
The third young lady tanked

The whole family regretted after the third young lady tanked is an ancient romance novel. The main plot of the novel is about how a woman named Miss San changed the attitudes and opinions of her family and the people around her through her own efforts and wisdom, and finally realized her own value and happiness. According to the feedback of some readers, the novel is quite excellent in plot setting, characterization and emotional description. Miss San's personality and talent have deeply attracted the reader's attention, and the process of how she overcomes various difficulties and challenges is also very exciting and moving. At the same time, the image and personality of other characters in the novel are very distinct, so that readers can easily immerse themselves in it. In addition, some readers also mentioned the ancient social background and cultural atmosphere depicted in the novel, believing that the author's in-depth understanding and precise description of history and culture made the whole story more vivid and real. Generally speaking, as an ancient romance novel, the plot is compact and the characters are distinct, so that readers can feel a lot of emotional resonance and thinking. If you are interested in ancient romance novels, you might as well try it.

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Chapter 5: She is the one who takes the blame

  Zhang's mother was also someone not to be trifled with, so she immediately put on airs: "I came here on the order of the madam. Today, many officials and family members came to the general's mansion. The madam forgot where to put the new tea for the guests, so she specially sent me to ask the third lady. ."

  Tantai has always been a woman who knows how to enjoy herself, reciting poems, painting, admiring flowers and going outing, and leads a very leisurely life. She has recently become obsessed with the card game Ye Zixi and invites the officials and family members of the capital to play cards together almost every day.

  Jade put her hands on her hips: "My lady is not a tea vendor, so how do you know where the new tea is? Mother Zhang, you know the advice of Dr. Wang, but you still repeatedly disturb my lady's rest. What are you worried about?"

  Jade always had a sharp tongue and scolded Zhang's mother in a few words.

  Shen Baiyu in bed smiled, turned over and continued to sleep.

  She slept until noon before being woken up by Manchun. After having lunch and drinking the bitter concoction, Shen Baiyu nestled in the rosewood rocking chair and continued to read the storybook.

  The rhubarb at the door of the courtyard suddenly barked loudly. Manchun rolled up the windshield and whispered to Shen Baiyu: "Miss, King Chen and Mr. Tantai are here."

  Shen Baiyu's heart moved slightly.

  Not for Prince Chen Li Jingheng, but for his cousin Tantai Xuan.

  My uncle's family had few offspring, and not long after my aunt gave birth to Tantai Xuan, she became pregnant with a girl. Unfortunately, there was not enough in the womb and he died after birth. After that, my aunt never had any children.

  In my uncle's house, there is only one single seedling called Tantai Xuan. This single Miaomiao was later accused of killing the prime minister's son. In the emperor's rage, Tantai Xuan was sentenced to be beheaded at the Meridian Gate, his uncle's family was exiled, and the Lord's House fell apart overnight.

  Shen Baiyu believes in Tantai's cousin's innocence. Tantai Xuan is a humble gentleman who abides by the law and will not commit murder or swindle goods.

  It's a pity that Shen Baiyu in her previous life was soft-spoken and had many trivial matters, so she couldn't help her uncle's family.

  "Woof woof woof!"

  The loud barking of a dog outside the house brought Shen Baiyu back to his senses.

  Through the window lattice, Shen Baiyu saw Li Jingheng and Tantai Xuan standing under the moon gate of the courtyard. Both of them are high-spirited young men, in the prime of their youth. One is wanton and arrogant, the other is gentle and elegant. Their movements are full of splendor. No wonder Shen Baiyu was obsessed with them in his previous life.

  Shen Baiyu's eyes fell on Tantai Xuan's head. Who would have thought that three years later, this beautiful head would roll down and be picked up by a wild dog.

  Dahuang screamed fiercely.

  Chen Wang Li Jingheng at the Moon Gate frowned his beautiful eyebrows, gently folded the white jade fan in his hand, and looked up into the courtyard with his romantic eyes: "The third sister is sick, so I must go in and take a look."

  Jade gritted her teeth, kept Shen Baiyu's advice in mind, and shook her body and said, "Your Highness, King Chen, my young lady is suffering from cold and can't get out of bed. Doctor Wang said she might be infected with outsiders."

  The implication is, stay away.

  Li Jingheng raised his eyebrows: "Are you too sick to get out of bed?"

  Jade nodded firmly: "Yes, it's very, very serious!"

  A trace of suspicion flashed in Li Jingheng's eyes.

