
The Third Princess Overturns The World

From the 21st century she transmigrated into an ancient era unknown to history, where everything defies her common sense. In her previous life she always wanted to travel around the world but she can't even go outside the house and could only look at the vast blue sky through her window with deep longing. She was driven by her curiosity and thirst for knowledge until her last moment. Before dying she has one last wish, to see the outside world. After reincarnating, her goal was to travel around the world, however she unknowingly get caught up in a myriad of conspiracies which push her to grow stronger and stronger.

Ka_hidlaw · Fantasy
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337 Chs

CHAPTER 296: twenty years ago (1)

After being quite for a long while she finally decided to believed him on the account that he saves her life. Besides he did swear not to harm her as well

"oh, you also can't tell what spirit beast it is? I also don't have any idea; I usually keep him hidden because he's too eye catching" she smiled awkwardly but she still holds on to her weapon. Not daring to let her guard down.

"it's just a spirit beast, let's take some spirit blood's fruit first" he smiled as he leaps towards the tree, before he could land though an angry elephant roar was heard.

They then saw a huge blue elephant charging straight against butler white whose buttocks were swaying in excitement.

When it heard the roars he waves his paw smugly and the giant blue elephant disappeared.

"w-what just happened?" sheng shi jie was stunned, he didn't expect such little thing to possessed such strength.

"don't worry about it" she said lightly as she directly picks the smug butler white and pinched his buttocks angrily.

'why are you being troublesome? We don't even know this guy' she scolded as she pinched the aggrieved butler white harder.

"bohoho-" it wailed painfully and stared at her pitifully. 'he won't do anything to you, you can trust him' he sniveled and told her vaguely.

'how sure can you be?' she gritted her teeth, she didn't doubt his words though. He surely won't cause her trouble openly.

'because I know that guy' he quibbled and face her with his buttocks, he wasn't happy about being pinch so he waves his paws again and the giant red tree disappeared from sight and his figure also disappeared after giving sheng shi jie a snort.

Even after their third reincarnation this two are still idiots, he thought after leaving.

"…" sheng shi jie and yu yue stood there awkwardly.

"oh, you also have a spatial realm?" sheng shi jie muttered not surprised anymore.

"y-you also have one?" yu yue was stunned. The word 'also' struck her brain numb, her heart even palpitates.

"yeah" he smiled as he shows her a green jade ring "here" he muttered with a light laugh.

"oh, r-right" yu yue stuttered feeling guilty for suspecting him. "h-how about the spirit blood tree?" she looks away from his face and asked in a soft voice.

"you can have it all, take it as my token of our relationship" he grinned with a wink as he flew away, yu yue was stunned before her face change filled with anger and chase after him. She really wants to beat that guy once and for all.

"what relationship? would you die if you won't say nonsense like that" she roared angrily.

Sheng shi jie curled his lips as he enjoyed being chased by her.

They were bantering again as they made their way back to the airship. They were gone for half a month already; they need to go back as soon as possible.

On the other side xiao xiao and tian wuxian have flushed faces as they stared at each other in the midst of a flower field.

A suspicious mist parted before their faces ambiguously.

They teamed up together and ended up in this place, before they noticed it their bodies were full of odd sensations.