
The Third Prince

A man dies tragically but discovers he's been reincarnated in a fantasy world resembling the novels and mangas he read on Earth. Resigned to live a quiet life, he adapts quickly to his new surroundings, but his plans are disrupted when he realized he reincarnated as a prince. As royalty, he's unable to live the peaceful life he desires. Will the man be able to overcome the constraints of his position or be forever bound by his title? *The Protagonist just do whatever he wants if he feels like it but he's not perfect. Sometimes good sometimes bad.* *MC will not hesitate to resort to violence if someone dare to mess with his 'peaceful life'* *This story has plenty of Time Skips* *This Novel is made by an idiot*

Bankets · Fantasy
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31 Chs

What Kind of Mana User Am I?

The following morning.

The first thing that came to his mind when he woke up was, 'Man, what a great sleep that was.'

Indeed, after spending the previous day with his eyes wide opened, having this kind of quality sleep is the best feeling anyone could have.

It's the reason he felt great early this morning.

Voltaire already have a plan for today, and dealing with the most simple and stinky are his main priority.

His diaper.

Somehow, due to his excitement, he prevented himself from pooping yesterday, beating his natural newborn instinct for the first time.

Even though he suffered the consequences last night.

Or maybe the reason he had such quality sleep is because his body finally released the great calamity while he was asleep.

In any case, a bath and a new diaper holds the utmost importance right now.

'It's time to use my special technique specially for this circumstances.'

What kind of technique it is?

Of course, it's his crybaby technique.

Voltaire proudly mastered this technique so well that even the person closest to him, Mathilda, couldn't distinguish if he was crying for real or just showing crocodile tears.

At this point, he doesn't even care anymore if he looks shameless as long as he can survive this period he usually called 'The Infant Era'.

Voltaire started to cry his lungs out. This outburst reverberate throughout the castle.

His personal maid, Julia, is the first one to arrived.

The moment she entered the room, she quickly grasped what the problem was by simply inhaling the air inside the room.

She quickly called the other maids for assistance and sprang into action.

'Ah, that felt good.'

Voltaire exclaimed inwardly refreshed after a bath and a new diaper.

The next plan is to fill his stomach.

Which is not a problem at all as the reliable Julia already had a bottle of warm milk in her hand.

After she handed it to her young lord, all she needed to do is to keep an eye on him until he needs something again.

As for Voltaire, he just had to drink his milk and proceed to the next plan.

Which is the thing he wanted to do the most.

He wants to do it as much as possible, but he was drained and prioritized his sleep instead.

However, that is not the case this time.

Chugging down his milk to the last drop, he changed his focus on himself.

'Should I start exploring my mana?'

He asked to himself.

However, he's reluctant to do it while Julia is around because of two reasons.

First, other than concealing his mana yesterday, he still doesn't have an ounce of control over his mana or what kind of user he is. So things might get dangerous, and having Julia around is definitely a no-go.

The second reason is not really much of a problem but rather a weigh on his mind.

Voltaire just want to make sure Julia can't see mana, because if she can, it might cause him some problems.

And the solution he came up with is simple.

Voltaire will release and then conceal his mana in succession.

If Julia reacted differently it simply means she can see mana, but if she doesn't, then problem number two is not a problem anymore.

However, this is no menial task, especially for someone who was a manaless person just the other day.

Having said that, Voltaire couldn't think of other options, so he needs to do it no matter how difficult it might seem.

His purple mana started to venture out from his body and started to flow midair.

But before his mana can covered the whole room, he inhale and started to conceal it again using the same manga technique he uses before.

His body absorbed all the mana like a vacuum cleaner does.


Voltaire groaned.

Even though he did it quickly and it might seem effortless, his body is saying otherwise.

This blistering effort of releasing and concealing his mana definitely took a hit in his body as he now dripping in sweat.

Of course, Julia, who was sitting nearby while reading a book noticed this and wipe his sweat with a handkerchief and went back to her business.

'It seems that she couldn't see manas'

Voltaire catches his breath before continuing.

'Now then, what kind of method should I use to find out if I'm a ranger or a support? Though, it would be much better if I can become a ranger because I like the sound of it.'

All he has to do is to inflict a wound on himself and if it heals it means he's a support if not, then a ranger.

But how could he possibly hurt himself when he can't even crawl yet?

Is the problem standing in his way.

While he's deep in thought brainstorming ideas how to deal with his problem...


