
The third young lady tanked

The whole family regretted after the third young lady tanked is an ancient romance novel. The main plot of the novel is about how a woman named Miss San changed the attitudes and opinions of her family and the people around her through her own efforts and wisdom, and finally realized her own value and happiness. According to the feedback of some readers, the novel is quite excellent in plot setting, characterization and emotional description. Miss San's personality and talent have deeply attracted the reader's attention, and the process of how she overcomes various difficulties and challenges is also very exciting and moving. At the same time, the image and personality of other characters in the novel are very distinct, so that readers can easily immerse themselves in it. In addition, some readers also mentioned the ancient social background and cultural atmosphere depicted in the novel, believing that the author's in-depth understanding and precise description of history and culture made the whole story more vivid and real. Generally speaking, as an ancient romance novel, the plot is compact and the characters are distinct, so that readers can feel a lot of emotional resonance and thinking. If you are interested in ancient romance novels, you might as well try it.

boninggou · History
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21 Chs

Chapter 17: Use clever tricks

  Jiang Yan shook her head blankly.

  Shen Baiyu held a handful of crabapple petals in her hand and secretly sprinkled them on the two people. She also whispered to the side: "Look, pay attention to your eyes!"

  Jiang Xun's eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, and he silently let go of his hand around Jiang Yan's waist.

  Begonia petals scattered one after another, Jiang Yan looked dull, and Shen Baiyu's "beautiful man trick" seemed to be working. The maid brought two rocking chairs, and Shen Baiyu and Jiang Yan lay down under the lush crabapple flowers to enjoy the flowers.

  Shen Baiyu cleared his throat: "Jiang Liu, pour some tea."

  Jiang Xun gritted his teeth: "Yes."

  Jiang Xun poured tea for Shen Baiyu and Jiang Yan in an orderly manner. Jiang Yan's beautiful eyes never moved away from Jiang Xun. Holding a delicate little tea cup, Jiang Yan couldn't help but mutter: "Bai Yu, your nursing home is really good." Good-looking, more handsome than my Rokuro."

  Shen Baiyu took a sip of tea: "Miss Jiang has excellent vision."

  Jiang Yan quickly shook her head: "You don't need to call me Miss Jiang, it's so cool. I have a small name, Qianrong, just call me Qianrong."

  Shen Baiyu put down the teacup: "Qianrong, if you like Jiang Liu, I can give him to you."

  Jiang Xun was silently settling the accounts: She wanted to throw me away, she wanted to sell me, and now she wants to give me away... What a vicious woman.

  Jiang Yan's pretty face turned red, and she shook her head and refused: "I will secretly leave the capital with Liu Lang in a few days, and I can't bring Hu Yuan with me. Besides, Liu Lang will definitely be jealous if he knows that I have a handsome nursing boy by my side. He I don't like having other men around me."

  Shen Baiyu was stunned.

  Now that Jiang Liu is so beautiful, Jiang Yan is still thinking about that Hana Liulang?

  The beauty trap failed!

  Shen Baiyu secretly thought it was a pity that if the first plan failed, there would be another plan. Shen Baiyu asked Jiang Xun to deliver the prepared gift box: "Ms. Jiang, I didn't come empty-handed today, I also specially prepared some gifts."

  The gift box was opened, and there were more than a dozen brand-new story books inside.

  Jiang Yan was very interested and looked through it happily: "Bai Yu, you are so kind! I like to read story books the most... However, I have never read these story books before."

  The story books sent by Shen Baiyu have distinctive features, such as "Du Shiniang Sinks the Treasure Box in Anger", "The Case of Guillotine Beauty", "The Biography of Princess Zhao of Pingyang", "Journey to Kyushu", "Mulan's Military Enlistment", "Wu Zetian's Harem" and "The War of a Good Woman" ...These booklets either talk about women being entrusted by inhumane people and regretting their lives, or they talk about women fighting on the battlefield and making achievements.

  Jiang Yan had never come across this kind of story book before. She picked up a copy of "Mulan's Military Enlistment" and flipped through two pages. She felt it was extremely novel.

  Jiang Yan was obsessed with it.

