
The third young lady tanked

The whole family regretted after the third young lady tanked is an ancient romance novel. The main plot of the novel is about how a woman named Miss San changed the attitudes and opinions of her family and the people around her through her own efforts and wisdom, and finally realized her own value and happiness. According to the feedback of some readers, the novel is quite excellent in plot setting, characterization and emotional description. Miss San's personality and talent have deeply attracted the reader's attention, and the process of how she overcomes various difficulties and challenges is also very exciting and moving. At the same time, the image and personality of other characters in the novel are very distinct, so that readers can easily immerse themselves in it. In addition, some readers also mentioned the ancient social background and cultural atmosphere depicted in the novel, believing that the author's in-depth understanding and precise description of history and culture made the whole story more vivid and real. Generally speaking, as an ancient romance novel, the plot is compact and the characters are distinct, so that readers can feel a lot of emotional resonance and thinking. If you are interested in ancient romance novels, you might as well try it.

boninggou · History
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21 Chs

Chapter 15: She has no morals

  "Third sister!"

  Shen Shuer held up the hem of her skirt and ran towards Baimei Courtyard angrily. Dahuang immediately started barking. Jiang Xun still remembered that he was a nurse, so he tried his best to stop Shen Shuer: "Stop, the lady is still resting."

  Shen Shu'er had never seen Jiang Xun before, and when she was angry, she pushed him away: "You dare to stop me? I will ask dad to chop off your dog's head someday."

  Jiang Xun lowered his eyes and held back.

  Shen Shuer was full of anger and ran into the house angrily. When she saw Shen Baiyu who was lazily reading a storybook, Shen Shuer became furious: "Third sister, I was punished by my father to kneel down in the ancestral hall. I knelt down for a long time. Two hours! You are still in the mood to read a storybook."

  Shen Baiyu bit the candied fruit and said casually, "Oh."

  Sensing Shen Baiyu's cold and indifferent attitude, Shen Shuer stamped her feet angrily: "Third sister, do you know how uncomfortable it is to kneel in the ancestral hall! My knees hurt from kneeling! It's all your fault!"

  Shen Baiyu raised his eyelids and brought up old things: "Last year, you broke the vase collected by my father, but I was blamed. I was punished by my father to kneel in the ancestral hall for one night. You only knelt for two hours, what's the point of complaining?"

  Shen Shuer was speechless.

  She pursed her pink lips in dissatisfaction and said confidently, "I'm young."

  Shen Baiyu: "When I was fourteen, I knelt in the ancestral hall all night without complaining. When I was fourteen, you knelt for two hours and was filled with resentment. Is this a matter of age?"

  Shen Shuer stammered: "Yes, yes..."

  There is an almost evil innocence about Shen Shuer. She is used to the protection and pampering of her family, and is used to people around her following her wishes.

  But things have not been going well for her recently. Her father punished her to kneel in the ancestral hall, King Chen broke her appointment, and her mother's temper is not as gentle as before. She thought she could get some relief from her third sister. After all, her third sister has the best temper and is the most obedient in the family. Shen Shuer's people. Unexpectedly, the third sister seemed to have changed. She was replying every word, and Shen Shuer suddenly felt uncomfortable all over.

  But recalling Tantai's special instructions, Shen Shuer sat down depressedly.

  Shen Shuer came to Baimei Courtyard because she was privately asked by the Tantai family to persuade Shen Baiyu to continue managing the back house.

  Shen Shuer's voice was soft and pleading: "Third sister, you have always been the housekeeper of our house. My mother is old. Can you bear to see my mother working so hard?"

  Shen Baiyu picked up the candied fruit on the plate and said, "Bear it, I can't bear it."

  Shen Shuer: "..."

  Shen Shuer simply felt that Shen Baiyu was out of his mind, so she simply took out the words in the book to refute: "Filial piety to your husband is the foundation of virtue. Third sister, you are unfilial to your mother, you have no morals!"

  Shen Baiyu: "Yes, I have no morals."

  As long as she has no morals, morality cannot kidnap her.

  Shen Baiyu put down the notebook in his hand: "Since my little sister is so filial, then you can take care of the house for your mother."

  Shen Shuer choked, her beautiful almond-shaped eyes widened, as if she had heard some fantasy: "Third sister, what are you talking about? I'm still young -"

  Shen Baiyu's tone was impatient: "Age is not your excuse."

  Shen Shuer's expression was dull, and the corners of her pink mouth opened and closed. She wanted to say that she was only fourteen years old and could not take care of the house, but then she remembered that Shen Baiyu started taking care of the house at the age of ten, and she seemed to be the one who was in the wrong. Even though she was in the wrong, Shen Shuer still felt uncomfortable all over, and her heart was extremely blocked.

  She began to feel aggrieved again.

  When I feel wronged, I want to cry.

  Crying has been Shen Shuer's trump card since childhood. She found that as long as she cried, everyone in the family would accommodate her, so pitiful tears quickly filled Shen Shuer's bright eyes.

