
The Third Reich: The Return of the King

On November 11, 1918, when the unconditional surrender agreement was handed over to the French Marshal, the Second Empire became history. When the Allies were sharpening their knives and planning to feast on the corpse of the Second Reich;When the Kingdom of Bavaria, Württemberg, and Saxony tried to split the empire;When all Germans are worried about the dark tomorrow. The German army in the Bastogne area fired the last shot of World War I!Standing on the front line strewn with corpses of French soldiers, looking at the enthusiastic eyes of thousands of soldiers behind him, Lin Yu vowed to rebuild the empire in this life and restore the honour of the empire with iron and blood! (from Faloo)

DaoistLbwMKl · War
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220 Chs


"What is the German army doing? Isn't this continuous division of troops weakening their defensive strength in the Lodz area?"

Marshal Foch has fought all his life and has never seen such tactics before!

"General, one German corps and three divisions left Lodz and headed north to capture Vovich!"

Just when Marshal Foch and Marshal Haig were filled with question marks by this series of actions by the German army, new information came from the front line!


Marshal Foch felt that this name seemed familiar. Had he heard it somewhere before?

With a trace of curiosity, he walked to the map and searched it. Soon, he found this place!

"here it is..."

General Haig also came over at some point, his eyes also fixed on this place!

"It's only fifty kilometers away from Warsaw!"

Marshal Foch's words were concise and concise, and he explained the purpose of the Hans people clearly in one sentence!

"Making noises in the east and attacking in the west?"

Marshal Haig suddenly realized it!

He immediately understood the intention of the Hans people's mobilization!

When the German army first divided its troops to go south, I'm afraid it was just a cover-up. The purpose was to draw their attention away from themselves, so that they could march north. Occupy the Mazov area!

If they simply occupy the Mazov area, it will be difficult for the coalition forces to discern the true intentions of the German army, because it is very close to the front line, and the German army's actions can also be interpreted as their attempt to strengthen the defense of the flanks. After moving the army to Vovich, all the previous inferences were overturned!

Vovich is less than fifty kilometers away from the Polish capital Warsaw. By occupying this place, the German army can reach the city in five hours and attack directly. Warsaw! Warsaw is the capital of the Polish people and the hub of railway and road transportation throughout Poland. Once the German army captures it, the transportation of materials in Eastern Europe by both the Polish army and the coalition forces will be completely disrupted!

It will be difficult to transport supplies from the Baltic Sea to Eastern Europe. The only option is to go from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, and then transport them from the Romania in the east!

This route to the east is very far and requires a long detour. At this time, the battle on the front line is urgent, and it is the time when materials and supplies are needed.

If we wait for the logistics supplies to come over a long way, I am afraid that the troops on the front line will be without supplies for at least half a month, let alone for such a long time! The Bolan people in the encirclement cannot hold on any longer, and even the Allied forces cannot hold on!

Therefore, they must not sit back and watch Huasha fall!

"It seems we must follow the enemy's lead!"

Marshal Haig sighed. It's better now. Although they have figured out the enemy's intentions, they have no way to solve this problem!

"Send a telegram to the country and ask them to put pressure on Romaniya and see if they can send a batch of supplies from here first. Just in case, I said just in case, if we don't arrive in Warsaw before the German army, then At this time, what we should consider is not rescuing the Polish troops in the encirclement, but how to solve the problem of self-protection."

Marshal Foch was extremely pessimistic. They had the advantage of numbers and had the initiative, but in the end they were led by the enemy. Running around, he had been fighting for this kind of thing all his life, and he only saw it once!

"If there is a chance, I would like to see the German commander and see what kind of person he is!"


"Report, General, the Allied forces have begun to move north!"

"Well, good, keep exploring!"

After receiving this news, Manstein breathed a sigh of relief! They were attacked by the Sun Never Set and Gaul troops for two consecutive days. The German army suffered huge casualties. In just two days, they had already paid close to The cost of 20,000 casualties!