  Shen Baiyu held her chin up and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, indicating that her plan was initially paying off.

  Jiang Xun had a clear view of everything. He knew Shen Baiyu's plan, but he didn't think Shen Baiyu's plan would succeed. Jiang Yan loves Hanarokuro deeply. How could this love change because of a few special story books?


  Shen Baiyu didn't stay with Jiang Yan for long and stood up to leave.

  She asked to see Prime Minister Jiang.

  Shen Baiyu knew that Jiang Yan's love for Hua Liulang would not disappear just because of a few special words. Therefore, Shen Baiyu needs to seek help from Prime Minister Jiang.

  Prime Minister Jiang took a break today and was so angry that Jiang Yan dug in the backyard. Prime Minister Jiang was born in a rural area. He obtained fame at a young age and spent more than thirty years in officialdom before reaching his current status. Whenever he encounters troubles, he likes to dig in the backyard and plant vegetables.

  Shen Baiyu left Jiang Xun outside the courtyard and met with Prime Minister Jiang alone.

  Prime Minister Jiang was over fifty years old, with gray hair on his temples. He was wearing an ordinary gray robe, with his sleeves and trousers tied with strips of cloth. He looked exactly like an old farmer.

  Prime Minister Jiang was not alone. The young man accompanying him was his son Jiang Shi.

  "Uncle Jiang is well, Jiang Shaoqing is well." Shen Baiyu leaned over and saluted.

  Prime Minister Jiang's wife died young, leaving only a pair of children. His son Jiang Shi was diligent and motivated, and was promoted to the rank of Shaoqing of Dali Temple; his daughter Jiang Yan was also well-behaved and sensible, until she was so fascinated by an actor that she would not marry him.

  Jiang Shi handles cases in Dali Temple all year round. Although he is young, he has a majesty beyond his peers. He narrowed his eyes and said in a customary interrogative tone: "Miss Shen San came here today. Why?"

  His words were sharp, as if he was judging a prisoner.

  Shen Baiyu is not afraid of him.

  In his previous life, Jiang Shi was killed, and his death was miserable... Tsk, this was a poor man too.

  Jiang Shi's eyes were filled with astonishment... Not only was Miss Shen's third daughter not afraid of him, but she also sympathized with him?

  Shen Baiyu didn't waste any more time and went straight to the point: "Qianrong and I are close friends, and I can't bear to see her fall into the actor's scam. I'm visiting Uncle Jiang today to ask you to try to separate Hualiulang and Qianrong."

  Prime Minister Jiang sighed deeply and put the hoe in his hand on the corner.

  Prime Minister Jiang took the handkerchief handed over by Jiang Shi and said while wiping his hands: "I know you mean well. But if I had my way, I wouldn't lock Yan'er at home."

  The prime minister, who was overcoming obstacles in the officialdom, was helpless with his own daughter.

  After the death of his beloved wife, Prime Minister Jiang did not marry again, not even a girl in the same room. Even though he was busy with official duties, Prime Minister Jiang did not give up on educating his children. But he is a man after all, and he has no idea how to solve his daughter's emotional problems... He has been scolded and punished, but there is really nothing he can do.

  Jiang Shi mentioned his sister with regret: "Before Yan'er met Hua Liulang, she was well-educated, well-behaved and sensible. Seeing that my father and I were busy with official duties, she would personally deliver lotus root and pork ribs soup... When she met Hua Liulang, she changed . I sent people to investigate Hanarokuro. His mother was a prostitute in a brothel. She hung out in fireworks venues since she was a child. Later she sang in Qingtaifang and was living among a group of female guests. It was really unbearable! If my little sister gets married to him, she will definitely end up badly. ."

  But Jiang Yan was deeply trapped in blind love and was in the middle of the game, unable to see the reality clearly.

  Shen Baiyu said: "I have a way to make Qianrong sober."

  Prime Minister Jiang was doubtful: "Is this true?"

  Shen Baiyu nodded: "I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain. Only by letting Qianrong see [the true face of Mount Lu] will she understand that she has been deceived."

  Jiang Shi said: "This is the truth, but how can it be so easy?"

