
The Third Sunday of June

He's a young father, forcefully handed the responsibility of his son by a self-serving ex-girlfriend. She's a stunning pole dancer, stuck in what was intended to be a temporary job. When a drab night turns fervid at the hands of Sedah Finch, Haru Thatcher's life changes forever. Haru’s not interested in relationships, he’s content with his child, friends and career. But when he can’t get seem to think about anyone other than Sedah after what was supposed to be a one-time encounter, his outlook on love drastically changes. However, sly ex-girlfriends, sleazy bosses and orthodox mothers might not be too happy about that. DISCLAIMER: Contains smut with kink, drug abuse and violence.

slim_thicc · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Disclaimer: Smut


"It is." Sedah sighs, her hot breath fanning out against the cool glass. I'm so fucking hard, pressing my boner against her round arse just for some temporary relief.

"Yeah? Does my little slut want to be filled?" I mumble, slipping a finger into her just to keep her stimulated. It's a conscious effort I always make, a rule: ensure your sexual partner is turned the fuck on at all times. If not, then I work until they're where I need them to be; where they need themselves to be. It isn't much fun if only I get to enjoy myself, and a little selfish.

Besides, Sedah tastes so good I'll throw money at her for another lick. But I know she wants more than just my tongue now— she's addicted. Exactly as I said she would be. I realise she's more eager than I originally gave her credit for when she starts grinding against my crotch for some friction.

"She wants daddy's cock so bad." Sedah whimpers, "Please, please..."

"Okay, darling." I kiss her shoulder blade unzipping my trousers and pushing my boxers down with them. I slip off my socks, stepping out of my clothes and kicking them off to the side, "Good girl. You didn't even move."

"I like this position." She teases, arching her flexible back until she's grinning at me upside down, her hands still press against the glass and I'm impressed.

"You do?" I grip her shoulder-length hair. It isn't very long, but definitely long enough to tug on, "I'll fuck you in it then."

My left hand glides down her side whilst my other one grips the base of my throbbing cock. She's really done a number on me, pre-cum is already leaking out of the tip. I can't remember the last time sex felt this good, and I haven't even put it in yet.

"Can I look? To prepare myself?" Sedah asks, cheek pressing against the clear pane.

"No." I line myself up with her pussy, running the head of my cock through her wet folds a few times before pushing in, "You can feel."

"Ah! Fuck." Sedah's hands quickly scramble for something to grip, but the glass is flat so she ends up having to just breathe through the initial stretch my cock brings her, "That's... I feel so full."

I groan, pushing further, pulling back out and slamming in again. We both moan, particularly me actually. Sedah feels so good, gripping my cock like she wants to milk it for all its worth. The fact I haven't done this in a while doesn't help, jerking off isn't quite the same.

"You feel just right." I thrust, pushing her further against the wall and losing all sense, "Made for me, made just for me."

"Made for you." Sedah agrees, barely nodding before a high-pitched moan escapes her mouth. I pick up my pace, snapping my hips with unfaltering aggression and looping an arm around her waist to circle her clit with two fingers.

My front presses against her back, the slap of our bodies connecting drives me insane. I hook my chin over her shoulder, kissing it briefly, "You fucking whore, screaming so loud the entire city can hear you. You're so desperate for this cock, it's almost pathetic."

"I am pathetic!" Sedah cries, the hard-hitting pace I'm going at makes tears spring into her green eyes, "Ah, shit! I am, please, please keep fucking me. Just like this, daddy. It feels so good, so, so..."

"Finish your sentence, sweetheart." I demand, pinching one of her nipples before snaking a hand around her throat, "Finish it."

"—good! You feel amazing, driving me insane I swear I'm— I'm going to cum, Haru. Please don't stop, please!"

"Okay, love." I squeeze the sides of her throat, arching her back further and ruining her against the window wall. I'm certain people can see her perky tits pressed against it from the streets below.

Her grip on my cock gets even tighter, "AH! Haru! I'm—yes! I..."

Sedah has a terrible habit of not finishing her sentences when I'm inside her, it seems. But I allow it, because with her climax and the newfound tightness of her pussy, I'm suddenly seconds away from finishing, too.

"Hold it for me, good girl. Hold it nice and tight," I moan, "I'm about to finish, too."

"Yes, yes, cum for me—!"

"Ah! Fuck, yes!" I bite down on her shoulder, managing to pull out in time and cum on the top of her arse— just in case.

When I open my eyes again and slacken my jaw, I notice I've made her shoulder bleed.

Have I forgot to tell her I have a tendency to do that? A biting kink, of sorts?

"Sedah, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." I worry, kissing it, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sweetheart." My voice lowers into an apologetic whisper.

Her breathing is still heavy, visible against the glass as her arms hang loosely by her side, "... I liked it."

"You— liked it?" I raise my eyebrows, unsure.

"Felt good." She mumbles incoherently, "I'm a masochist."

Relief floods my system, "My little masochist." I joke.


"Yes, love?"

"Can you clean me up before my legs give out, please?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, one sec." I break away from her warmth, nipping into the bathroom to grab a spare flannel before soaking it in hot water.