If the sun never sets and Gaul continues to advance, then their casualties may continue to rise!

Although the losses caused by the German army to the coalition forces in this process are also huge, for Mansch For Tan Yin, if there is another way to win, he definitely does not want to hide in the trenches and rely on the protection of the trenches to win this way!

He likes to take the initiative, look for opportunities in mobile warfare, destroy the enemy, and solve the problem! fighting!

"General, the enemy has taken the bait!"

Rommel on the side was equally excited. Their eyes were like wolves seeing their prey, almost glowing green!

"Well, I will give you all the armored vehicles and tractors and tanks. You have only one goal: capture Lublin!"

"Don't worry, General, I promise I won't let you down. Hehe, as long as we take Lublin, the 750,000 people in the coalition will become our prey!"

"If the general knew that we made such a big dumpling in one go, he would probably wake up laughing in his dreams!"


Mainz did not care about the life and death of this coalition force as much as Rommel thought. If they could surround them, that would be the best. Even if they could not be surrounded, it would not matter. Anyway, the pineapples in the encirclement were already finished!

On February 3, 1923, after five days of hard fighting and unable to break through, the Bolan people could not escape the fate of destruction.

The German army spent five days eroding their outer positions bit by bit, squeezing the Polish army into an extremely narrow area!

At this time, the main force of the Polish army on the eastern front was still about 400,000 people, of which about 200,000 were able to fight, and the rest were wounded soldiers in previous battles.

After the Polish army was trapped in an extremely narrow area, it was actually impossible for them to escape the end of the entire army being destroyed.

In order to reduce unnecessary consumption, Mainz gave them the opportunity to come out and surrender.

However, the stubborn Bolan people did not seize this last chance to save their lives. They refused to surrender to the German army!

Well, since you refuse to surrender, Mainz has nothing to be polite about!

Originally, the reason why he did not order a general offensive was because he wanted to capture the Polish army. These 400,000 young men were an excellent labor force, and they did not have to pay wages.

Large-scale infrastructure is currently being built in Hansi, including widening the Kiel Canal and building railways and roads.

These require a large amount of labor force, and they also need labor force that can do heavy physical work. Hans' own domestic labor force is insufficient and it can no longer meet this requirement!

So Mainz had the idea of taking these prisoners, but since these prisoners were so ignorant, he gave up the plan!

After trying to persuade them to surrender to no avail, the German army concentrated more than 2,000 artillery pieces and launched an extremely violent bombardment against the Polish army!

Mainz, who is rich and wealthy, doesn't care about the consumption of artillery shells. Compared with the lives of soldiers, what are artillery shells?

As a result, the German army carried out inhumane bombings that lasted all day!

Each of the more than 2,000 artillery pieces fired an average of more than 200 shells, and the Germans fired through 400,000 shells in one day.

The core position of the Polish army was blown into a sieve under the fierce German shelling. The Polish soldiers on the position suffered heavy losses. Even Piłsudski's command post was hit by a shell. He himself was seriously injured and almost died.!

The Polish army's defense line was temporarily built and was not very strong to begin with. How could it withstand such a bombing?

Not to mention the saturated bombardment that lasted all day!

After the bombardment, the Polish soldiers were almost stunned and the army's organizational system had been completely destroyed. Therefore, when facing the German attack, the Polish troops on the position only resisted symbolically and then surrendered.!

Of course, during this process, there were also some die-hards who were unwilling to surrender and chose to resist tenaciously.

In this case, the German army gave them the last dignity and sent them away with bullets, so that they could return to the embrace of God as soon as possible!

On the afternoon of February 3, the Polish army in the area east of Siwi was completely annihilated. The Polish army totaled 850,000 people. Except for 120,000 who surrendered, the rest of the Polish army was destroyed!

After taking care of the Polish army, the main force of the German army was freed up.

It was time to march towards Warsaw!