  Shen Baiyu said calmly: "So Baiyu thought of a way, but this way may damage Uncle Jiang's reputation."

  Shen Baiyu spoke slowly and told her suggestions.

  The pear blossoms in the yard were blooming luxuriantly, and pieces of snow-white petals were scattered. Shen Baiyu brushed away the petals that fell on her shoulders, and she finished her words.

  Prime Minister Jiang's expression was unpredictable, but he finally gritted his teeth and said, "This is a good idea, fight fire with fire."

  Shen Baiyu smiled slightly: "If Uncle Jiang is willing to try, the plan will be half successful."

  Shen Baiyu bid farewell to the prime minister and his son and prepared to return home. All the way through the pavilion, pavilion, and flowers, Jiang Xun followed her silently, his mind fluctuating.

  What did she say to Prime Minister Jiang?

  Could it be that she has other ways to stop Jiang Yan's thoughts?

  Could his carefully planned plan be cracked by a little girl in the boudoir?

  Just as Jiang Xun was thinking secretly, he heard a "Yeah" sound. Shen Baiyu, who was walking in front, stepped on the hem of her green skirt, tilted her body, and was about to fall into the river beside the stone bridge.

  Jiang Xun didn't think much, grabbed Shen Baiyu's slender wrist and gently pulled it back.

  The hem of the light green skirt flew up, and Shen Baiyu crashed into Jiang Xun's arms.

  Jiang Xun smelled a faint medicinal fragrance, and the touch was indescribably strange, like picking a handful of budding flowers and holding them in his arms. Jiang Xun lowered his head unexpectedly and saw Shen Baiyu's long eyelashes like crow feathers and the straight bridge of her nose.

  Very pretty.

  "Your eyes are right!" Shen Baiyu took two steps back with an annoyed look on his face.

  Jiang Xun's arms still had the scent of medicine, and he subconsciously asked: "W-what?"

  Shen Baiyu's face was filled with regret: "In Jiang Yan's yard just now, you had this look when you were holding her. The plan had already worked!"

  Jiang Xun: "..."

  Shen Baiyu shook his head with great regret, holding up the too-long green skirt: "What are you still waiting for? Go back to the general's mansion, I have to take a nap in the afternoon." Jiang Xun had no choice but to follow up.

  The master and the servant disappeared into the spring-filled yard one after the other.

  For a long time, under a lush crabapple tree, Li Jingheng quietly clenched the white jade fan in his hand. He never expected that Shen Baiyu would be involved in a small nursing home, and even hugged her in public.

  Is Shen Baiyu changing his mind?

  Or playing hard to get?

  Li Jingheng had never paid much attention to Shen Baiyu, a young lady from the general's palace. Even though Shen Baiyu was kind to him in every possible way, he never thought of giving Shen Baiyu a future.

  But now, he felt a sense of loss.



  Shen Shuer still stayed in the Prime Minister's Mansion to enjoy the flowers, while Shen Baiyu returned alone in a carriage.

  The weather was fine today, the sun was shining brightly, and the city in the capital was bustling with activity. Shen Baiyu was sitting in the carriage and could still hear the cries of vendors and the sounds of children playing outside.

  Shen Baiyu opened the curtain and saw a small vendor selling paper kites on the street. Lifelike animal paper kites were placed on bamboo shelves, showing beautiful light in the sun.

  A little girl of five or six years old ran over happily and pointed at the butterfly kite: "Dad, mother, I want this butterfly."

  A middle-aged couple came over. The middle-aged man picked up the little girl and said, "Okay, whatever my daughter wants, daddy will buy it for her."

  The middle-aged woman pretended to be angry: "You, protect her no matter what, don't spoil the child."

  The little girl clutched a beautiful butterfly kite, and the family of three drifted away. This scene really seemed familiar. Shen Baiyu thought of the memory from many years ago. At that time, she was raised by her grandmother and had endless account books and endless copybooks every day.

  When her grandmother wasn't paying attention, she sneaked out of the study to look for her parents. It was also a sunny day. Shen Zhenshan was resting at home, playing with Tantai and his four children in the flower-filled garden. The teenage Shen Anji is practicing bamboo sword, while Shen Wan'er, Shen Shu'er and Shen Anxing are flying kites, and the family is in harmony.

