
The Third-Rate Trash Villain's Last Stand

"Fuck This World And Evrything Within It." Kevin Cursed... Well Who can blame him? He has every reason to Curse. After All He has become 'Third-Rate Extra Villian' of the novel he read a very long time ago. ---- After a very tired day at work and coming back home Kevin decided to go to sleep. ...And next moment Kevin opened his eyes he found himself transmigrated inside one of the novels he read a very long time ago. He realized he was now Lucas Voss. “But why Lucas Voss of all people?!” The problem was that the transmigrated character was an extra villain at the beginning of the original work, and someone who disappeared on the charge of attacking the imperial princess. “Whew, that’s okay. There was no mention of him dying anyway. So shouldn’t I somehow survive?” But… maybe because of his fate of refusing to leave the novel, the thing called ‘death’ keeps following him around. 'Fuck, this is a total fantasy destination!’ "Damnit! I will survive no matter what! Even if I have to manipulate the whole novel plot for my liking!" Armed with knowledge about the future, Lucas will use every opportunity for himself and manipulate Protagonist, Feamle Leads, Side character, Antognist, Villain and even other extra characters behind the scenes! --------------------------------- THIS ONE IS VERY IMPORTANT The Mc is made more realistic and it will take him time to get used to the world and show his unique ness. it's going to take some time.

Avi_Lekhak · Fantasy
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53 Chs

The final grades

"Everyone, put your test papers down and put your hands above your heads."

Unlike the Dungeon Department, which had a purely practical exam, most of the other classes were conducted as written exams. A class called Heterogeneous Analytics was similar.

I put down my writing utensil and tilted my head for a moment, looking at the problem I had marked down.

'Did I just take this too seriously?'

Well, even if I fail, I won't be expelled.

Professor Delon, who was in charge of Dungeon Studies, was unusual. Most of the liberal arts classes for first-year students didn't give failing grades.

It was simply divided into pass (P) or non-pass (NP). So, even if I looked at it roughly, I was definitely going to pass.

"Okay, the person in the last row, please collect the papers and leave them on the table," the professor said brightly.

Sarak! A student from behind came over and took my test paper, along with the professor's cheerful voice.


I let out a long sigh, finally feeling that the long second semester finals had come to an end. Across the room, I noticed Bren's slightly darkened expression.

I shook my head with a pitiful expression at the sight of his dark circles.

'It must have been harder for him than for others. It's true that he was suddenly caught by me and suffered in many ways.'

Of course, after the exam was over, we enjoyed a small party together...

'Well, it's fun to have a party as many times as I want. Why not have another one today?' I thought, figuring it wouldn't be a bad idea to celebrate the end of all exams.

"Everyone, you've worked hard this semester. The final grades, including today's test scores, will be posted on the bulletin board tomorrow, so please check them out. You've worked hard," the professor of Heterogeneous Analytics said with a bright smile.

I thought of a strange rule that existed only in this world, or rather, in the academy.

'No, why are report cards announced to the whole class instead of individually?'

Surprisingly, the Plains Imperial Academy had a system where all students' grades were made public through a giant poster. That meant everyone could see my report card.

Alright, alright. Grades are nonsense. Forget about it today and just party, party!

"Bren, you and I... What?" I said, only to pause as Bren quickly left the classroom before I could even properly call him.


Was he really that tired? Well, if someone runs hard, they need rest too.

At first glance, it seemed like Bren had that kind of personality. Get some rest today, Bren.

"So what do I do now?"

I started to feel a little excited about the end-of-exams event that I hadn't experienced in a long time. Back in reality, after final exams, friends and I would head straight to karaoke or a PC room.

Is there anything different in this fantasy world? Like a magic escape room or some other fun activity!

As I looked around with that thought in mind, I realized something important I had briefly forgotten.

Oh right.

I didn't have any friends, to begin with, did I?


The next day.

I didn't leave the dorm until the sun was high in the sky, heading out to eat lunch. As I passed Academy Square, I noticed something odd.

'What, why are there so many people?'

When I glanced at the students gathered in a large crowd, I saw them talking about something while looking at a huge poster stuck in the center of the square.

"Wow, look at that. Five A+'s. That's crazy...," one student said.

"I think almost the whole class got A+'s? I heard another professor mention it," another added.

Oh, are the grades already out?

I slowly approached and listened.

"Hey, you're top of your class. You should at least do that much," someone said.

"Right, and you got the highest score on the Dungeoneering exam too? I heard it's the first time in three years someone got an A+ in Professor Delon's class," another commented, impressed by Chelsea Artin's overwhelming performance.

"So, less than ten students got straight A's this semester?"

"Chelsea, Fabian, Jenner, Closer, Kyle, Princess Lisa... and Princess Francia too."

And then, the topic shifted to the students who performed well this semester.

"Wow, but is that real? Why are there so many Fs and Ds?" one student remarked.

"Crazy. Professor Delon is so harsh," another agreed.

The students nodded at the mention of Delon, the Dungeon Studies professor, and continued talking while looking at their report cards, more than half of which had failing grades.

"Oh no, do I have to retake that class again?"

"No, with a D, you can't even retake it."

"Why are we getting such tough grades for a required liberal arts subject that isn't even a major?"

"Hey, that professor's reputation was well-known. Those who took his class without knowing that are the fools."

"But freshmen usually take that class, and without a senior to warn them, how would they know?"


"So apologize already."


"Apologize to me."

"What the heck, did you take that class?"

"Yeah, damn it!"

The group burst into laughter, their conversation a mix of banter and some truth.

'What kind of mentality does that new professor have, making freshmen fail a liberal arts course and forcing them to retake it?' I nodded vigorously, empathizing with the students.

At that moment.

"But what's with that C-? Didn't he get the highest score on the Dungeon Studies final exam?"

"Hey, who gets all A's just from one exam? He didn't even take the midterm and missed a lot of classes."

"Wow, that's lucky. Some people end up in the same group as the top student and get good grades."

"Are you jealous? If you were, you should've joined Chelsea's group," someone said, chuckling.

"… …"

Oh, they're talking about me?

They were giggling about my grade—C-.

It was a score that barely avoided a retake and failing.

'Well, that's fine.'

There was no reason to get high grades at the academy. I just needed to keep my grades high enough to avoid being expelled and to keep living here.

... It's true.

It's not just mental justification, but a true victory!

"I just need to keep avoiding failing by a margin," I muttered to myself.

Just then, a student looked in my direction. And then.

"Lu-Lucas?" he stammered, clearly flustered.

"What? Lucas?"

"D-Did he hear us talking?"

The students, who had been giggling moments earlier, turned to look at me with surprised expressions.

I just stared at them in silence.


With their faces stiffening, they quickly turned their gazes away and ran off.

"Huh, what was that? Lame."


"Alright, I'm hungry. Let's go grab something to eat."