  Shen Baiyu finally sighed: "Stop crying."

  Shen Shuer was overjoyed, and the third sister really relented!

  Shen Shuer sobbed and said: "Who let the third sister bully me——"

  There was undisguised boredom and alienation in Shen Baiyu's eyes: "If you want to cry, go cry outside. It's very noisy."

  Shen Shu'er had just pretended to cry, but now that she heard Shen Baiyu's hateful words, her grievance and bitterness instantly turned into a flood of substance. She seemed to have been greatly wronged. She stood up angrily, grabbed a thing and threw it on the ground.


  The white jade bottle on the desk was smashed, and the pieces were scattered all over the floor.

  Shen Baiyu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she scolded Feicui and Jiang Xun who were eavesdropping outside the door curtain: "Jiang Liu, are you a freeloader as a nurse? Throw her out!"

  Jiang Xun entered the room, grabbed Shen Shuer's arm and dragged her out.

  Shen Shu'er had never experienced such grievances before. She scratched her nails randomly like a naughty child: "Third sister, you actually drove me away. You are so bad. My mother is right. You are just a white-eyed wolf. I, I You have to complain to daddy! Let him punish you by kneeling in the ancestral hall."

  Jiang Xun's right cheek was scratched hard by Shen Shu'er, and two bright blood marks instantly appeared. At that moment, Jiang Xun even thought about the way to die for Shen Shuer.

  Jiang Xun had no expression on his face, carrying the chicken as if throwing Shen Shu'er out of Baimei Courtyard.

  Rhubarb barked happily.

  Shen Shuer staggered and almost fell. She stood angrily in front of Baimei Courtyard, tears falling uncontrollably, feeling that she had never been so wronged in her life.

  She wiped her tears aggrievedly, thinking over and over in her mind how to file a complaint and how to get her third sister to apologize to her. At this time, Shen Shuer's personal maid Zhu Sha ran over and said, "Miss, Miss Jiang from the Prime Minister's Mansion is coming to Baimei Courtyard."

  Shen Shuer wiped her tears with a handkerchief and said angrily: "Why did she come to me!"

  Zhusha was trembling: "...Maybe it's for the Spring Banquet in Peach Blossom Mountain? I heard that the Queen is very satisfied with Miss Jiang and intends to bring her and His Highness Prince Chen together at the Spring Banquet."

  Shen Shuer angrily said: "Who is she? Brother Chen Wang looks down on her."

  Just as he was talking, Jiang Yan had already walked over with her maid. Seeing Shen Shu'er with red eyes, Jiang Yan seemed to be having a great time, covering her mouth and smiling: "Oh, who is such a capable god, he actually made our precious fifth lady cry. I have to go and say goodbye. This god, learn from her skills."

  Shen Shuer looked unhappy: "Go out, you are not welcome in our General's Mansion!"

  Jiang Yan blinked: "Are you the only young lady in the General's Mansion? I came here to catch up with Sister Bai Yu, not you."

  Shen Shuer felt uncomfortable all over.

  When did the third sister become involved with Jiang Yan?

  Jiang Yan raised her beautiful chin and walked into Baimei Courtyard proudly.

  Baimeiyuan is not large in area, and you can see all the way to the end at a glance. Several plum trees with green buds, an old main house, a courtyard wall covered with vines, a howling big yellow dog and three servants. Jiang Yan's face showed surprise. It's such a small courtyard. Is this really the residence of the third lady of the General's Mansion?

  Jade ran back into the house to report, and after a while ran out again to invite Jiang Yan into the house.

  Jiang Yan opened the door curtain: "Bai Yu, you seem to be the second daughter of the general's mansion, how come you are not as good as a concubine?"

  Shen Baiyu pointed to the soft body next to him: "Sit."

  It was warm inside the room, Jiang Yan took off her fox fur cloak and approached Shen Baiyu in a very familiar manner. The last time she and Shen Baiyu experienced life and death, she unilaterally regarded Shen Baiyu as a "friend of life and death."

  Since we were friends between life and death, Jiang Yan took the initiative to open up her heart: "I told my father that I came to the general's mansion to discuss needlework with you, and my father reluctantly agreed to let me out of the mansion. He also sent two guards to follow him, for fear that I would run away. Go find Mukuro."

  Shen Baiyu put down his notebook: "Are you still thinking about that Hanarokuro?"

  Jiang Yan's pretty face turned red: "Of course, Liulang wrote me a letter and said he would always wait for me. When the news is over, he will accompany me around the world."

  Shen Baiyu held his forehead, he was rushing to die...

  Shen Baiyu didn't talk much, but Jiang Yan soon felt bored. Her big, pretty eyes moved around, and she accurately saw the box of story books on the desk.

  These scripts were all sent by Wang. Wang bought all the things that the daughters of the boudoir in the capital liked and gave them to Shen Baiyu, including these popular story books sold in Qingtaifang.