  Young Shen Baiyu also wanted to go find her parents and play with the kite, but before she could even take two steps, she was pulled back by her grandmother. Grandma asked her to go back to the study to read the account books, and asked her to learn housekeeping...

  "Miss, let's buy two paper kites and go to the backyard to release them in the afternoon, okay?" Feicui noticed Shen Baiyu's thoughts and was eager to give it a try.

  Shen Baiyu: "No need."

  She has passed the age where she needs her parents to accompany her to fly kites.

  Shen Baiyu was about to lower the car curtain when he suddenly glanced at the restaurant opposite and saw a familiar figure. It was a brothel with a prosperous business. At the railing on the second floor, Shen Baiyu's fourth brother Shen Anxing was drinking and having fun with several beautiful girls.

  Originally, Shen Anxing also went to the flower viewing banquet at the Prime Minister's Mansion, but he snuck out openly and went straight to the brothel.

  Probably aware of the attention from the outside world, Shen Anxing put down the bottle of wine and caught a glimpse of Shen Baiyu in the carriage on the street. Shen Anxing was at a rebellious age, bohemian and mischievous. He raised his glass provocatively and toasted Shen Baiyu a glass of wine from a distance.

  "Young Master Shen, your sister is here to look for you again." The girl next to her smiled coquettishly.

  Shen Anxing sneered lightly and threw the wine glass unruly: "I, the third sister, are really the most annoying person in the world."

  If he doesn't study, Shen Baiyu will hit him hard.

  If he goes to a brothel to have fun, Shen Baiyu will send someone to kidnap him back.

  When he plays with the maid at home, Shen Baiyu will complain to his father.

  Shen Anxing was so fed up, he really wished that this third sister would disappear from the world forever.

  Shen Anxing held the brothel girl's shoulders and glanced at Shen Baiyu with an arrogant expression, like a wolf in a pack who refused to admit defeat, constantly provoking the authority of the wolf king through childish actions.

  "Miss, do you want to send someone to bring the fourth young master back to your house?" Jade asked in a low voice.

  Shen Baiyu recalled all the evil deeds of Shen Anxing in his previous life, and his cold words still rang in his ears:

  [Mother, lock Shen Baiyu up with chains to prevent her from escaping. ]

  [Why does a female prostitute have to control everything about me? ]

  [Shen Baiyu, why don't you die? I'm so annoyed with you! ]

  [Reading, reading, besides asking me to read, what else can you do? ]

  Bad words hurt people in June Cold. Once the past is revealed, they are all bloody scars. Shen Baiyu's expression was filled with hatred that could not be concealed, and he put down the light-colored car curtain: "Let him go, don't worry about it."

  The carriage drove away.

  In the brothel, Shen Anxing looked stunned. He didn't expect that the third sister would leave directly. The way the third sister looked at him before leaving just now was as if she was looking at an unrelated stranger.

  Shen Anxing felt uncomfortable and couldn't explain the complicated emotions pouring out of his heart. The pretty girl next to him poured him a glass of wine, and Shen Anxing drank it in one gulp, forgetting Shen Baiyu's weird behavior.



  At night, Haitang Garden of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

  The candlelight was bright, Jiang Yan was wearing a light-colored jacket and was looking through the painting book with gusto. Xiaohong brought in a plate of exquisite snacks. Seeing Jiang Yan who was obsessed with her storybook, a smile of success flashed across the corner of Xiaohong's mouth.

  "Miss, this is the script that I bought secretly from Qingtai Fang today." Xiaohong put down the dessert plate and took out a brand new script from her arms.

  Jiang Yan didn't even raise her head: "Put it here. I'll finish reading the book in my hand and then read the others."

  Xiao Hong's gaze fell on the storybook in Jiang Yan's hand. It was strange that she had never seen the cover of this storybook before.

  "Du Shiniang Sinks the Treasure Box in Anger", when did Jiang Yan get the Newspeak book?

  "Miss, does the storybook in your hand look good?" Xiaohong seemed to mention it casually.