When I step back into my room, Sedah hasn't moved positions, still standing in that erotic stance by the window but now curiously looking out across the city. Wordlessly, I wipe away my cum that's began to drip down her thighs and soothe in between her legs with the warm cloth— I've been quite aggressive. I'm sure it'll hurt in the morning.

Sedah hums to herself, straightening up. A sure sign of her satisfaction, I think, as I quickly throw the flannel into the wash basket.

"You're very good at fucking, y'know." Sedah sighs, leaning against the glass for total support.

When I reach her, I wrap my hands around the tops of her thighs and gather her into my arms. Her ankles cross behind my back, locking her securely in place when I begin walking over to the bed.

"I remember saying I wouldn't carry you." I chuckle, laying Sedah down and rolling over onto my own side.

"But you did anyway." She observes, in all her naked glory on top of the sheets. For now, the woman is making no moves to get under them.

"I did." I confirm.

"And I remember saying I wasn't going to sleep over."

"But you are."

"I am." She turns her head to me, softly smiling. The girl is beautiful and all mine for the night.

For the night.

It's a shame this is only going to be a one night stand, but that's how these things work. We fuck, get to aimlessly know each other through idle chit chat, then part ways. I'm okay with that, of course, but Sedah is comfortable company and good enough to eat. She matches my tastes in the bedroom perfectly and I'll watch her up on a pole for all of eternity if I can.

I could write about her, even.

But I won't.

I made a promise to myself long ago not to take inspiration from private experiences for my novelist career. So far, I've kept it and Sedah isn't going to change that, either. No matter how good the sex with her is.

Movement to my right catches my attention and Sedah finally shuffles under the covers to keep warm.

"You need a wipe." I chuckle, eyeing the streaks of mascara running down her cheeks.

She smirks, "Go get me one then."

I walked right into that one.

"A baby wipe will have to do, Princess Sedah."

"... Finch." The woman smiles with her eyes as I begrudgingly get out of bed.


"Princess Finch, to you." She laughes.

I scoff, "Okay, 'Just Sedah'."

Sedah Finch.

What a nice name, I think as I grab her a few wipes, turn off the lights and toss the packet onto the bedside table closest to her.

She spends a few minutes freshening up her face, wiping everything off and grumbling about skincare and moisturiser. Fuck if I know. The girl even manages to stumble to the toilet and back, which I sneakily laugh at despite her struggle.

Before I forget, I fumble around until I find the remote for the window wall's blinds, and press the button to bring them down.

"C'mere." I yawn, lifting my arm up under the covers.

"Hm?" Sedah sleepily replies.

"Come and cuddle me, sweetheart." I grin into the dim light, I can hardly make out the contours of her angular face.

"I'm not much of a cuddler." She tries to convince me, but after a few seconds of silence she scoots into my embrace anyway.

I kiss the top of her head, feeling her nuzzle into the crook of my neck and inhale, "You smell good."

"Even after sex?"

Sedah sighs, "Sure, love."

"... Tonight was nice." I stifle another yawn, pulling her somehow closer than she already is.

"I've never done something like this before." Sedah admits.


"A one night stand, never had one."

"What?" I softly exclaim, stroking her hair whilst keeping her tucked closely against my chest, "For real?"

"For real, love."

"So, then... Why me?" I can't help but ask.

She faintly shrugs, "I don't know. I just felt ready for it, and I couldn't have chosen a better person for it, either."

"... Did you feel anxious at all?" I wonder, I hope she would've told me if that had been the case.

"I probably should've done." Sedah reveals, "I mean, I don't even know you. But, you're very reassuring and you seemed like a somewhat good man."

Somewhat. She isn't wrong there. I think it's quite clever and observant of her to notice I'm clearly at least marginally fucked up.

"If it helps, I haven't done anything like this in about half a year." I come clean, "And before that, the last woman I had sex with was Kai's mum, so."

"... And before that?" I feel her smile.

"Oh, I was a whore." I chuckle, feeling her shoulders shake with laughter, "Biggest fuckboy in Croydon, I'll tell you that much."

"Shut up." Sedah muses, humour in her croaky voice.

"Had to have my fun whilst I could." I shrug, "Can't really do that when you have a kid to prioritise."

"... Did he burden you at all?" The question takes me entirely off guard. What a strange thing to ask, fair, but strange.

"No." I shake my head, realising I'm speaking to Sedah like I would speak to the guys, "Not one bit, actually. Kai's birth gave me a sense of responsibility. I became a better man, got published with a great team, moved into this place and I've never loved someone the way I love that little guy. He's a handful at times, but an amazing kid."

Sedah seems invested, "Who does he take after?"

This is beginning to feel like a conversation you have with someone you've met more than once, but I can't put a stop to it even if I try. I want to tell her all of this, I dont know why, though.

"Me, thank fuck."

"Baby momma a bit of a baby herself?" Sedah teases, tracing lines and shapes on my chest.

"You don't know the half of it." I sigh, "And I won't bore you with the details, either."

Sedah silently nods, both of us simultaneously acknowledge that the line has been drawn and the conversation is over.

"... Goodnight, Haru." Sedah mutters.

"Goodnight, Sedah."