  "Wow, Bai Yu, you actually have so many story books. We really have the same hobbies." Jiang Yan flipped through them excitedly, her tone unable to hide her pride, "But there are more story books in my room."

  Shen Baiyu suddenly realized a problem.

  Jiang Yan likes the actor Hanarokuro, largely because she read the storybook. The women in the boudoir are not familiar with the world. Unlike men who can go out freely, they have little contact with the outside world before leaving the court. Reading storybooks has become one of the ways for them to contact the outside world.

  So, who made Jiang Yan become addicted to the illusory love in the storybook?

  Shen Baiyu asked: "Miss Jiang, when did you come into contact with the storybook?"

  Jiang Yan picked a book with great interest and answered casually while flipping through it: "It must have been when I was fourteen years old. At that time, this girl Xiaohong saw that I was bored, so she went to Qingtaifang and bought me a storybook to relieve my boredom. My father and brother were busy all day long, leaving me alone at home, but fortunately I had these booklets to accompany me through the long nights."

  Jiang Yan is sixteen this year and has been reading story books for two years.

  Jiang Yan was obsessed with her storybook, and Shen Baiyu glanced at her: "Miss Jiang, when you first went to Qingtaifang, could it be that Xiaohong also led the way?"

  When Jiang Yan mentioned Qingtaifang, she suddenly became interested. She held the storybook and approached Shen Baiyu, with a happy smile on her face: "With heavy makeup, she plays the role of love, hate, anger and foolishness in the world. I have long been full of Liyuan opera." I yearned for it. Xiaohong said that the theater in Qingtai Fang was full, so I sneaked out of the house to watch a play. Coincidentally, it was Rokuro on the stage that day, and the play was "The Romance of the West Chamber"..."

  The plot of "The Romance of the West Chamber" is touching and pathos, and the love of the scholar lady is touching and yearning.

  As if destined, Jiang Yan fell in love at first sight with the handsome Hanarokuro on stage.

  Jiang Yan pulled Shen Baiyu and shared every detail of her and Huarokuro's love.

  Shen Baiyu's mind drifted into the distance, and she came up with a bold idea. She suspected that this was a carefully planned conspiracy.

  Jiang Yan is a boudoir girl and is unlikely to offend anyone outside. The person behind the scenes was not targeting Jiang Yan, but more likely the Prime Minister's Mansion behind Jiang Yan.

  Who did Prime Minister Jiang offend? Such a vicious trap was actually set up.

  Shen Baiyu couldn't think of a clue for the time being. For the current plan, we must first find a way to prevent Jiang Yan from heading towards tragedy.

  "Miss, the Prime Minister sent a message that it's time to return home." The maid Xiaohong came into the room to remind her. Seeing the storybook in Jiang Yan's hand, the maid's eyes seemed to be joking.

  Jiang Yan reluctantly stood up and complained: "Father has been watching me very closely these past two days and only allowed me to go out for two hours. Bai Yu, there will be a flower viewing banquet at the Prime Minister's Mansion tomorrow. Can you come to the Prime Minister's Mansion to see me?"

  Shen Baiyu's smile did not reach her eyes: "Okay."

  Jiang Yan immediately beamed and borrowed some storybooks from Shen Baiyu's box before leaving.

  Jiang Yan left, and Nuange became quiet again.

  Shen Baiyu added some new charcoal to the small charcoal stove. The charcoal fire was burning vigorously. Shen Baiyu rubbed his hands with his palms close to the hot charcoal stove and began to think about how to break the situation against Jiang Yan.

  The first step is to stop Jiang Yan from reading love story books and stay away from the abuse.

  The second step is to find a way to make Jiang Yan see Hanarokuro's hypocrisy, or to make Jiang Yan fall in love with someone else.

  The first step is easy, but what about the second step?

  After thinking for a long time with no result, Dahuang who was guarding the door of the yard started barking again. Shen Baiyu looked through the open window and saw Jiang Xun standing by the yard guarding the door.

  The back is tall and straight, and the posture is outstanding.

  Shen Baiyu suddenly had a bold idea. She shouted: "Jiang Liu, come in."

  Jiang Xun entered the house obediently.

  But when he stepped into the Nuan Pavilion, Jiang Xun suddenly noticed something strange. He found that Shen Baiyu's eyes had been focused on his face and body for a long time.

  This reminded Jiang Xun of the bloody turmoil in the Yue royal family, and the storm was about to come. But after all, he was the winner in the competition for the throne of Yue Kingdom. He killed five powerful emperor brothers along the way. What scene had he not seen before?

  Shen Baiyu: "Squat down."

  Jiang Xun: "...Yes."

  He lifted up the hem of his black clothes and squatted down obediently.

  Shen Baiyu regarded him as a servant, and he would definitely repay today's humiliation a hundred times in the future - he had always been very tolerant.

  Shen Baiyu sat sideways on the rocking chair, dissatisfied with Jiang Xun's squatting too far, and waved to him: "Come closer."

  Jiang Xun moved his feet silently and got closer.

  Shen Baiyu: "Raise your head."