  He knew that Shen Baiyu admired him and sent him embroidery bags, pastries and delicacies every now and then, without interruption for three consecutive years. Li Jingheng likes beautiful girls, and the sallow-looking Shen Baiyu is not his type, but he enjoys the feeling of being sought after.

  There are countless noble ladies in the capital who admire him. Only Shen Baiyu was the most perseverant and diligently sent gifts to show her sincerity.

  Li Jingheng found it interesting that Shen Baiyu was more obedient than his dog.

  "Okay, I will go find the fifth sister first. You must take good care of the third sister." Li Jingheng opened the white jade fan in his hand again. He planned to visit Shen Baiyu later.

  He made a bet with his friends yesterday on whether Shen Baiyu would deliver "Wang Ding Ji" steamed buns tomorrow.

  Li Jingheng was sure that if it was windy or rainy, even if a knife fell from the sky, Shen Baiyu would deliver the buns to his door.

  Li Jingheng waved his fan and left. Tantai Xuan took out a bottle of pills from his sleeve: "These are pills for replenishing qi and blood. My mother asked me to give them to my third sister. Just take one pill every morning and evening."

  Jade was quite surprised and took the medicine bottle and thanked her profusely.

  Tantai Xuan had a mediocre impression of Shen Baiyu, his cousin, but for some reason, his mother, Wang, cared deeply about Shen Baiyu and even wanted to adopt Shen Baiyu into the Tantai family.

  Tantai Xuan thought that maybe the mother wanted to have a daughter and placed her thoughts on her third sister.

  As soon as the two noble gentlemen left, Feicui entered the room holding a medicine bottle and said excitedly: "Miss, you are so smart! I have read in the storybook that this trick is called [play hard to get]! The more you pretend not to see His Highness Chen Wang, , the more interested he is in you."

  Shen Baiyu choked on a mouthful of hot tea and coughed continuously.

  Jade hurriedly patted Shen Baiyu on the back and said to herself: "His Royal Highness Chen was so indifferent to you in the past, but today he actually waited outside the yard for half a cup of tea. Miss, you are unparalleled in wisdom. I admire you."

  Shen Baiyu coughed until his heart hurt and glared at Jade.

  Jade stuck out her tongue playfully.

  Shen Baiyu's coldness has subsided a lot, she has eaten well and slept well, and is in good spirits. She lazily continued to look through her painting book, but unfortunately she was destined not to have a happy birthday today, and there was another dog barking outside the yard.

  Shen Shuer's clear and lively voice floated in: "Third sister!"

  Shen Shuer came running.

  Shen Baiyu's hand holding the notebook froze slightly, and she vaguely remembered that at this time in her previous life, her younger sister Shen Shuer also came to see her.

  This world is very strange. As long as you are young, the world will default to "love" and "partiality".

  Age is Shen Shuer's protective umbrella. Relying on her young age, she can do whatever she wants, and everyone in the family will obey her. When Shen Shuer gets into trouble, she always comes to find Shen Baiyu, smiling and asking Shen Baiyu to take the blame for her.

  When Shen Shuer learned that King Chen liked to read the art of war, she ran to her father's study to look for military books. Unexpectedly, she accidentally broke her father's favorite bow. This bow has a great history. Shen Zhenshan used this bow to kill countless foreign enemies and pass through thousands of troops. Every day before going to bed, Shen Zhenshan would caress his love bow and use tung oil to carefully maintain it and cherish it extremely.

  Shen Shu'er knew that she had gotten into a big trouble and was afraid of being blamed by her father, so she hurriedly brought her skirt to find Shen Baiyu.

  She wanted Shen Baiyu to take the blame.

  In the previous life, Shen Baiyu was considerate of her young sister and took the responsibility for her crime. She was scolded by her father, slapped in the face, and punished by kneeling in the ancestral hall all night.

  "Jade, stop her." Shen Baiyu continued to flip through the notebook.

  This time she would not take the blame for her younger sister. Shen Baiyu wanted to see how his father would punish his most beloved daughter.

  Jade is a dedicated girl who has long disliked the Fifth Miss. She rushes to the moon gate of the yard, holding the squealing Dahuang, and tells Shen Shuer: "Fifth Miss, my lady has not recovered from the cold. Not suitable for meeting guests."

  Shen Shuer has a beautiful oval face and big black eyes that are particularly smart. She is wearing a well-tailored goose-yellow spring dress and looks as pretty as a jasmine in bud on a branch.

  She hurriedly went to find King Chen, with a hint of impatience in her tone: "Third sister is so delicate. I didn't get sick even when I fell into the water. Is it really like what Zhang's mother said, that third sister pretended to be sick on purpose?"