
The Third Princess Overturns The World

From the 21st century she transmigrated into an ancient era unknown to history, where everything defies her common sense. In her previous life she always wanted to travel around the world but she can't even go outside the house and could only look at the vast blue sky through her window with deep longing. She was driven by her curiosity and thirst for knowledge until her last moment. Before dying she has one last wish, to see the outside world. After reincarnating, her goal was to travel around the world, however she unknowingly get caught up in a myriad of conspiracies which push her to grow stronger and stronger.

Ka_hidlaw · Fantasy
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337 Chs

CHAPTER 304: ming clan (3)

After thinking it through yu yue decided to ask.

"alright, please tell me second uncle" yu yue smiled cleverly.

"no hurry, though I'm telling you, you might wish that you didn't ask of it" he eyed her playfully, he doesn't look like he was serious nor was he joking.

"it doesn't matter; I can deal with it" she gives it some thought but she still persisted. She already knows it's nothing simple, if so why would they try to keep it unknown to her.

"you might not know but your decisions don't always mean that you're the one to suffer the consequences, sometimes those who suffer are those whose closer to you."  He smiled at her meaningfully.

"what do you mean by that second uncle?" yu yue frowned, she could feel that he was testing her.

"apparently, your mother was trying all means to keep you and your sisters away from this place. I could tell she was furious and disappointed by your elder sisters. If I'm not wrong they must have received instructions from her and if I'm right, that's to delay you from coming here that's why she allow you to go to experience learning alone. If her plan works she would succeed, but she miscalculated. Your sisters were just as stubborn as your father" he spoke unhurriedly.

Yu yue frowned after giving it some thought as she looks at him. She already guessed as much but she just didn't get it. "uncle please be clear, what do you mean by decisions and consequences?"

"well, why do you think she summoned your sisters just now? I guess you won't be able to see them for months since tomorrow." He sighs as he looks at her, making yu yue even more confused.

Before she could ask more a somber voice sounded as patriarch ming jian strode forward and also take a seat.

"why do you think we are hiding in the dragon plains?" he asked without looking at her.

"it's because of the liu clan and the sky dragon empire" yu yue answered truthfully.

"do you really think the empire could drive us to this degree? Let alone a mere liu clan" patriarch ming jian snorted disdainfully.

Seeing her lost expression ming lang ji sighed as he explained for her.

"your mother was blaming herself because some powerful people were after her and they chase until here, she was carrying the guilt all these years. Your first sister is also carrying the same guilt; she believes it was her fault for offending the the liu clan and the royal family."

"your mother used to have a hard life and doesn't wish to involved her children in this mess, she doesn't want to see the children dying right before her eyes. So do we, that's why we didn't object to build a foundation in the lower realm to keep you and the younger generations there. You are all our hope and our future." Yu yue listened carefully and she was finally able to understand a thing or two.

"so mother was just trying to keep us safe, she must be worried that we came here at this time. Seeing that you're all living well here, what they told my sisters that you're all in trouble must be a lie. If I'm not wrong, they must have rush here to settle the matter while we are still growing but she didn't expect us to improve faster than she anticipated." She added according to her deductions.