The door of his room made an aggressive sound as someone opened it with force.

Julia was startled by this causing her to dropped the book she held in her hand.

Albeit, she regained her composure right away after seeing the person who caused this, picked up her book, and went back to reading.

As for Voltaire, not much of a reaction.

Well, thanks to his amplified senses, he already heard the footsteps before the person could even opened the room and expected it was 'him'.

The quick and light footsteps obviously come from Lance.

Even knowing that fact, he simply ignored him, as his focus was entirely on his own dilemma.

But now that his loudmouthed brother is here, he was lost in thought, and his mind begins to wander aimlessly.

At this rate, he wouldn't be able to get his concentration back if he didn't relax.

Voltaire might be thankful to Lance for telling interesting stories but sometimes it also annoys him especially this morning when he already had a planned.

He wants to tell him to stop doing it everyday.

However, there's nothing he could do at his current state.

'Sighed... I should listen to him or else... I might waste the whole morning with him blabbering nonstop'

That's right, after talking to his younger brother, Lance developed a strange ability—An ability to somehow identify when Voltaire is actually listening to him or just playing pretend.

If Voltaire pretended he was listening, then Lance would continue to speak longer than usual, sometimes even repeating his own stories twice as if he were mocking Voltaire.

The only way to escape is to have someone interrupts Lance.

And if Voltaire showed a genuine reaction to his stories, Lance would still share them, but at least the time he would spend listening to him would be a lot shorter.

"Volt...! I have a story about Luke!!!"

'That brat?'

Lance stopped momentarily and stare a hole at his younger brother face as if he was examining him.

'What...? He's doing it again isn't he?'

After confirming he got his little brother's honest attention, Lance continues.

"Luke became a girl last night! I can't forget about her embarrassed face."

'What?! How?!

"See...? You're face is telling you're curious aren't you?"

'Yeah, I'm curious.'

"They said all rangers were girls since ancient times, that means Luke became a girl the moment she was recognized as a ranger yesterday. Hahahahaha."

'...I don't quite get it. Being a ranger will make someone a female?'

Of course, it doesn't make sense.

All things considered, no one said Luke is a girl, it was all Lance interpretation.

Although his name will remained in history books for next generation to come as being the first male who became a ranger same for his sister, Leisha.

"...Hmmm, why are you in a daze? You don't understand? Then... Leisha, too, turned into a boy as he was now a swordsman!"

'What are you talking about, you little twerp!'

Voltaire screamed inwardly in exasperation as he didn't able to comprehend what Lance is saying.

"Master Lance, do you mind if I explained it in your stead?"

Julia, who had been minding her own business until now, suggested to Lance.

"Yeah, go ahead."

Julia placed a bookmark on the page she was reading before shutting the book, and change his direction to Voltaire's.

"What Master Lance meant to say is that males and females have different roles to play against the monsters. Normally, swordsmen are for boys like young master Lance and Rangers are for girls. Base on my knowledge, it's the first time in history that a boy was recognized as a ranger. Young master Luke and young lady Leisha seems to exchange roles."

"That's right! Father said that Leisha and Luke became history! On another note, I don't understand why Leisha isn't disturbed by that fact."

'You mean HER?'

"Well, the young lady inherited her highness' unmatched composure, so I don't think she's feeling bothered by it. As for young master Luke, I have an idea why he might seem frustrated."

'Oh, Julia and I might have the same idea. Even though, I wish I saw the daddy's boy embarrassed face.'

Anyway, Voltaire changed his mind about being a ranger.

His reason?

Just imagining Lance calling him a girl, she, or her with a smug look on his face is enough to make him refuse the cool-sounding name that is the Ranger.

'Now that I think about it, I have at least an idea on what a support might be, but doesn't have information about rangers. That's why I really want to become a support, hurray for supports!'

"By the way, today is the start of our training. Do you want to come?!"*

Lance asked. Voltaire show an uninterested stare in response.

"Okay, then. See you later!"

Lance left the room like a hurricane.

"He's always energetic isn't he, young master?"

Julia asked thinking her young master would miss Lance.

'It is unusual for him to spent short amount of time here, but at the very least, I reclaimed my precious time'

Upon seeing her young master's satisfied smile and proclaimed that there's no problem with his mood whatsoever, she proceeds to go back from reading.

'Now that he's gone, I can finally move forward with my mana exploration.'