. "Ugh this stupid tail ring. It's annoying." King chuckled. This mindscape slowly started to contort. Now both Buji were in one massive area. "Isobu it's good to see you. You overgrown turtle." Kurama said. "Hello, fluffy tails," Isobu responded. King chuckled. "Well, Kurama there is something I need to tell you about." King sat down and told Kurama who he was and everything about him pulling up his memories to show his life story.

"Well, that is one of the most interesting things I've ever seen. How do I know you are telling the truth." "Well besides my memories this," King said as he pulled open the system allowing Kurama to see it.

[Ping! Quest Complete!]


Rewards: Skill Book: Manually Multiplying Explosive Tags, Skill Book: Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Skill Book: Wood Style Sage Mode, Yang Half of Kyubi.]

[Mp has increased!]


[Vit stat has Increased!]


[17,100 > 25,500]

[Control has Decreased!]


"Woah! That's quite the Upgrade!" King said out loud. "Your kinda overpowered Kurama no wonder Naruto has trouble controlling his chakra with you in him. My chakra pool just shot through the roof."

"You are interesting. Okay, leave brat so I can sleep." Kurama said closing his eyes. "Yeah, I need some sleep too I'm tired after fighting the Kages. Though I am not sure about how Orochimaru got his hands on Minato when he was sealed in the Reaper's stomach, Could he have the Uzumaki temple mask all ready?" King said jumping onto Isobu's head and laying back. "I am not so sure either but if he does have it you should get it back as soon as possible. Isobu, You let him sleep on your head?" Kurama asks. "It's no issue and doesn't bother me. I bet he'd be on you instead of your fluffier." Isobu said chuckling. "He's right I would be in your head or one of your tails if we knew each other better," King spoke up peaking his head up. "Not going to happen any time soon brat." King just waved him off and went to sleep.


That wraps up this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. The next chapter might be the last one in the Naruto Verse. If you have any suggestions make sure to let me know how you feel the book is going. Make sure to follow so you don't miss updates!